Newton County GaArchives Obituaries.....Dr. P. Willson Sr. June 1912 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Phyllis Thompson May 8, 2004, 10:11 pm The Covington News, June 26, 1912 In Memory of Dr. P. Willson, Sr. Whereas God in his divine wisdom has seen fit to call our Bro. P. Willson, Sr., from among us that he might appear before the Grand Master of the Universe. Bro. Willson was one of the oldest members of our lodge and one of our most active members, was true to his obligations and devoted to Masonry. He was ever ready and willing to assist a worthy brother when in need of help. He earnestly believed if he lived up to the teachings of masonry and his obligations he would be ready to answer the summons of the Grand Master of the Universe. Bro. Willson was made a master mason during the year of 1870, was elected worshipful master of the lodge in 1886 and held that office for a number of years. Newborn lodge never had a more faithful master; he was faithful in his service and was true to his fellow man. Therefore, be it Resolved by Newborn lodge No. 39, F. & A. M., First, That in the death of Bro. Wilson masonry has sustained a great loss which can only be compensated in part by perpetrating his memory and striving with earnestness to emulate his zeal, enthusiasm and virtues as a man and mason. Second, That to his beloved family we tender our love and sympathy. Third, That in recognition and appreciation of his services in this lodge and his noble influence in the counsels of masonry that these resolutions be recorded by the lodge, published in the county paper, and Masonic Herald and a copy be furnished his family. J. T. PITTS G W H MURRELL C M GAY, Com. Newborn, Ga. June 15th, 1912 This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb