Ainslie Cemetery Inscriptions Morgan County, GA AINSLIE CEMETERY About a mile off the old Madison Rutledge Road, North of the Georgia Railroad James H. Ainslie, born in Boston, Mass. April 5, 1835-Feb. 24, 1914 Mary C. Neill Ainslie August 25, 1854-April 9, 1876 Andrew Ainslie born at Yetthalem, Scotland, Oct. 14, 1804-Dec. 4, 1885 Elizabeth King Ainslie, wife of Andrew Ainslie born at Dunbarton, Scotland, May 11, 1807-June 22, 1883 Jedidah L., wife of H. J. Vanderford, May 20, 1851-February 22, 1904 Cora Lee, Daughter of D. P. Waters, April 15, 1879-May 4, 1886 Henry, son of W. H. & Ida Vanderford, 1892-1894 Hanson Lot, Ainslie Cemetery: John W. Hanson 1794-1867 Milly, wife of John W. Hanson, 1875, 86 years, 24 days Harriet, wife of John W. Hanson, 1795-1867 Annah Hanson Wood, Died Sept. 17, 1905, aged 85 years Elizabeth Robinson, wife of Jacob Robinson, deceased A.D. 1859, age 29 years. William E. Monroe, December 4, 1861-December 31, 1925 Earle Monroe, October 31, 1895-August 30, 1922 Andrew A. Monroe, March 16, 1866-May 26, 1896 Elizabeth Monroe, February 5, 1837-July 24, 1913 Alexander Monroe, born Navarre, Scotland, 1822-1859 Mary Barrett, consort of Ninian Barrett Deceased 1824 Mary B. Hanson, who died in the 70th year of her life. Savannah A. Hanson, who died in the 70th year of her life. To the memory of our father and mother, John W. and Harriet Hanson and their sons, William H. Hanson, aged 19 years, and J. P. Hanson, aged 57 years. Amandah, wife of Joseph Wood and daughter of J. W. and Harriet Hanson. In memory of my husband Joseph Wood whose remains are interred in Stewart County, Georgia near those of his first wife, Georgia Thornton Wood, and their two children John Henry and Joseph Georgian 1881. Our grandparents Barrette Our grandparents Hanson (All of the above was on one tombstone in this cemetery.) ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store this file permanently for free access. This file was contributed by: Carolyn L. Harper Johnson ====================================================================