Morgan County GaArchives News.....Brobston Memorial April 25 1924 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ken Doggett January 11, 2005, 3:19 pm The Madisonian BROBSTON MEMORIAL ----- Brobston memorial has many friends. Ten years ago the new building was finished. It was the pride of the community. There were so many things needed to place it on the Standard of Excellence that it seemed that miracles were performed during that first year of existence. Nothing was suggested for its improvement that did not come to pass, and this same spirit is alive today, and has been during the intervening years. There is a spirit of sincere appreciation in the hearts of this people especially for the part played by the late lamented Mr. Edwin Brobston, of Jacksonville, Fla. It was his request before his going away that no expensive monument of marble or stone be erected to his memory but that the amount be spent in helping the ambitious boy and girl along to a better living. Thus it was made possible for the Brobston Memorial and this is why the Brownwood people like to do things for this school. It is the desire of the community to publicly express their appreciation of this deed and they are arranging a program for a memorial in honor of Mr. Brobston to be held at Brownwood church Sunday afternoon, May 11th. Further announcements will be made later. Additional Comments: One minor typo corrected. Brobston Memorial School replaced a log school building used prior to 1914. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb