Mitchell County Georgia Obituaries Ammie Julian Pritchard 2002 ****************************************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ****************************************************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Sam Luckey Oct 2002 Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: Obituary of Ammie Julian Pritchard as written in "The Albany Herald" dated 26 Feb 2002. Albany, Georgia. ALBANY---The funeral service of Ammie Julian (A.J.) Pritchard, 88, of 2936 S. County Line Road, Albany, who died Sunday, February 24, 2002, at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, will be held Wednesday at 3 p.m. at Mathews Funeral Home. The Rev. Charles Daniel will officiate. Entombment will follow at Crown Hill Cemetery. A native of Grady County, Mr. Pritchard had lived in Albany since 1954, moving here from Pelham, Ga. He was a farmer and was a World War II Army veteran. He was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include a number of nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends from 7 p.m.- 9 p.m. today at Mathews Funeral Home. Mathews Funeral Home Albany 229/435-5657.