Paulding County, Georgia USGenWeb Archives Cemeteries......Hunt Cemetery ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Robin Layton DIRECTIONS/HOW TO GET THERE: >From Cartersville take Hwy 113 south. Where the road splits, bear left towards the Cartrsville - Bartow Regional Airport. This is Hwy 61 south or the Dallas Hwy. This same stretch of hwy from Dallas is called Cartersville Hwy if you are in Paulding Co. After you cross Bartow-Paulding Co line go 2.3 miles. Take Road # 89 (county Rd.) also called Ferguson Place, on your right You will see the cemetery from Hwy 61 off a little distance---not on Hwy 61 but on this county road. It will be before you get to Dabbs Bridge that turns left of this Hwy 61. Go slow, there isn’t a cemetery marker on Hwy 61. There is a mile marker (22) on the left. The cemetery is on a small rise and an American flag is very noticeable from Highway 61 so its not too hard to see. FROM DALLAS, take Highway 61, also known as the Cartersville highway. Underneath the flagpole there is a piece of marble with an inscription: "Hunt Cemetery est. c-1865. Land donated by Hunt & Ferguson Families." The stone at the head of the grave is referred to as headstone, while the one at the foot is referred to as footstone to keep the information separate. Partial inscriptions, and any legible information, if found, is also included. Information contained on any unusual tombstones or if unusual shapes are noted is included. If a blank footstone available or if there isn’t one, this information is noted after the inscription on the tombstone. Since many stones have deteriorated I hope that this information will help identify ancestors’ graves after deterioration has rendered the inscriptions illegible, as will surely happen with time, weather, and age. I proceeded in rows beginning at the tombstone closest to the ntersection of Ferguson Place and Highway 61. Since the cemetery is not a perfect square rows are not even so keep in mind that the tombstones are noted in the closest approximation to rows. **See note at bottom of file in reference to unmarked graves** headstone inscription ROBERT LEE HUNT MAY 28 1905 NOV 1 1933 footstone blank headstone INFANT EDNA EARL HUNT 1929 footstone blank headstone MOLLIE WOMACK HUNT 1880-1920 footstone blank headstone NEWTON MARCUS HUNT 1881-1940 footstone blank headstone NORA HUNT JULY 26, 1906 MAY 30, 1935 footstone blank headstone H.L. HUNT 1870-1950 AT REST footstone blank headstone AMANDA HUNT MAR. 14, 1878 MAY 24, 1909 footstone blank headstone JOHN MARK HUNT MAY 30, 1908 MAY 18, 1909 footstone none double headstone HUNT THOMAS J. MARTHA GREEN OCT. 9, 1826 JULY 4, 1831 JUNE 25, 1914 footstone Christian Cross symbol none veteran marker THOMAS J. HUNT CO B 43 GA INF CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY 1826 1905 headstone SARAH ELIZABETH HUNT NOV. 30, 1851 MAR. 28, 1927 footstone blank headstone blank footstone TOM ROSS this is possibly a headstone in next row 1850-1931 2nd ROW headstone GARY THOMAS INFANT SON OF MARCUS & CELETIA FINCH APRIL 4, 1947 footstone none Aproximately 4 unmarked graves or unused plots headstone DWYATT SON OF VERA & WAYNE SWANSON NOV. 4, 1941 footstone blank double headstone HUNT EVIE MAE ROY M. HUNT BULLOCK HUNT SEPT. 27, 1900 NOV. 5, 1903 MAR. 23, 1942 JULY 9, 1983 Having finished life’s duty they now sweetly rest. footstone none none headstone INFANT OF R.M. - E.M. HUNT BORN - DIED SEP. 10, 1922 Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest. footstone none headstone WILLIAM A. SON OF T.B. & GEORGIA A. HUNT BORN DEC. 27, 1897 DIED DEC. 5, 1899 footstone none double headstone HUNT THOMAS B. GEORGIA A. 1864 - 1905 1871 - 1954 footstone none none There are one or two spaces. headstone EMMA SLIGH JUNE 13, 1875 JULY 10, 1948 AT REST footstone blank headstone IN MEMORY OF Tallest marker JUDGE in this cemetery JOHN N. SLIGH BORN IN LEXINGTON DISTRICT S.C. JAN. 10, 1807 DIED IN PAULDING CO., GA., FEB. 15, 1897 