Mitchell County Georgia Obituaries Angeline Brewer Davis Luckey 1917 ****************************************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ****************************************************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Sam Luckey Oct 2002 Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: Obituary of Angeline Brewer Davis Luckey as written in "The Camilla Enterprise" dated 14 Sep 1917. Camilla, Georgia. Mrs. Angeline Lucky, an aged and greatly beloved lady and long a resident of Mitchell County, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Shiver, in the Live Oak community on Wednesday night of last week at 10 o'clock. The death of Mrs. Lucky caused deep sorrow among her wide connection of relatives and many friends who had so long been associated with her. Funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o"clock at the home of Mrs. Shiver, interment being made at Oakview Cemetery. Rev. H. N. Burnett conducted the services. The large concourse of people present attested to the love and deep esteem in which the deceased was held by all who knew her. Mrs. Lucky was 76 years old at the time of her death. She had made her home with her grandson, Mr. Perry Shiver, three miles east of Camilla, and was on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Shiver at the time of her fatal illness and death. She was born in Dale County, Alabama and moved to this state in early childhood. Mrs. Lucky was twice married, her first husband being . L H. Shiver, after whose death she was married the second time to Mr. Seaborn Lucky, who also preceded her to the grave several years ago. The deceased was a faithful member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church and was a woman of genuine Christian character, her faith being put to the test in the long years of her Christian experience. Mrs. Lucky is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Shiver; one brother, Mr. G. W. Davis, living in the northern part of the county, and one sister, Mrs. N. Atkinson, also of this county, beside a large number of grand children and other near relatives who mourn her loss. The Enterprise joins the many relatives and friends in extending the hand of sympathy to the bereaved family of this good woman.