MUSCOGEE COUNTY, GA - HISTORY - Columbus Cotton Factory (Clapp's) Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Patricia Cantrell Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: HISTORY OF COLUMBUS COTTON FACTORY (CLAPP'S) SOURCE: "The Columbus, Georgia Centenary 1828-1928" by Nancy Telfair, (c) 1929 by Louis C. Kunze, published by The Historical Publishing Co., Columbus, GA. Here are some notable passages: On page 43, "The Columbus Cotton Factory was begun in 1834 but was not completed until four years later, due no doubt to the Indian war and consequent business depression. Three years later Adiel Sherwood mentions a cotton mill "three miles above Columbus on the Chattahoochee." Martin, however, in his history refers to the 'Columbus Cotton Factory' being in operation in 1838 and White says in his statistics that it was begun in 1834." Page 67, "In 1838 the Columbus Factory was in operation, 'spinning cotton, yarn and carding wool.' The dam for this establishment was a tree cut down, thrown over a gorge, and planked up. This was surely a modest beginning for the activities of the present day." Page 83, "...Messrs. Clapp, Chandler and Stewart are successfully and most profitably employed in manufactuiring several descriptions of cotton goods. We have heard of other companies formed or to be formed." Page 84, "Columbus Factory: Capital $50,000; situated three miles from Columbus, at the head of the falls, having 50 feet of fall within 300 yards; commenced in 1834. Spindles.................................. 1800 Looms..................................... 32 Wool- carding machines..................... 2 Pounds of cotton spun per day............. 1000 Number of operatives (chiefly girls)...... 80 Wages of operatives, per month, from $10 to $12 The goods are sold principally in Columbus. The owners speak highly of the conduct of the operatives." --This is from White's statistics of GA. Page 119, "A short distance above the Bibb mills the Columbus (Clapp's) Factory was situated on the well known site. They wove cotton and woolen goods and in connection with same had a grist mill which was noted for the fine quality ground there. There was also a tan yard and shoe factory. They also owned the bridges across the river. As there are two islands at the bridge site, it took three bridges to span the river, a short one in center and two large ones, on the Alabama and Georgia banks, but there were no piers needed for the bridges. It is hardly necessary to mention that all the last named proprietors were also burned out." --The had mentioned several other factories. Page 186, "...Columbus Factory, with 116 looms;..." -- 1874