Mitchell County GaArchives Marriages.....1900 to 1932 Marriages by Bride Surnames I - Z ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Buddy Brinkley October 26, 2006 1900 to 1932 Marriages by Bride Surnames I - Z Bride Groom Date -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inman, Myrtle DuPree, Harry N. 2/12/1931 Ivey, Genie Ruby Burson, George A. 10/23/1907 Ivey, Madge L. Davis, Ivey C. 7/31/1915 Ivey, Mattie Bradley, William M. 11/8/1910 Jackson, Elizabeth Akridge, H. L. 10/15/1919 Jackson, Gwendolyn Cochran, William B. 3/24/1925 Jackson, Hilda Forhand, D. C. 6/30/1925 Jackson, Lena Rivers Dean, J. E. 12/21/1904 Jackson, Mildred Cole, John R. 3/29/1929 Jackson, Myrtice Carpenter, Powell 7/6/1929 Jackson, Myrwin Long, Telfair 7/6/1929 Jackson, Pattie Pinson, John R. 6/15/1926 Jackson, Rosalie Johnstone, J. C. 1/12/1915 Jackson, Sarah Brock, J. G. 10/18/1932 James, Martha Acree, Emmett 11/4/1924 James, Sabrella Clements, J. R. 12/14/1903 James, Virginia Blanchard, A. W. 10/1/1919 Jarrell, Jennie West, J. B. 3/21/1909 Jenkins, Annie E. Garrett, Ernest 3/9/1924 Jenkins, Rosa Luckey, W. H. 12/4/1901 Johns, Ruby Capps, Cecil 9/20/1930 Johns, Ruby Lee Gantt, Adolphius 5/19/1932 Johnson, Bessie May, George D. 12/11/1920 Johnson, Helen Butler, Emory 11/28/1914 Johnson, Jessie Adkins, J. L. 12/30/1926 Johnson, Lois Hall, William N. 12/25/1928 Johnson, Lois Sloan, Jesse R. 6/7/1918 Johnson, Maggie Stephens, Arthur 10/11/1903 Johnson, Sallie Lou Parrott, C. A. 6/2/1928 Johnson, Vera Wyatt, Herman 12/24/1929 Joiner, Allie Flowers, J. L. 11/28/1909 Joiner, Eleanor Sammons, C. E. 6/14/1928 Joiner, Ethel Lee Rowan, G. W. 8/17/1929 Joiner, Hazel Taylor, L. E. 10/7/1931 Joiner, Ida Mae Dekle, Thomas L. 6/17/1906 Joiner, Jewel Highnote, Charles L. 12/13/1931 Joiner, Jewel Lawson, Earnest 6/22/1922 Joiner, Johnie Miller, J. H. 11/2/1913 Joiner, Johnie Gee Lastinger, Ambrose 2/12/1927 Joiner, Julia Davis, Furman W. 5/1/1910 Joiner, Katie Lou Parker, John G. 5/20/1906 Joiner, Ruth Moore, R. B. 5/26/1929 Joiner, Wilma Cannon, Julian E. 11/29/1932 Joines, Annie May Barrentine, John C. 7/5/1921 Jones, Ada Newsome, B. R. 12/4/1904 Jones, Eska Marchant, I. A. 10/29/1913 Jones, Eva Joiner, C. L. 6/30/1927 Jones, Julia Taylor, M. C. 7/27/1901 Jones, Laura Glenn, J. K. 1/16/1904 Jones, Maggie Anderson, B. H. 2/4/1923 Jones, Oral Luke, George 7/16/1916 Jones, Priscilla Ruth Knight, James G. 7/9/1919 Jones, Sara Hinson, J. C. 1/28/1926 Jones, Vada Muggridge, R. G. 12/1/1920 Jordan, Jewel Maloy, N. C. 2/10/1918 Kahn, Doris Abrams, Philip 5/29/1923 Keaton, Mabel Crasson, Orin 6/6/1928 Kelly, Lois Riddle, Frank 5/1/1926 Kelly, Maggie Drew Lawrence, W. G. 3/8/1908 Kelly, Mary Grace Owens, Herbert M. 7/31/1923 Kelly, Nora Akridge, C. D. 11/26/1916 Kelly, Susie Beasley, J. A. 10/10/1931 Kemp, Hallie Hilliard, W. O. 1/31/1919 Kemp, Hallie Ragan, A. T. 2/2/1911 Kemp, Jessie Lou Cochran, J. N. 6/18/1901 Kemp, Mary Blanton, J. J. 12/22/1907 Kemp, Mattie Lou Mr. Sharp 1/17/1914 Kemp, Susie Kendrick, J. B. 12/20/1911 Kennedy, Lillie Mansfied, M. M. 1/1/1931 Kennedy, Mary Whitcomb, G. G. 4/14/1927 Kennedy, Stella Taylor, Omar V. 4/10/1924 Kennedy, Susan Robertson, Alford 8/15/1926 Kenney, Myrtle Cochran, Mark 12/14/1916 Kierce, Alice Hudson, Homer 9/27/1903 Kierce, Annie L. Creech, Noah 8/25/1901 King, Carlyle Akridge, J. F. 2/29/1920 Kirbo, Kate Henslee, Major 12/8/1907 Kirbo, Nannie Sue Strickland, Hunter 12/19/1930 Knighton, Mrs. Autrey Gore, J. M. 7/29/1919 Kolbie, Francis Shealey, Monroe 8/5/1927 Laden, Vesta Turner, Will 9/29/1901 Lanier, Bertie Baisden, E. D. 6/16/1904 Lanier, Lucile Story, J. W. 6/26/1921 Lashley, Mary Sapp, J. D. 6/23/1921 Lashley, Mattie Pollock, David 5/3/1912 Lasseter, Russell Cleveland, Paul 6/2/1910 Lasseter, Ruth Wilson Miller, J. R. 3/17/1912 Lastinger, Vetaulia Preston, Thomas D. 9/16/1928 Lavar, Sarah Latvare, Thomas D. 6/15/1931 Law, Verna Steed, Henry S. 11/26/1925 Lawhorn, Sallie Frazier, R. C. 12/15/1912 Lawrence, Lillie May Stevens, W. M. 12/20/1905 Layton, Effie Kelly, Walter 12/31/1922 Layton, Gertrude Mulford, Cuthbert 2/6/1921 Layton, Jessie Owens, James W. 12/14/1921 Layton, Leona Roland, Gus 1/3/1907 Layton, Pearl Davidson, J. E. 6/9/1912 Lee, Effie Brown, Reuben 4/4/1926 Lee, Eula Frank Watts, Walter Angus 12/7/1921 Legg, Gladys Underwood, Edwin 5/26/1914 Lewis, Lillie Mayo, J. M. Jr. 11/30/1927 Lewis, Mary Emma McElvey, H. L. 4/9/1922 Lewis, Pearl Powell, Davis 4/2/1921 Lewis, Una Leone Joiner, Charles W. 8/6/1927 Liddon, Evelyn Bailey, P. E. 6/10/1914 Long, Ethel Jones, W. H. 4/7/1912 Lord, Martha Inez Carpenter, George S. 10/6/1920 Lovingood, Della Shiver, H. A. 2/23/1921 Lowrey, Janie May Fitzgerald, G. H. 7/23/1913 Luckey, Eula Evans, W. L. 1/31/1912 Luckey, Inez Loomis, I. Van 7/18/1932 Luckey, Irene Hudgins, Jesse 10/5/1919 Luckey, Leolye Flynn, Perry W. 12/23/1928 Luckey, Winnie L. Shiver, Albert 4/25/1909 Lynn, Louise Agier, James R. 12/25/1920 Majors, LeVerne Bolton, Foster H. 10/5/1925 Maloy, Bertha Pollock, Harmon 10/2/1910 Maloy, Erma Joiner, T. W. 2/21/1920 Manry, India Bullard, W. W. 3/5/1916 Manry, Laura Bullard, Felix 1/30/1917 Mansfield, Carrie Belle Harris, C. W. 6/18/1922 Mansfield, Essie Wamble, E. J. 5/1/1904 Mansfield, Pauline Rackley, E. E. 5/13/1911 Mansfield, Susie Clyde Mock, M. B. 12/26/1909 Maples, Annie Akridge, Jas. E. 7/22/1904 Maples, Bamma Culpepper, H. D. 1/14/1904 Maples, Hettie L. Barfield, E. A. 1/13/1907 Maples, Inez Cook, John C. 1/3/1915 Maples, Willie Mae Couch, Theodore 12/25/1931 Marchand, Clara Holton, Simpson 11/10/1909 Marchant, Henrietta Pollock, Robert 12/24/1903 Marshall, Audrey King, J. L. 2/14/1923 Marshall, Danie Key Perry, Frank 4/21/1928 Marshall, Elnora Moore, William M. Jr. 6/9/1928 Marshall, Mattie Rigsby, Wiley 4/1/1906 Martin, Addie Lee Collins, G. D. 11/16/1904 Martin, Annie J. Hurst, O. L. 3/19/1926 Martin, Bessie West, David 11/16/1911 Martin, Clyde Wingate, R. E. L. 6/20/1923 Martin, Emmie Irene Taylor, Louie Fred 8/28/1928 Martin, Ethel Miller, J. W. 10/13/1907 Martin, Pearl Leone Lee, J. R. 9/14/1911 Martin, Rosa Hayes, L. E. 6/9/1929 Martin, Ruby Cox, Cader B. 12/23/1906 Martin, Ruby Hurst, S. F. 5/26/1926 Martin, Vera Collins, Bill 11/24/1919 Maurice, Ruby Smith, J. Dan 7/5/1919 Maxwell, Angie Nesmith, Roy 5/12/1921 Maxwell, Elizabeth Best, H. H. 12/24/1919 Maxwell, Grace Womble, Royal O. 4/19/1926 Maxwell, Gussie Louise Christopher, Marvin 12/28/1911 Mayo, Ella May Lacy, Eugene 7/6/1914 McCall, Katie Cochran, Guy 6/25/1916 McCartney, Edna Butler, J. W. 5/27/1902 McCarty, Mrs. Hattie Sapp White, Roscoe 9/11/1926 McCaskell, Lois Cook, John 4/25/1926 McClain, Floy Thigpen, Grover 4/19/1910 McClain, Mary Clara Bowen, Charles A. 3/15/1906 McClelland, Hazel Clowers, James M. 12/25/1925 McCormick, Eva Sapp, J. C. 11/28/1915 McCormick, Leila Scott, Walter 12/13/1911 McCoy, Rachel Moore, Cato L. 1/5/1903 McDaniel, Alma Finklea, C. C. 12-06—1910 McDaniel, Mary Ella Jackson, G. P. 1/21/1903 McDaniel, Willene Jackson, G. P. 12/26/1918 McDonald, Katherine Neel, Ralph H. 2/27/1924 McDonald, Marie Barrow, F. C. 9/17/1911 McDonald, Pearl Inman, S. B. 7/10/1917 McElvain, Mittie Eugenia Thomas, G. W. 11-15-19004 McElvey, Blanch Swindle, Orson 9/5/1915 McElvey, Gladys E. Ward, Earnest H. 12/30/1923 McElvey, Texas Smith, W. H. 4/30/1904 McGowan, Josephine Cochran, Roy H. 7/20/1906 McKerley, Minnnie Lee Brannan, F. H. 2/14/1912 McLendon, Henrietta Presler, T R. 12/20/1902 McLeod, Dora Jones, Jessie 10/11/1903 Mcmath, Susie Hayes, J. M. 12/9/1903 McNair, Jane Elizabeth Ledbetter, J. D. 2/23/1916 McNair, Laura Emma Brown, F. A. 3/8/1921 McNair, Lou Heath Floyd, S. H. 12/24/1912 McRea, Maud L. Evans, W. N. 6/10/1907 McRee, Sarah Fry, W. B. 11/15/1930 Meigs, Pearl Sweat, G. W. 10/18/1903 Mercer, Eula E. West, W. E. 5/27/1923 Mercer, Katie May Shirah, George W. Jr. 8/3/1919 Merritt, Lillie May Burtz, R. C. 12/11/1921 Merritt, Mittie Buchanan, Neal 6/27/1923 Merritt, Virginia Lester, James G. Jr. 4/17/1920 Merritt, Winnie Manry, B. F. 8/31/1916 Methvin, Louise Watt, Charles, Jr. 6/24/1912 Middleton, Emily Cherry, John 9/19/1930 Middleton, Grace Eubanks, Marcus 6/17/1920 Miler, Willie Clara Akridge, Velpore 6/25/1909 Miles, Anna Williford, Cuthbert 9/10/1910 Miller, Juanita King, Dan 5/26/1926 Miller, Leola Kendrick, William C. 11/20/1920 Miller, Lizzie Curles, J. T. 1/29/1918 Miller, Lizzie Hamilton, Donald 11/10/1901 Miller, Ruth Lewis, O. L. 3/5/1927 Mills, Ruby Ward, J. T. 6/18/1922 Milton, Lucy Lee Everett, Ambrose 10/24/1927 Mimms, Alberta Coker, Robert 4/24/1901 Mize, Ruby Moore, Wallace L. 12/27/1909 Mize, Ruby Pritchett, C. R. 10/12/1913 Mock, Annie Lois Cross, J. R. 11/23/1904 Mock, Callie Gammage, C. D. 6/30/1909 Mock, Margaret Eubanks, Armand 12/18/1910 Mock, Rachel May Cross, C. B. 12/18/1904 Mock, Reba Lucile Bailey, Joseph George 6/11/1913 Mock, Trudie Faircloth, Albert 12/24/1915 Mock, Zenia Akridge, Warren G. 2/12/1905 Mock, Zudie Andrews, Z. D. 7/10/1917 Moody, Clara Bennett, A. R. 6/30/1918 Moody, Elizabeth Underwood, W. C. Jul-14 Moore, Ernie Lee Carter, J. O. 6/27/1932 Moore, Inez Parker, Gandy 10/9/1921 Moore, Lillian Green Clarence D. 12/25/1929 Moore, Mary Branch, Thomas P. 6/1/1925 Morgan, Bettie May Cranford, Homer C. 9/3/1921 Morgan, Beulah Morris, Charles W. 1/27/1921 Morgan, Middie Sue Singletary, Roscoe 9/25/1921 Morgan, Sallie Wooten, J. P. 7/14/1932 Morgan, Vela Joines, F. E. 4/18/1923 Mulford, Bertha Lewis, E. D. 9/27/1903 Mulford, Bessie May Sullivan, William J. 12/16/1916 Mulford, Ella Shiver, Nelson 7/7/1904 Mulford, Maggie Hayes, A. J. 1/17/1904 Mulford, Maidee Hayes, N. E. 12/6/1916 Mulford, Mattie Sharp, D. R. 5/18/1920 Mullins, Essie Jackson, T. S. 6/5/1901 Musgrove, Ethel Wingate, R. K. 10/18/1925 Musgrove, Hilda Strickland, J. L. 1/16/1932 Musgrove, Mollie Moye , J. D. 1/30/1901 Musselwhite, Della Yeomans, Lafayette 2/27/1910 Nelms, Alphia Alderman, Enoch 12/27/1926 Nelms, Belle Gunnels, M. H. 1/17/1904 Nelms, Ella Stancil, R. A. 2/8/1914 Nelms, Emma Carr, F. T. 1/18/1911 Nesmith, Allie Burgess, Thomas L. 12/15/1923 Nesmith, Elma Lee Taylor, George O. 5/27/1923 Nesmith, Mamie Stewart, Lorenzo 8/10/1919 Nesmith, Valda Crosson, E. P. 5/27/1928 Newsome, Lillie E. Slocum, George D. 7/1/1909 Newsome, Ola Buntin, J. B. 6/29/1919 Nix, Belle Goff, L. R. 9/28/1919 Nix, Cecil Rhodes, Oscar A. 6/1/1926 Nix, Sarah Julia Little, Alger L. 3/15/1923 Norton, Gladys Beck, Joe 8/15/1931 Norton, Mildred Moore, J. F. 11/4/1928 Norton, Sadie Palmer, Ambrose 12/3/1911 O’Neal, Lucile Hood, T. J. 12/26/1925 Odom, Ida Ruth Joiner, Ben Hill 9/28/1927 Orovitz, Esther Blumberg, Myer 2/7/1923 Osteen, Annie Ruth Bullard, Wilmer H. 12/20/1925 Osteen, Laura Shiver, Dumas 8/12/1923 Osteen, Thelma Shiver, R. S. 11/11/1928 Osteen, Zella Mae Wages, Marvin E. 1/16/1930 Ott, Eta Palmer, David 1/4/1917 Ott, Pearl A. W. Whaley 1/4/1923 Ott, Ruby Chason, Emory Lee 2/6/1921 Owen, Alice May Howell, Alvin 9/3/1918 Owen, Ida Simpson, J. W. 9/17/1916 Pafford, Ethleen Metz, Alvin C. 5/4/1924 Palmer, Alice Powell, B. I. 9/11/1901 Palmer, Annie Whigham, J. R. 4/18/1931 Palmer, Bertha Burnett, J. P. 6/15/1914 Palmer, Bettie Rackley, V. E. 12/13/1903 Palmer, Chan Powell, Albert 2/17/1916 Palmer, Clifford Osteen, Dr. A. J. 11/2/1929 Palmer, Clyde Dewitt, Walden C. 12/23/1922 Palmer, Emma Jones, Frank 7/16/1911 Palmer, Fannie Eubanks, R. J. 12/9/1909 Palmer, Flossie Alligood, Clarence 8/5/1923 Palmer, Helen Bennett, A. I. 12/30/1923 Palmer, Iola Williams, B. C. 12/17/1904 Palmer, Irene Maples, Burrell 1/13/1909 Palmer, Johnnie May Faircloth, Hoggard 4/12/1917 Palmer, Julia Clark, Julius 12/25/1918 Palmer, Julia Prevatt, J. O. 11/5/1910 Palmer, Leona Hurst, Carl 2/28/1921 Palmer, Levina Davis, O. L. 7/10/1919 Palmer, Lucy Harrell, E. K. 5/7/1926 Palmer, Martha Barker, Robert Fort 6/15/1922 Palmer, Mary Eubanks, J. L. 8/17/1910 Palmer, Mary V. Marchant, John 9/4/1927 Palmer, Mattie Jones, Oscar 3/12/1905 Palmer, Mittie Lee Burson, Grover C. 6/7/1911 Palmer, Nannie Flake Adams, W. C. 7/6/1909 Palmer, Nora Akridge, Charles 1/1/1905 Palmer, Pansy Archibald, B. M. 9/8/1926 Palmer, Ruth Hayes, Henry T. 11/28/1923 Palmer, Wreath Johnson, A. L. 9/12/1931 Parker, Bessie Campbell, W. H. 6/12/1923 Parker, Bessie May King, C. J. 2/23/1921 Parker, Estelle Taylor, Robert 12/25/1921 Parker, Hattie Chapman, R. E. 3/1/1925 Parker, Leola Maples, J. N. 3/24/1912 Parker, Ruby Jones, Austin 7/25/1914 Parks, Irene Hobbs, Asa 2/28/1932 Patterson, Ida May Davidson, W. B. 11/23/1921 Paul, Azilee Wilson, T. Marvin 1/3/1905 Payne, Opal Cheeves, Dan 12/12/1922 Peabody, Rachel Ross, J. R. 4/1/1926 Perdue, Mary Underwood, M. B. 2/7/1906 Perry, Anna Belle Joines, J. P. 11/26/1912 Perry, Ethel Louise Pope, Robert L. 2/9/1910 Perry, Evelyn Twitty, T. B. Jr. 6/10/1926 Perry, Hilda Jones, Thomas W. 11/4/1916 Perry, Irene Underwood, S. J. 12/24/1918 Perry, Nancy Susan Groover, George T. 7/12/1921 Perry, Rosa Lee Norton, C. T. 7/3/1906 Phelps, Aline Eubanks, Ivey 11/26/1905 Philips, Essie Jones, Groover 5/16/1914 Philips, Ethel Norris, Edward 10/3/1925 Philips, Minnie Pullen, A. P. 7/18/1902 Philips, Novelia Sasser, T. J. 1/16/1921 Pickett, Mattie Maud Hardeman, Thomas 10/21/1922 Pickron, Norma Lott, C. G. 11/20/1907 Pinson, Annie Will Massey, Ira H. 1/3/1922 Pinson, Beulah Reason, Owen P. 11/15/1911 Pinson, Madeline Peters, J. S. 9/10/1931 Pitts, Bennie Vera Walden, Grover C. 7/7/1912 Pitts, Icie Green, W. L. 12/17/1919 Pitts, Willie T. Edwards, D. T. 8/17/1908 Pollock, Maxie Glover, J. C. 5/13/1917 Pollock, Rena Darley, Warner 12/3/1916 Pollock, Vernice Kearnes, John 2/16/1930 Pope, Bessie Lamb, Charles 12/24/1926 Pope, Mrs. Ethel Perry Newsom, E. T. 11/30/1914 Porter, Dorcas Kolbie, C. A. 12/21/1904 Portervint, Alma Smith, William Turner 10/25/1908 Portevint, Beatrice Sullivan, Gilbert 11/4/1917 Portevint, Ethel Rogers, Jr., T. L. 9/5/1909 Portevint, Hazel Doughtry, Fred 9/11/1927 Portevint, Jane Sellars, A. L. 12/23/1901 Posey, Annie Ruth Stovall, A. B. 12/25/1927 Posey, Frankie Brown, Preston 12/27/1927 Powel, Maybelle Palmer, Thomas H. 7/8/1906 Powell, Florence Burson, E. N. 8/11/1913 Powell, Kate Pullen, J. P. 9/17/1916 Powell, Lillian Maidee Ward, Harry C. 6/4/1917 Powell, Marion Palmer, E. B. 11/1/1931 Powell, Pearl Jones, Marvin M. 10/15/1905 Powell, Ruby Chapman, Iverson P. 12/27/1905 Prevatte, Dorothy Culbreth, Charles 7/10/1930 Proctor, Essie Manry, W. H. 1/6/1904 Pugh, Inez Cooper, B. Y. 12/25/1904 Pullen, Emma May Brown, J. T. 12/26/1909 Pullen, Mattie Belle Rackley, G. G. 6/10/1906 Pullen, Nancy Shepard, W. A. 12/6/1911 Purviance, Mrs. Claude Cochran, J. A. 6/8/1902 Rackley, Alma McClain, Dudley John 11/27/1930 Rackley, Frances McClelland, James A. 5/4/1926 Rackley, Janie B. Paul, W. B. 6/5/1904 Rackley, Jewel Eidson, Henry 12/3/1928 Rackley, Mildred Stewart, Roscoe 9/1/1927 Rackley, Pearl Vivian Brooks, John A. 11/21/1906 Rackley, Ruby Lee Campbell, D. C. 6/20/1909 Rackley, Ruth Worsham, J. B. 8/23/1922 Rackley, Vera Hester, W. D. 12/8/1901 Radford, Evelyn Butler, John C. Mar-28 Ragan, Clyde Morgan, Andrew 5/5/1912 Ragan, Louise Hatcher, Ralph 7/15/1929 Ratchford, Ruby Wilson, Marvin 6/19/1920 Redman, Eunice Simpson, Byron 5/1/1926 Reed, Doris Holton, T. R. 12/21/1930 Reed, Hazel English, R. H. 7/7/1929 Reid, Charlie McClung, Emmett 5/4/1917 Reid, Ethel Cranford, John 4/15/1923 Reid, Ruth Monoghan, John 10/11/1907 Richter, Annie Ott, J. E. 3/3/1901 Richter, Minnie Glenn, W. K. 11/29/1908 Rigsby, Cora Thomas, Roy 1/2/1917 Rigsby, Marjorie Beasley, Roy D. 4/22/1927 Rigsby, Mrs. Mattie Richards, O.G. 12/29/1926 Rigsby, Myrtice Beasley, Buford 9/6/1925 Rivers, Carrie Belle Hardin, Alonzo 1/6/1904 Rivers, Dorothy Bailey, Elmer S. 3/1/1931 Rivers, Emily Strickland, C. J. 11/26/1929 Rivers, Gussie Cochran, John D. 1/13/1904 Rivers, Minnie Kate Maxwell, R. F. 4/3/1920 Rivers, Ruth Joiner, Lee 12/18/1930 Roberts, Beulah May, C. D. 1/8/1913 Robertson, Ollie Hart, S. J. 1/31/1912 Robinson, Della May Joiner, Stokes 7/22/1923 Robinson, Fannie Andrews, W. J. 12/27/1903 Robinson, Mildred Whitley, Lawson 8/31/1930 Rogers, Nora Mae Wisham, G. W. Jr. 2/20/1932 Rogers, Willie Gray, F. E. 7/18/1909 Roland, Bonnie Palmer, Clarence 9/12/1925 Roland, Virdie Layton, Arthur 1/12/1924 Roles, Margaret Palmer, J. C. 8/30/1922 Rolin, Etta Corbin, A. E. 9/23/1904 Russ, Maud Culpepper, D. C. 10/25/1905 Ryder, Lucy Cochran, Robert L. 3/17/1918 Salter, Angeline Jackson, Charley 9/23/1904 Sanders, Bessie Fussell, Ed 1/2/1904 Sanders, Nettie Harden, Clement 11/20/1921 Sanders, Velma Burford, W. C. 11/21/1921 Sapp, Hattie McCarty, T. E. 12/9/1917 Sapp, Roxie Kennedy, M. C. 7/14/1901 Sapp, Zudie B. Maxwell, Gus B. 3/24/1915 Sawyer, Doll Bullard, Cecil L. 10/11/1930 Sawyer, Mamie Hayes,, W. B. 1/12/1927 Sawyer, Mary Crosby, Leonard 10/25/1930 Saxon, Mamie Whigham, James G. 12/27/1922 Scott, Mary Sauls, E. M. 9/28/1924 Scott, Mary Lou Flowers, Lonie 5/17/1926 Sealey, Carrie Jackson, H. U. 11/9/1922 Sellars, Alma Moore, Leon 11/20/1916 Sellars, Bessie Dawson, Clarence 11/12/1924 Sellars, Jewell Stewart, Thomas G. 1/5/1928 Sellars, Lizzie Sims, Herman 8/10/1931 Sellars, Mabel Jones, C. N. 7/12/1910 Sellars, Mamie Della Turner, John 12/25/1928 Sellars, Meta Fitzgerald, Warner 1/25/1902 Sellars, Mrs. Lila Williford Rivers, H. B. 11/23/1921 Shanklin, Jennie Hancock, W. L. 9/13/1909 Shanklin, Ruby Duncan, J. C. 12/21/1910 Sharp, Alma Dawson, W. H. 12/4/1904 Shepard, Emma Lee Taylor, Willie Gus 6/28/1920 Shirah, Minnie Lee Adams, D. W. 12/23/1903 Shirah, Ruby Rackley, C. R. 3/21/1917 Shirah, Sallie Lou Luckey, W. M. 12/30/1908 Shirah, Willie Vines, C. H. 12/15/1913 Shirah, Willie Vines, Clarence 12/14/1912 Shiver, Dollie Griner, Will M. 6/17/1906 Shiver, Dollie Osteen, C. A. 11/25/1923 Shiver, Fannie Jones, A. B. 12/17/1905 Shiver, Jessie Bell Willingham, Samuel 1/11/1916 Shiver, Maud Parker, Paul 4/17/1910 Shivers, Rebecca Maples Pinson, A. J. 1/8/1925 Simpson, Mary Ellen Cone, Andrew J. 12/21/1911 Simpson, Mattie Lou Shiver, L. A. 1/18/1930 Simpson, Rosa Strickland, A. C. 8/27/1928 Sims, Irene Shiver, Jerry 11/3/1901 Sims, Nora Mitchell, H. M. 10/12/1912 Singletary, Lucy Gandy, Earnest 3/12/1926 Singletary, Mattie Spence, J. E. 11/16/1912 Singleton, Charlie May Worsham, Levi 5/6/1923 Slaton, Ida Scott, J. B. 12/20/1917 Sloan, Jeanette Cumbie, D. E. 6/6/1903 Sloan, Vera Hayes, James 10/24/1926 Slocum, Katie Cox, B. M. 11/10/1901 Smalley, Mrs. Johnie Davis, W. J. 6/30/1912 Smith, Carrie Moody, G. W. 7/14/1907 Smith, Dora Palmer, Teneth 12/16/1919 Smith, Elizabeth Earp, Warren P. 8/30/1928 Smith, Elizabeth Maples, Byron B. 1/25/1925 Smith, Eva Richards, O. G. 9/6/1910 Smith, Evelyn Yates, W. L. 5/3/1919 Smith, Florence Gandy, H. S. 2/11/1924 Smith, Francis Harris, D. C. 8/20/1932 Smith, Ida Roland, D. B. 2/4/1906 Smith, Idella Roland, T. A. 6/30/1901 Smith, Leah Acree, G. M. 10/21/1914 Smith, Mabel Harley, H. E. Jr. 8/23/1928 Smith, Mamie Griner, Kerfoot 5/30/1920 Smith, Margaret Brooks, J. E. 2/3/1910 Smith, Marie Baggs, W. H. 6/19/1916 Smith, Mildred Harrell, David B. 7/6/1926 Smith, Priscilla Richards, O. G. 12/18/1904 South, Fannie Mae Edwards, G. T. 6/20/1930 Spearman, Alice Keomes, R. S. 10/20/1929 Spears, Faustelle Banks, R. Vernon 8/8/1931 Spence, Camilla Lee, J. V. 4/23/1913 Spence, Ella Harris, J. G. 8/23/1903 Spence, Ethel Hayes, James E. 10/29/1906 Spence, Foy Betts, Willie 5/5/1912 Spence, Gussie L. Lavine, Gus 3/10/1914 Spence, Hallie Kelly, R. B. 1/8/1905 Spence, Hulda Drake, L P. 9/22/1929 Spence, Janie H. Watt, C. E. 1/1/1913 Spence, Jennie Yates, James L. 10/16/1907 Spence, Jewel McReynolds, J. F. 6/20/1930 Spence, Julia Palmer, W. D. 11/9/1904 Spence, Lawson Davis, B. W. 2/24/1910 Spence, Lillie May Bullock, G. W. 8/31/1913 Spence, Lota Maxwell, J. O. 7/26/1905 Spence, Mary Beck, J. Hand 9/2/1911 Spence, Mary Ellen Wilder, Leland 5/31/1920 Spence, Mrs. Mary Curry Corbett, A. C. 6/18/1919 Spence, Susie Inez Tabb, J. V. 6/28/1916 Stancil, Bener E. Perkins, N. A. 5/25/1902 Stancil, Mary Scarborough, Brock 3/4/1931 Stephens, Dora Battle, C. G. 11/22/1903 Stephens, Ella Stevens, J. P. 4/28/1907 Stephens, Josephine Johns, K. C. 5/30/1909 Stephens, Mary E. Philips, J. P. 6/14/1908 Stephens, Nora Brown, J. J. 12/1/1908 Stephens, Susie Rackley, Roy 10/16/1916 Stevens, Emma Jackson, William H. 5/27/1928 Stevens, Etha Palmer, Hubert 12/20/1916 Stevens, Mattie English, Walter R. 11/9/1909 Stevens, Thelma Wilkes, Dutchman 2/4/1927 Stewart, Annie Davis, John 1/12/1901 Stewart, LaRue Gee, Robert Wyche 10/14/1923 Stewart, Leila Stanford, J. C. 10/22/1917 Stewart, Mrs. Clifford Cochran, E. T. 8/18/1927 Stewart, Nelle Williford, Jim 12/10/1927 Stricklin, Ashton K. Glausier, O. J. 4/6/1909 Stricklin, Bessie Jackson, Jesse W. 9/22/1915 Stripling, Imogene Shackleford, W. K. 10/25/1911 Stripling, Mrs. Maggie Belle Holton, B. L. 8/9/1921 Stroms, Rosa Nelms, J. W. 5/7/1907 Stubbs, Willie May Duncan, C. O. 6/8/1931 Surles, Amanda Mize, J. R. 11/22/1902 Surles, Bessie Miller, J. B. 6/15/1910 Surles, Lillie Ruth Singletary, Leonard L. 12/5/1921 Sutton, Louise Hurst, Henry 1/18/1930 Swearingen, Virginia Jones, J. C. 12/20/1930 Swilley, Lillian Gee, Walter A. 11/18/1930 Swindle, Dorma Hoggard, R. L. 9/30/1904 Swindle, Dorothy Bryan, A. R. 2/22/1929 Talson, Tecia Butler, W. B. 10/23/1920 Taylor, Emma Pearl Holder, John A. 6/19/1911 Taylor, Jewel Wilder, J. H. 12/18/1910 Taylor, Lena may Turner, John H. 11/14/1915 Taylor, Louise Webb, J. B. 11/23/1908 Taylor, Lula Pearl Thornton, W. F. 2/10/1930 Taylor, Maggie Stevens, M. D. 4/9/1905 Taylor, Montene Kitchens, M. E. 6/7/1930 Taylor, Nora Gray, W. T. 11/19/1911 Taylor, Omie Mae Everett, Walter 12/15/1931 Taylor, Opal Davis, John J. 12/22/1921 Taylor, Pearl Nelms, Everett 9/28/1907 Taylor, Ruth Kierce, Franklin 11/25/1923 Taylor, Zollie Bullard, D. W. 8/15/1909 Thaxton, Maggie Belle Stripling, R. L. 10/26/1915 Thomas, Ada Hoggard, W. H. 3/3/1904 Thomas, Elizabeth Campbell, J. M. 12/8/1926 Thomas, Katie Etta Godson, Leland 6/23/1928 Thomas, Lillie Belle Rackley, Calvin 2/27/1902 Thomas, Margaret Belin, J. B. 7/14/1925 Thompson, Virdie Stephens, Robert C. 10/30/1906 Thornton, Bertha Bullard, L. C. 3/31/1912 Thornton, Ella Doucette, W. E. 12/30/1914 Thornton, Mamie Graham, Robert 12/6/1903 Timmons, Mary Goff, James A. 8/10/1912 Tinsley, Annie B. Hinton, Wesley 7/6/1911 Tinsley, Clara Newberry, I. M. 11/14/1909 Tinsley, Florence Humphries, R. L. 5/1/1904 Tinsley, Janie Sue Reid, Joseph 1/5/1926 Tolson, Addie Clark, L. C. 11/12/1914 Tucker, Mary Singletary, S. R. 7/2/1921 Tucker, Pearl Asenath Kierce, G. Dewey 6/15/1926 Turnbull, Mary McElvey, Clifton N. 2/13/1921 Turner, Alice B. Martin, J. D. 10/22/1911 Turner, Audrey Bennett, M. C. 2/10/1907 Turner, Christine Hand, Larrabee D. 6/19/1928 Turner, Dorothy Huie, Ralph 4/27/1918 Turner, Hattie Hurst, Clarence J. 9/15/1903 Turner, Jeanette Bradford, W. J. 12/29/1916 Turner, Lucy Wright Rumble, Bert 6/11/1927 Turner, Margaret Twitty, Thomas E. 8/20/1927 Turner, Mary C. McLaughlin, T. S. 9/11/1912 Turner, Ruth Wilson, J. E. 5/23/1925 Turner, Virginia Marie Hollis, Fred D. 6/8/1913 Twitty, Caroline Martin, J. Truett 6/26/1911 Twitty, Holly Donaldson, G. P. 9/3/1918 Twitty, Lois Bramlett, J. R. 7/18/1922 Twitty, Marceline Smith, J. C. 5/13/1916 Twitty, Mrs. Clara Bostwick Turner, John C. 7/5/1910 Tyus, Verna L. Harrison, N. J. 1/29/1922 Underwood, Clifford Davis, T. B. 12/29/1901 Upson, Florence Carson, Homer S. 11/25/1909 Van Landingham, Mattie Pearl Smith, A. D. 4/3/1921 Van Vickle, Willie Daniel, R. A. 4/14/1909 Varn, Marjorie Gasque, Edwin J. 12/23/1924 Vesler, Ethel Jones, Leo D. 9/17/1928 Vickers, Lena Corley, R. S. 5/8/1912 Vickers, Lena Ferguson, Isaac 9/28/1912 Vicks, Dollie Timmons, H. W. 9/17/1906 Wade, Elma Russell, J. F. 10/24/1931 Wade, George Smith, E. C. 12/4/1926 Wade, Sadie May Cullens, Plant 10/20/1915 Walden, Mrs. Bennie Luckey, W. M. 12/26/1928 Walker, India Culpepper, R. E. L. 10/30/1905 Walker, Leila Harden, Henry 6/10/1914 Walker, Ruth Stevenson, Dr. C. A. 2/3/1914 Walters, Edith King, C. M. 4/8/1917 Walters, Jessie Adams, J.R. 3/7/1917 Wamble, Addie May Duncan, O. P. 12/31/1903 Ward , Louise Norris, Paul 1/7/1924 Watson, Blanche Beck, Charles E. 5/1/1910 Watson, Charley Moore, W. B. 6/16/1930 Watson, Daisy Miller, Roger S. 5/31/1926 Watson, Lula Jenkins, Grant 9/2/1901 Watson, Ruby Smith, Charles E. 12/27/1927 Watson, Thelma Williams, E. B. 12/20/1919 Watt, Lila Mason, C. A. 12/31/1907 Watts, Mamie Tipper, Scott 12/26/1909 Weaver, Julia Griner, Lafayette 1/25/1903 Weaver, Maude Griner, Charles George 11/24/1902 Weaver, Ruby Inez Christopher, W. J. 9/15/1912 Webb, Martha Camilla Maxwell, Homer R. 12/24/1920 Webb, Maud Dandridge, Fred C. 6/11/1905 West, Autry Knighton, H. B. 8/28/1912 West, Bessie Moore, Julian 9/14/1903 West, Birdie Awtrey, Willie 4/17/1921 West, Clara Cobb, H. B. 7/28/1909 West, Clyde Mae Griffin, Wilburn 12/22/1928 West, Dora Bell Stallings, J. L. 12/22/1928 West, Ethel Kirbo, Ben 1/24/1904 West, Lila J. Davis, M. C. 12/21/1913 West, Lorena Taylor, W. H. 12/18/1901 West, May Wilkes, L. L 6/8/1902 West, Minnie Clark, Lee 6/2/1906 West, Mittie Chastain, Charles L. 11/24/1920 West, Naomi Lee Warren, H. C. 12/14/1916 West, Selma Newton, Jesse L. 6/14/1925 West, Susie j. Huey, M. C. 11/24/1907 West, Vera Allen Dallas, J. C. 11/28/1909 West, Winnie Wingate, Enoch 10/5/1924 Whatley, Bess Twitty, W. Crockett 6/20/1913 Whiddon, Lottie May Lunsford, Thomas H. 12/7/1921 Whigham, Ansel Ott, W. Reid 11/25/1917 Whigham, Lorene Paul, F. D. 6/30/1904 Whigham, Mamie Williams, W. Floyd 12/23/1923 Whigham, Mattie Williams, Harvey 9/1/1923 White, Edna Smith, Idus 7/16/1931 White, Lena Douglas, S. P. 11/9/1913 White, Leona Stephens, Jeff D. 6/25/1919 Whiting, Nellie Wilson, John C. 4/4/1911 Whiting, Ruth Smith, J. C. 1/10/1909 Whittle, Hattie May Tucker, LeRoy 9/1/1917 Whittle, Louella Atkinson, William T. 11/10/1915 Wiggins, Linnie B. Bush, M. E. 1/1/1902 Wilder, Ruby Wilson, Carl P. 6/4/1921 Wilder, Susie Coker, J. B. 1/18/1903 Wilder, Thelma Cox, Carl A. 8/24/1924 Wilkes, Ella Davis, Mathew 12/11/1903 Wilkes, Mary E. Sapp, R. R. 4/2/1905 Wilkes, Pearl Eubanks, C. Z. 11/13/1904 Williams, Ada Peacock, S. H. 12/14/1904 Williams, Alma Burnett, Nathan 6/1/1924 Williams, Annie Lois Gardner, B. C. 12/11/1911 Williams, Nettie Jones, Bascomb 1/29/1926 Williford, Lila Sellars, E. T. 6/17/1917 Williford, Lizzie Hill Tyre, C. O. 6/16/1901 Williford, Lucy Joiner, W. H. 12/13/1908 Willis, Alva Bluett, T. J. 8/20/1932 Willis, Isabella Beasley, J. B. 9/19/1909 Willis, Rena Kierce, Willie 11/21/1914 Wilson, Arminta Miller, James S. 3/19/1902 Wilson, Beatrice Galloway, Horace 5/15/1920 Wilson, Elise Twitty, Judson H. 6/12/1917 Wilson, Hattie Mae Golden, James O. 8/3/1921 Wilson, Hattie Mae Powell, Claud 8/7/1921 Wilson, Iola Gurley, C. C. 10/21/1911 Wilson, Lalia Parker, George H. 4/11/1910 Wilson, Mae Stewart, J. Turner 11/8/1930 Wilson, Mrs. Belle H. Young, R. A. 9/21/1913 Wilson, Mrs. Belle Woods Marshall, R. M. 12/1/1910 Wilson, Nola Merle Moore, James S. 6/20/1922 Wilson, Rosser Rivers, J. C. 12/22/1903 Wilson, Ruth Lasseter, R. E. 4/24/1910 Wilson, Sarah Turner, D. L. 12/30/1922 Wilson, Zula Hilliard, E. L. 9/25/1904 Wimberly, Bessie Taylor, James 7/23/1916 Wingate, Ell May Rackley, J. E. 9/1/1920 Wingate, Ella May Rackley, J. Edwin 9/1/1925 Wingate, Emmie Vines, Claud E. 1/12/1924 Wingate, Ida Bennett, R. M. 1/26/1901 Wingate, Maggie Davis, H. V. 10/30/1906 Wingate, Mamie Gertrude Nesmith, Taylor 12/25/1902 Wingate, Ruth McCaskell, W. M. 3/4/1928 Wisham, Irene Batchelor, C. W. 1/13/1915 Wood, Annie Sue Hollingsworth, J. E. 9/12/1925 Wood, Hattie Belle Wilson, J. B. 8/18/1903 Wooten, Delvie Martin, John Dwight 1/3/1931 Worley, Ruby V. Pruitt, S. T. 10/22/1913 Worsham, Pearl Cutts, Jerry 7/8/1920 Young, Rachel Gardner, J.D. 8/27/1917