Monroe County GaArchives News.....Monroe County Fair October 21, 1879 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Blum-Barton March 11, 2006, 1:03 am The Atlanta Weekly Constitution October 21, 1879 Forsyth, Ga., October 15--The second day of the Monroe county fair. Running race, two in three, Polly Myers, Nelly Newton, John Cobb and Peggy Ward entered and started, Polly Myers winning two straight heats, Nelly Newton second. Trotting race, best three in five, Lucy Jim, Fanny Lightfoot and Fleety Golddust entered and started, Lucy Jim winning three straight heats, Fanny Lightfoot second. Time, 2:53, 2:59 and 3:03. In the running race John Cobb threw his rider on the second heat, dragging him some distance but not seriously injuring him. Nelly Newton after passing the pole on the last heat was run over by Peggy Ward and her rider considerably bruised. Tomorrow is the big day. General Gordon will be here and will address the people at the grounds in the morning. The free for all trotting race purse, $175, will be trotted in the afternoon. The crowd today was large and we expect a good attendance tomorrow. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb