Morgan County GaArchives MADISON ROME GUARDS - History of Its Organization In 1859. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: John R. Clarke 20 January 2004 ************************************************ This is a column from the Madison, GA Madisonian published in 1892, Volume 16 This document was OCR'ed from a scan of the original Madisonian column, as provided to me by Mrs. Mary Alston McCullough, a MUSTIN and RICHTER family descendant who is the custodian of most of these newspaper clippings from the MUSTIN family of Madison, GA. -- John R. CLARKE, Thomasville, GA (14 Jan 2004) ------------------- MADISON ROME GUARDS - History of Its Organization In 1859. Capt. C. H. Andrews Writes an Interesting Letter Concerning the First Organization of This Company. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA (March 21 `92) Dear Madisonian: Believing that the good people of Morgan County will be glad to have, as a matter of history. the organization of the Home Guards, and as I have the original company book in my possession, I propose to publish, through the columns of The Madisonian something of the organization of the Company, so that all may read, and preserve its history. Early in the year 1859 the subject of forming a military company in Madison was discussed, and a sufficient number of the young men agreeing to enter into an organization, a call was made, and a meeting held for that purpose. The minutes before me read as follows: "Obedient to a call upon the subscribers of the proposed military company, there appeared at 3 o'clock this afternoon the following gentleman: James S. Reid, J. A. Billups, L. T'. Campbell, Isaac L. Walton, T. D. Hollingsworth, James T. Fears, W. S. Meire, G. N. Dexter, Pleasant Wilson, S. J. Saffold,Jr., Isham S. Fannin, W. T. Hollingsworth, C. H. Andrews, Louis Schelpert, W. B. Fitzpatrick, Louis Solomon, W. W. Shepherd, W. T.. Harris, Eli Awtry, J. H. Porter. C. M.. Copeland, J. A. Shaw, Francis Golden, M. C. Dye, F. J. Walton, C. J. Eden, G. W. Wyatt. Upon motion of I. S. Fanning, J. A. Billups was called to the chair, and C. H. Andrews was requested to act as secretary. The chairman stated the object of the meeting and declared the meeting now ready for business.. "J. S. Reid offered resolution that the meeting now became a volunteer military corps, to be composed of as many privates as the law allows., to be officered by a captain, three lieutenants, five sergeants, and four corporals, and known as the Freeman Guards. W. S. Miere objected to the name and proposed a committee be appointed to select a name for the company (Note: the rest was illegible) -------------------