Newton County GaArchives Obituaries.....King, Constable John M. November 1868 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Phyllis Thompson September 27, 2006, 8:12 am The Georgia Enterprise, November 27, 1868 Horrible Tragedy About four miles from Conyers, on Monday night last, occurred one of the bloodiest and most inexcusable murders ever committed in this county. JOHN M. KING, Constable, accompanied with a posse, having in his hands a bench warrant commanding the arrest of LOUIS STANTON, person of color, proceeded to the house of the latter to discharge the duty. Approaching the house of Stanton, admittance was asked, and refused. The officer in informed STANTON that he had been charged with larceny and he was there for the purpose of arresting him, that it was a petty offense that he was accused of, and that if he surrendered the court would, if found guilty, inflict some slight punishment. This STANTON refused to do, asserting that he would die rather than give up. The door was opened and one of the posse went into the house, but discovering an axe in the hands of STANTON, went out. KING then stepped into the door at the same time begging STANTON to surrender, when he was struck with the axe upon the head and back producing two wounds, both of which were mortal, and from which he died in a few minutes. STANTON fled but was brought to bay by a well directed shot from a pistol in the hands of one of the posse, the ball taking effect in the shoulder, producing a severe but not fatal wound. LEWIS and his father, JIM MARTIN have been indicted. Principal in the 1st and 2nd degree in the crime of murder. Both are now in prison and will probably be tried during the present term of the Superior Court. Since the above was put in type, we learn that LEWIS has died. Additional Comments: NOTE: Louis / Lewis was spelled both ways in this article. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb