Newton County GaArchives Obituaries.....White, Mrs. Martha A. February 9, 1889 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Phyllis Thompson May 22, 2005, 10:10 pm The Georgia Enterprise, February 21, 1889 DEATH’S SAD ROLL It was a severe shock to this community when the intelligence reached here last week that Mrs. Martha A. White had departed this life at the residence of her son, Rev. Thos. A. White, in Thomas County, Saturday, Feb. 9th. Aged about 64 years. Only a short time ago this good lady was with friends and dear ones at her old Covington home and was the picture of perfect health. Mrs. White was born in South Carolina, but had been a resident of Newton County since her early girlhood. She was a sister of the late Col. Newton Anderson, and has many relatives and loved ones in the community, all of whom are sad and sorrowful at the news of her demise. She died quite suddenly of heart disease, but, was conscious that the hour of her departure was near, and met death calmly and resignedly. Before her pure spirit had winged its flight from earth to heaven a smile overspread her face, which remained there for the angels to see when she should arrive at her permanent resting place beyond the stars. She was one of the best and noblest women the writer ever knew. Her mission, while journeying here below, was to do good and make others happy. She was a Christian lady in the fullest and broadest sense of that beautiful word. She was a lifelong Methodist and died in the full hope and belief of that grand and glorious faith and doctrine. It is impossible to paint with pen the nobility of her generous nature, or express in words the sadness which fills our heart when we remember how kind, how charitable, how benevolent and self sacrificing she had always been, we can but feel grateful that the Master permitted her to remain with friends and loved ones for more than 60 years. She leaves the impress of a fair name and useful life upon the records of her time and generation, which is a priceless legacy to posterity. Her remains were laid to rest in the cemetery near Evergreen Church, Brooks County. May flowers of beauty ever bloom upon her grave. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb