Mitchell County Georgia Obituaries Elizabeth Howell Palmer 1904 ****************************************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ****************************************************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Sam Luckey Oct 2002 Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: Obituary of Elizabeth Howell Palmer as written in "The Camilla Enterprise" dated 6 May 1904. Camilla, Georgia. IN MEMORY OF AUNT BETSY PALMER: In God's own good pleasure and fullness of time, he has called from earth's dwelling place and from our community one of its oldest and most highly respected mothers in Israel in the person of Aunt Betsy Palmer. Aunt Betsy was born on 27 May 1818 and died 27 Dec 1903, being 85 years, 7 months and some days old. Sister Palmer united with the Missionary Baptist Church in the year of 1848 and was a consistent member of Mt. Zion Church at the time of her death. Aunt Betsy was submissive to her master's will in all her sufferings in life and was ready to say, "Thy will be done and not mine," and before the end came she was waiting in the faith in silent suffering in her home to receive the master's call to a heavenly home, where she expressed a hope of being crowned with a crown of righteousness that fadeth not away. Aunt Betsy was Christianly devoted to her family and children and lived a life worth of our imitation. Therefore be it resolved 1st, That in the death of Sister Palmer, Mt. Zion Church has sustained a great loss, the community an aged mother, Resolved 2nd, That the Church sympathizes with the bereaved children and friends and send them to Him who doth all things well for peace and consolation. Resolved 3rd, That a copy of the resolutions be spread on our Church book, a copy sent to the home of the deceased and a copy to the Pelham Journal and Camilla Enterprise for publication: Mrs. Jennie Thomas--S. O. Thomas; Mrs. Eula Ott--- ----------A. G. Ott; Mrs. Evaline High-----J. G. High.