Newton County GaArchives News.....MR. MOSS'S DIARY AS KEPT DURING SIXTIES August 3 1916 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Phyllis Thompson February 1, 2004, 11:47 pm The Covington News "This Is As I Saw It. It May Be Different As Others Saw It" He Says of 3d Regiment, Company H. BEGINNING WITH THE YEAR 1861 March, 1862 23....Got orders to pack knapsack and go to Portsmouth immediately. We got to South Mills and ______ ______ _______ ______ went to Warlaws. 24....I rode in schooner to Culpepper locks and walked the balance of the way to Deep Creek, 15 miles. Got there about sun down and camped in church 22 miles from South Mills. 25....Left Deep Creek at 6 o'clock arrived at the Louisiana winter quarters at Bowers Hill at 12 o'clock, and got orders to be ready to march to Portsmouth at 6 o'clock next morning. 26....We marched to Portsmouth 8 miles, and then to our old winter quarters, which were badly torn up by the citizens of Portsmouth, so it was reported. 27....All of Company H nearly went to Portsmouth and Norfolk. The Company H was called together to see how many would re-enlist to enter an artillery company. So many were missing that it was put off until the next day. 28....We formed a company of artillery. 29....We elected officers: Captain; J. F. JONES 1st Lieut. J. H. EVANS 2d Lieut., S. H. STARR 3d Lieut. J. M. LEVY 1st Sergt. H. ?. PARKS 2d Sergt. R. W. BAGBY 3d Sergt. A. C. McCALLA 4th Sergt. T. L. ANDERSON 5th Sergt. JAMES DELANEY 1st Corporal W. S. HYER 2d. Corporal W. J. SMITH 3d Corporal GEORGE LEVY 4th Corporal JAMES FLEMISTER Several joined from other companies of the Regiment. 30....Was on guard. Rained all day and night. 31....I went to Norfolk. The Monitor attacked Craney Island and Pigs Point. I bought a pair of shoes. paid 8 dollars for them, the highest price shoes I ever bought, alligator leather. Re-enlisted for 2 years all who were over 35 years old, and all who were under 18 years for 15 months, at which time they could, if they wished, get a discharge. April, 1862 1.....Heavy firing in the direction of General McGRUDER'S forces. 2.....Shelling of Pig's Point. 3.....McGRUDER was skirmishing near Yorktown. 4.....Captain Jones got a letter from the Secretary of War that the battery was not ready yet. 5.....Heavy firing towards the batteries. 6.....The Merrimac went out of the dock at 11 o'clock Sunday. 7.....The Merrimac went out to attack the Monitor but, just as she passed Craney Island, the Monitor steamed towards Fortress Monroe, and the fleet sent a flag of truce to stop her, as was supposed, until the Monitor could get under the guns of the fort. The Rebs were turned loose to see the fight but got disappointed. The beach was lined with troops at Pig's Point, Pinner's Point, Point Norfolk, Bushes Point, and Navy Hospital. 8.....Rainy and cold. Orders at 11 o'clock to pack knapsack and be ready to march to South Mills, that the Yanks were landing at Elizabeth City and had taken part of the militia there. 9.....Just before day the long roll was beat and part of the Regiment left through the rain. I was left behind with a tremendous bad cold. 10....The balance that was able and myself left the Navy Yard on the schooner, Messenger, and got to the first locks on Dismal Swamp Canal and walked to the next locks, and staid all night, slept on deck. Heavy frost in the morning. 11....We put out a foot for South Mills, got within four miles, and a dispatch came for us to hurry on th the entrenchments, for they were expecting an attack constantly. Got to the Company H camp after dark. They were in a barn 3/4 of a mile from Providence Church. 12....I went on guard 1-2 mile below Sawyer's Landing on the Pasquotauk River Swamp. Heard heavy firing toward Craney Island. The Regiment was ordered down towards Elizabeth City. The barn we were camped in was full of peas in the hull. 13....Nothing of importance. Several transports arriving at Roanoke Island with troops on them. 14....We were ordered down the river. Report came that a gunboat was coming up the river, but it went back. I found a steel trap and a musket in a mud hole in the road. The Militia had thrown them away. JAMES LEVYgot back from Portsmouth. 15....We picked up a lot of tricks the militia had thrown away on the 8th instant. 16....Company H was in Elizabeth City. Part of the boys got into the bank again and got lots of money of the Farmers Exchange Bank of N. C. that had been canceled. In the evening 50 men of Company H were sent to burn bridges. 17....Alarm caused by the Yank target shooting. We thought they were shelling the city. To Be Cont. This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.0 Kb