Muscogee-Harris County GaArchives Deed.....Banking Company, Chattahoochee Rail Road & - Pool, William W. August 30, 1838 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: John Mallory Land April 7, 2013, 2:34 pm Dist. 8, Lots 36 & 45; Dist. 19, Lots 193, 194, 199, & 200 Written: August 30, 1838 Recorded: November 8, 1838 William W. POOL To the Chattahoochee Rail Road & Banking Company // Georgia, Muscogee County // This Indenture made this thirtieth day of August in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight between William W. POOL of the county [of] Muscogee and State of Georgia, of the first part, and the Chattahoochee Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia, of the second part. Witnesseth that the said William W. POOL hereby covenants for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators to pay to the Chattahoochee Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia, or to its assigns, the sum of seven Thousand five hundred Dollars, on the first day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight. Now for and in consideration of the sum of Five Dollars, in hand paid by the Chattahoochee Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia, the said William W. POOL hath granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell and convey to the said Chattahoochee Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia, and its assigns, the following described premises to wit: All those tracts or parcels of land lying situate and being in the Eight[h land] district of the County of Muscogee & State aforesaid, Known and distinguished in the plan of said district by being lots numbers Thirty six (36) and Forty five (45) containing 202½ acres each, also that settlement of land lying situate being in the Counties of Harris & Muscogee known and distinguished in the plan of the Nineteenth district by being lots numbers Two hundred (200) containing 202½ acres, the west half of lot number one hundred ninety nine (199) containing 101¼ acres, the south half of lot number one hundred and ninety four (194) containing 101¼ acres, also seventy acres of the south half of No. one hundred and ninety three (193) commencing on the west line at the west of sixty five acres, & running due east to the creek, there [sic – thence] up said creek within thirty yards of the old Mill house at the extreme north bend of the Creek, then due east course to the line dividing one hundred and ninety three and one hundred and ninety four including a Mill Shoal yard, and excepting one quarter acre, including a burying ground. To have and to hold said bargained premises, to the said Chattahoochee Rail Road and Banking Company and its assigns to said company and its assigns own proper use, benefit and behoof forever. And the said Wm. W. POOL for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators shall well and do truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Chattahoochee Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia, or its assigns, the aforementioned sum of money at the time mentioned and appointed for the payment thereof in the covenant herein contained with interest for the same according to the tenor and effect of said covenant then and from thenceforth as well, this indenture and the right to the property thereby conveyed as the said covenant shall cease, determine and be void to all intents and purposes. In testimony whereof the said William W. POOL hath hereunto set his hand and seal, on the day and year first above written. W. W. POOL {L[egal] S [ignature]} / Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of Wiley WILLIAMS // Allen G. BASS, Notary Public (Recorded 8th day of November 1838.) [Muscogee County, Georgia, Deed Book H(1), pp. 447-48. The tract in Land District 19 straddles the Muscogee-Harris county line, encompassing the crossroads that was the old center of the Fortson community. The mortgage does not specify in which land lot the excepted quarter-acre burying ground is situated. William W. POOL married Mary McCRARY, said to be daughter of Robert Edward & Grace Teresa (RODGERS) POOL. William & Mary later removed to Lowndes County, Mississippi. - jml] Additional Comments: Mortgage recorded in Muscogee County, Georgia, Deed Book H(1), pp. 447-48. The tract in Land District 19 straddles the Muscogee-Harris county line, encompassing the crossroads that was the old center of the Fortson community. The mortgage does not specify in which land lot the excepted quarter-acre burying ground is situated. William W. POOL married Mary McCRARY, said to be daughter of Robert Edward & Grace Teresa (RODGERS) McCRARY. William & Mary later removed to Lowndes County, Mississippi. - jml] File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.1 Kb