Newton-Putnam County GaArchives Marriages.....Mae Childs - Ernest Brooks Nelson October 1909 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Phyllis Thompson November 7, 2003, 9:11 pm The Covington News, Nov. 3, 1909 Childs-Nelson The marriage of Miss Mae Childs of Newborn and Mr. Ernest Brooks Nelson of Eatonton was solemnized in Newborn last Wednesday morning at the beautiful home of the brides sister, Mrs. J. William Pitts. The beautiful and impressive ceremony was performed by Rev. J. D. Milton. Misses Mary Speer and Nettie Milton sang "You" very sweetly just before the bridal party descended the stairway. Then the ribbon bearers, Misses Mae Pitts, Sara Gay, Jeanne Carter and Katherine Stowe, daintily dressed in white lingerie frocks, next the brides maids, Misses Jessie Bailey, of Social Circle and C. B. Glass of Newborn, dressed in white lace gowns and carrying yellow chrysanthemums. The matron of honor, Mrs. John Carter wore an exquisite gown of green satin, hand embroidered. The groom came in with his best man Mr. Robert Childs, and the bride with her maid of honor Miss Birdie Nelson of Thomaston, sister of the groom, who was dressed in a lovely white bengaline silk and carried white chrysanthemums. The brides gown was a handsome white Duchess satin and point lace with pearl trimmings. Her tulle veil was prettily adjusted with white carnations and she carried a beautiful shower bouquet. Her only ornament was a diamond broach, a gift of the groom. At the beginning of the ceremony "Traumerie" by Schuman was beautifully rendered by Miss Lucy Bailey as pianist and Miss Lizzie Kate Mobley violinist, both of Social Circle. The house was decorated artistically for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson left immediately for Eatonton their future home. Mr. Nelson is prominent in business, social life and church work in Eatonton his home town, while the bride, as Miss Childs was a woman of charming personality and numbered her friends by her acquaintances. The out of town guests were Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Prather, of Rutledge, Misses Jessie and Lucy Bailey, Mr and Mrs. E. L. Newton, Mrs. J. L. Newton and daughter of Social Circle, Miss Birdie Nelson, of Thomaston, Mrs. J. T. Eakes and Mr. J. Hawkins of Eatonton, Miss Adrian Harwell, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Childs of Greensboro, Mrs. W. B. R. Pennington, Mrs. Carter, Miss Mary Carter, Mr. Camp, of Covington, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sassnett of Hapeville. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb