Morgan County GaArchives Biographies.....Chappell, Robert 1732 - September 1819 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Virgle Lee Chappell February 14, 2012, 10:46 am Source: Archives records Author: Virgle Chappell PRINCE EDWARD CO., VIRGINIA 1767 abt: Soon after marriage, Robert and Agnes, his wife, moved to Prince Edward Co, VA and settled on the south side of the Appomattox River near the land holdings of Thomas Baldwin. We have not found any records of the family in Prince Edward CO. until 1771, the first land purchase for Robert. The first Census of 1783 Robert is shown with 12 souls "persons" in his household which probably indicated 10 children have been born into the family. 1771 Jan 21, Prince Edward CO: Robert Chapple purchased a 100 acre tract of land from William Hall, who was a neighbor of Thomas Baldwin. The tract Robert purchased lay between the Appomattox and Buffalo Rivers and probably joined Thomas Baldwin's land. The purchase price was ten pounds. (Doc on file) 1774 May 12: Petition to House of Delegates, VA Baptists of Prince Edward Co, VA petitioned for the privilege of meeting at night. The former toleration pact had allowed them only to conduct worship in the daytime. Their statement was "not admitting public worship except in the daytime, is inconsistent with the laws of England, as well as the practice and usage of the primitive Churches, and even the English Church itself:" 1776 Aug 12: PATRICK HENRY, Governor of VA, was addressed by ministers and delegates of the Baptist Churches, to interceded on their behalf. Henry was not of their persuasion but an Episcopalian, still they came to look upon him as their strong and valiant champion. Note: It is not known whether this family were members of any organized religious group. However, in this generation and following, we can see the beginnings of discontent among the general public because of the common beliefs and practices of the Episcopal Church and the laws of Colonial America, which favored that group. There is a good possibility that both families were sympathetic with, if not actually members of, local Methodist or Baptist congregations. There were also developing feelings concerning inhumane practice of slavery. The Quakers had strongly preached against the practice for years and many Chappell's were neighbors of, or married into, families of this persuasion. Several Chappell's were freeing their slaves and others were making provision for them to be freed. i.e., Thomas Baldwin, father in law to Jesse, Robert's son, made provision in his Will for freeing his slaves. V L Chappell 1780 Feb 17, Prince Edward CO: Robert Chappell (note spelling change) sold to William Penick his plot of land containing 100 acres listed above. The sale price was eleven hundred pounds. Wm. Penick had been in the area since before 1745 and received a grant of 382A and later, 250A just one plantation south of Wm. Hall. It is assumed he had purchased Wm. Hall's plantation and now wanted Robert's land as well. Notice the price paid by Robert (L10) and that received (L1100). Part of the difference could be the result of inflation during the Rev. War. Another factor which could be very important is that a witness to the land sale was MARY CHAPPELL. (Doc on file) We have not identified Mary, but there is the possibility she is the oldest daughter.. Tax and Census records below indicate Robert had other land, or bought another plantation where they lived until they left the area. 1782 Tax, Prince Edward CO, VA: Robert is first listed in the county tax list this year. He is shown as: 1 Free White Male, 0 Slaves, 1 horse, 10 cattle. 1783 HOF, Pr Ed: Robert Chappell 12 Souls, 0 Blks. This records indicates Robert and his wife had 10 children at the time. We have probably identified nine. Robert, Jesse, Mary John, Sally, Judith, William, Abraham and Obediah. 1783 Tax: 1 FWM, 0 Sl,1 Horse, 8 cattle. 1784 Tax: 1 FWM, 0 Slv, 3 horses, 11 cattle. 1785 Tax: 1 FWM, 0 Sl, 3 horses, 8 cattle. 1785 HOF: Pr Ed: Robert Chappell, 11 Souls, 1 dwelling 0 bldgs Jesse Chappell, 2 Souls, 0 dwelling 0 bldgs It is important to note that Robert Jr. (25yrs) is not listed. John is not listed in the 1785 Nov 2: The question of Religious Liberty was before the VA House since 1784. The house had deferred a vote on whether a Tax should be levied to support ministers of the Christian religion. Citizens of VA were asked to sign petitions giving their opinion of the Tax and both Robert and Jesse signed in opposition of the Tax. The petition was also signed by Wm and Caleb Baldwin, Wm Fane, Robert Saunders and John Penick. (Copy on File) 1786 Sept 12: Prince Edward Co: Sarah "Sally" Chappell d/o Robert and Agnes, married Robert Saunders. Robert Chappell gave Consent, William Fain, Sur. William Fain later married Judith. 1786 Tax: 1 FWM>21, 0 Sl, 2 horses, 8 cattle. 1787 Mar 13; Prince Edward Co, Tax List; Robert Chappell; 0-WM, 0-B>16, 0-B<16, 3 Horses, 7 Cattle Jesse Chappell; 0- , 0- , 0- , 2 horses, 0 Cattle. (p1295) These records would suggest that both Robert and Jesse had served in the Revolutionary War (probably Militia) since neither showed a white male over 21 and thus exempt from personal property tax. MIGRATION TO WILKES/LINCOLN CO. GA. 1788: Migration to Georgia; Robert, Jesse, Sally Saunders, Judith Fain (if married) and others family members (probably William Bibb) formed a wagon train and began a long trip which ended in Lincoln CO, GA. According to the Obituary of William Chappell, Robert's son, he "came to Wilkes CO, GA with his parents in 1788". (So. Christian Advocate) 1790 to 1794 Lincoln CO, GA, Tax Assm't: Robert Chappell, 100A on Mill Creek, Cap't Hughes Company militia. (Joins James Bibb) Jesse Chappell and Rob't Saunders were his neighbors on Mill Creek William Fain is listed on the 1791 only. 1793 Dec 28, Wilkes Co, GA: Robert Chappell, Wm Ratliff & Aquilla Neil were appraisers for Inventory of Benjamin Elliott, Dec'd. Early Records Wilkes Co, GA Vol 1, pp109-111. 1794 Apr 7, Wilkes Co, GA:Page 42--DOOLY, THOMAS, dec'd. Inventory Apr. 7, 1794. Horses, spurs, pistols, broadsword, belt and scabbard, saddle, saddle bags, silver watch, horsemans cap etc. Aquilla Nail, Wm. Ratcliff, Robt. Chappell, apprs. Wm. Bibb, J. P. Ref: Early GA Records 1795 Mar 11, Lincoln CO, GA, Land Pur: Deed date for Robert Chappell purchased a parcel of land from William BIBB (this is the maternal family name of Martha Baldwin Chappell) which was recorded in the Deed index for the county 9 Aug 1796 (A3) 1797 Apr 7, Wilkes Co GA: Dooly, Thomas, dec'd Inventory. Horses, spurs, pistols, broadsword and scabbard, saddle, saddle bags, silver watch, horsemans cap, etc. Aquilla Nail, Wm. Ratliff, Rob't Chappell, apprs. Wm. Bibb, J.P. (Bk of Inventories, etc Wilkes CO, GA, 1793-94, p42) 1797 Lincoln CO, GA: Robert Chappell was named Constable of the January term of the Lincoln CO, Court. 1799 Lincoln CO, GA; Land Grant: William Chappell. "It abutted southwardly by Robert Chappell's land" 1800 Lincoln CO, GA: Robert Chappell was one of the referees in the boundary dispute between William Bibb and William Harper. 1801 Lincoln CO, GA: William Chappell is listed on the Georgia Tax digest. Also listed are; Abraham, Jesse and Robert. 1801 Land Tax: Robert was taxed for 100 acres of land on Mill Creek in Lincoln CO, GA. Neighbors; TATOM & DAVIS. Capt Norman's Dist. (1800 Cen for Lincoln Co GA, p57) 1802 Land Tax: Robert Chappell, 100A, Capt Norman's Dist. (p85) 1805 and 10 Lincoln CO, GA: Robert Chappell, with Obediah, Abraham and William are listed in Tax Digest. Robert, Abraham and Obediah are shown as only responsible for Pole Tax, William holds140A adjoining Mr. Bibb on Soap Creek. 1805: Robert made the 1805 Land Lottery. Results unknown. 1807 Feb 14, Lincoln CO, GA: William Chappell purchased from Wm. Jackson 100A of land. Disc; Robert Chappell on the north, William Chappell on the east, Josiah Stoval on the south and Jones on the west. Wit: David Glaze, JP; Archibald Stinson and Wm. Walton. Registered Feb. 18, 1807, pp193-195 (Linc CO Gen & Hist), 1810 Tax, #390, Lincoln CO, GA: Robert Chappell is listed along with Abraham, Obediah and William. >Chappal Robert Capt. John McDowell District N. 6 390 Robert Chappal, 390 pole 31 1/4 ($¢s) MORGAN CO., GEORGIA, THE LAST MOVE 1817 Sep 12: Lincoln CO, GA; Land sale of Robert Chappel et. al. Land was contracted to be sold to John McDowell and final recording on this 6 Mar 1818. (I 194-5) 1817: Robert and Agnes moved to Morgan CO, Ga, where their son William and daughter, Judith Fain were living. The only record of land to the family was 80 acres belonging to William, their son. William's land was on Sugar Creek, and in the Buckhead District. Robert possibly moved to this land or even moved to live with William their son.. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 9.9 Kb