Morgan County GaArchives Reunion of Company G, Cobb's Legion Atlanta Constitution, 20 August 1880 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Pat Colbert 20 February 2004 *********************************************** Atlanta Constitution August 20, 1880 The Veteran's Meet The Re-union of Company G, Cobb's Legion. Madison, Ga., August 19-(Special)-At Butt's spring, seven miles north of Madison, in a lovely grove, the Panola Guards held their annual reunion last Thursday, attended by about seven hundred people. At ten o'clock, the new brass band from High Shoals stuck up Dixie, and the company, in command of their last beloved captain, Charles W. Baldwin, marched to seats prepared for them in front of the speaker's stand. Speeches were then made by Messrs. H. W. Baldwin, S. A. Burney, John G. McHenry, Sr. and W. S. McHenry. A splendid barbecue was served, and the large crowd was amply entertained. After dinner, Mr. Joe Nunnually, of Walton county, was called out, and made a practical speech to the farmers. Then Colonel J. Q. Noland, of McDonough, made a red-hot confederate speech. He was followed by his niece, Miss Lucille Noland, of Atlanta, a little maiden in short dress, who rendered "The Georgia Volunteer" most gracefully. An interesting feature of the day was the many visits made to the venerable Jacob Butts at his house near by. Eighty-six years old and nearly blind, he was unwilling to go to the grounds, but very cheerfully received his old friends at his home. At the suggestion of Lieutenant S. A. Burney, the first confederate reunion ever held was that of the Panola Guards, in Saffold grove, near Madison, in 1874. At Chancellorsville this company carried forty-five guns into the fight. Twenty-nine were wounded, most of them mortally and eight killed. The remaining eight went into another fight the same day. It was a company worthy of their gallant legion and its immortal commander-Thomas R. R. Cobb.