AGED 90 YRS. 1 MO. 5 DAYS. footstone blank headstone SALLIE A. TERRY SLIGH AUG. 21, 1857 NOV. 24, 1901 footstone none headstone LULA MAY DAUGHTER OF G.B. & A.O. SLIGH BORN MAY 31, 1900 DIED JULY 4, 1901 footstone LMS double headstone SLIGH MOTHER FATHER AGNIS OGIE GEORGE B. AUG. 16, 1874 JUNE 13, 1877 APR. 13, 1943 JAN. 25, 1944 Their toils are past, their work is done. They fought the fight - the victory is won. footstone blank blank double headstone SANFORD footstone TOMMY J. SANFORD none OCT. 3, 1906 JULY 15, 1959 headstone This marker is badly deteriorated: Chipped, flaking, discolored. I can make out ?W. SAN footstone none headstone Either a badly deteriorated marker or a rough stone. footstone blank double headstone SLIGH WILLIE C. ADDIE MAE APR. 2, 1902 APR. 8, 1908 OCT 12, 1978 AUG. 7, 1999 footstone blank none headstone INFANT OF J.A. - JENNIE SLIGH BORN - DIED AUG. 22, 1919 Budded on earth to bloom in heaven. footstone L.S. headstone ASLEEP IN JESUS JENNIE WIFE OF J.A. SLIGH SEP. 3, 1883 SEP. 16, 1919 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. footstone blank headstone J.A. SLIGH footstone J.A. SLIGH SEPT. 13, 1879 OCT. 26, 1960 headstone GEORGIANN SLIGH DEC. 6, 1888 SEPT. 23, 1955 footstone none headstone AT REST JAMES M. SON OF J.A. & JENNIE SLIGH MAR. 26, 1911 JAN. 3, 1926 footstone blank headstone SLIGH footstone JOHNIE O. SLIGH MAR. 30, 1905 AUG. 17, 1961 3rd ROW double headstone HUNT footstone ELIZABETH B. LEWIS W. 1900 - 1970 1894 - 1955 double headstone RUFF CLAUDE MOLLIE M. FEB. 29, 1874 APR. 7, 1884 MAY 24, 1944 AUG. 3, 1946 footstone none none 2-3 unmarked graves or empty spaces. double headstone RUFF C.V. (RED) VIVIAN R. JULY 14, 1905 LOVE MAY 30, 1907 APR. 29, 1977 LIVES MAR. 28, 1990 ON footstone none none headstone JAMES T. SON OF M.M. & M.A. RUFF BORN MARCH 11, 1890 DIED JUNE 18, 1896 has illegible inscription, likely a poem or religious saying. footstone blank double headstone FATHER MOTHER M.M. RUFF MRS. M.M. RUFF FEB. 27, 1857 DEC. 13, 1854 APR. 13, 1933 OCT. 7, 1908 Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. footstone blank blank headstone DELLA BEATRICE DAU. OF J.M. & R.L. RUFF OCT. 16, 1915 AUG. 23, 1917 Asleep in Jesus blessed thought footstone DBR Unmarked grave or space. headstone JOSEPH H. GAMEL, JR. "JODY" MAY 20, 1949 - DEC. 5, 1988 footstone none double headstone GAMEL MILDRED SLIGH JOSEPH (JOE) H. DEC. 10, 1922 JAN. 28, 1925 JUNE 22, 1994 FEB. 8, 1985 footstone none footstone headstone C.E. STUBBLEFIELD NOV. 27, 1853 NOV. 11, 1919 footstone blank headstone DEWEY F. BROCK JULY 29, 1911 SEP. 26, 1917 Darling we miss thee footstone blank headstone O.T. SON OF N.A. & I.H. BROCK BORN OCT. 9, 1900 DIED NOV. 21, 1900 Sleep on sweet babe and love thy rest. footstone blank double headstone E.C. BROCK NANCY BROCK BORN DIED JULY 28, 1851 DEC. 26, 1910 DIED NOV. 5, 1904 illegible religious saying? Kind Father... the rest is illegible headstone reverse Father Mother footstone blank blank Unmarked graves or spaces. Maybe room for the rows to merge. triple headstone THOMASON footstones ESTERLENA BEVIE RENA JULY 16, 1907 AUG. 8, 1908 APR. 14, 1909 DEC. 2, 1941 MAY 4, 1982 MAR. 11, 1989 Unmarked grave or space. Below the cemetery boundary wall: double headstone FERGUSON CONNIE A. W. NOAH DEC 27, 1882 JULY 19, 1875 JULY 29, 1964 FEB. 6, 1960 footstone CONNIE A. FERGUSON W. NOAH FERGUSON BORN DEC 27, 1882 BORN JULY 19, 1875 DIED JULY 29, 1964 DIED FEB. 6, 1960 double headstone GURLEY Masonic symbol WM. HORACE INELLE F. FEB. 10, 1914 AUG. 20, 1916 OCT. 21, 1975 AUG. 23, 1994 footstone Christian cross none veteran WILLIAM HORACE GURLEY CPL US ARMY WORLD WAR II FEB 10 1914 OCT 21 1975 headstone CONNIE GURLEY COSEY OCT. 25, 1946 JULY 3, 1993 Asleep in Jesus footstone none 4th Row double headstone CROSSEN PAUL H. GAYNELL OCT. 12, 1932 AUG. 25, 1925 JUN 3, 1969 footstone none none double headstone WOMACK ROBERT LEE JESSIE TERRY JAN. 10, 1893 NOV. 9, 1900 AUG. 3, 1964 AUG. 14, 1944 footstone Funeral Home’s metal none marker: ROBERT WOMACK 1893 1964 MARTIN FUNERAL HOME headstone blank footstone none triple headstone WOMACK R.J. - ALASKA - JAMES INFANT SONS OF T.J. AND FLORENCE WOMACK footstones R.J. WOMACK none none OCT. 31, 1925 NOV. 21, 1925 A little time on earth he spent, till God for him his angel sent. double headstone WOMACK FLORENCE T. THOMAS J. NOV. 19, 1890 JULY 27, 1886 OCT. 12, 1960 JULY 17, 1958 footstone none none headstone Funeral Home’s metal marker: BABY KISER BERNHART FUNERAL HOME footstone none headstone a brick footstone none headstone Funeral Home’s metal marker: CHARLES WOMACK 1884 1886 BERNHARDT FUNERAL HOME footstone none headstone CORA HIWASSE WOMACK HUNT 1857 - 1915 footstone none several empty spaces or unmarked graves headstone blank footstone none headstone FANNIE M. WIFE OF L.P. JENKINS BORN MAR 15, 1851 DIED SEP. 12, 1902 At Rest footstone FMJ headstone small blank marble footstone none headstone FATHER JOHN M. JENKINS MAR. 22, 1900 SEPT. 10, 1942 footstone JMJ headstone LUCILE JENKINS APRIL , 1920 MAY 2, 1920 God Bless footstone INFANT DAUGHTER headstone NELLIE JENKINS MARCH 1, 1924 APRIL 6, 1924 God Bless footstone INFANT DAUGHTER double headstone JENKINS MARRIED OCT. 9, 1919 WESLEY CLAUDIE ‘MUTT’ 1902 AUG. 22, 1900 MAR. 8, 1944 JUNE 28, 1952 footstone none none headstone BELOVED SON JOHN WESLEY JENKINS FEB. 2, 1927 DEC. 17, 1973 footstone SON headstone MARY FERGUSON WIFE OF H.G. WILBANKS FEB. 18, 1905 MAR. 15, 1943 At the Christian river bank we Shall gather link by link. MOTHER footstone MFW double headstone FERGUSON LEWELL M. FERGUSON blank JULY 17, 1909 OCT. 26, 1978 footstone none double headstone FERGUSON RANDALL J. F. CHARLENE APR. 30, 1936 DEC. 4, 1938 APR. 23, 1997 MARRIED APR. 19, 1957 footstone none none 5th Row First space is empty. triple headstone STEPHENS footstone MARTA E. STEPHENS JOHN O. STEPHENS RUTH M. STEPHENS JAN. 17, 1889 JULY 26, 1885 MAY 3, 1919 FEB. 27, 1968 DEC. 20, 1955 FEB. 7, 1941 headstone deteriorated or blank footstone blank headstone rough rock (quartz?) footstone rough rock headstone W.M. WOMACK JUNE 10, 1887 MAR. 6, 1957 footstone none headstone rough rock footstone 3 rough rocks 3-4 empty plots or unmarked graves headstone rough rock footstone rough rock 2 headstones, old one broken, newer headstone (veteran) placed beside old. headstone JOHN M. TERRY, JOHN M. TERRY (broken in BORN PVT CO G 1/2) MAY 25, 1831 56 GA INF DIED MAY 25 1831 SEPT. 19, 1889 SEPT 19 1889 A faithful Christian footstone blank none empty space or unmarked grave headstone SARAH E. DAUGHTER OF W.H. & G.A. TERRY BORN MAY 24, 1885 DIED APRIL 12, 1893 Our darling one hath gone before To greet us at the blissful shore. many empty or unmarked graves. Maybe room for the rows to merge? headstone WILLIAM C (G?) SON OF J.H. & G(C?).M. DUNN BORN SEPT. 4, 1889 DIED OCT. 25, 1890 footstone blank approximately 5 empty/unmarked spaces empty/unmarked space triple headstone HOVERS INFANT SON WILLIE W. RUBY G. DEC. 19, 1935 AUG. 4, 1912 SEPT. 30, 1910 FEB. 13, 1973 APR. 11, 1998 SON FATHER MOTHER footstone none metal FH marker none WILLIE W. HOVIRS 1913-1973 OWEN FUNERAL HOME empty/unmarked space 6th Row empty space Grave has diagonally-placed bricks laid into ground without mortar. Grass is growing over and between the bricks. Grass is growing over the headstone double headstone BRAWNER LORENE H. CLAUDE H. 1908-1994 1906-1968 footstone none none headstone broken piece of marble footstone none headstone MARTHA CLARK HUNT 1866-1922 footstone broken marble ????? unmarked grave????? headstone JOHN EDWARD HUNT 1859-1944 footstone a brick empty spaces or unmarked graves (6-8) headstone J.L. BROCK broken 1/2 BORN repaired AUG 30, 1805 DIED DEC 10, 1890 footstone blank headstone HARRIET C. BROCK newer brick 1808-unknown set into old footstone none Unmarked/empty spaces. There are some rough stones laid into ground with grass growing over them. Looks random. headstone INFANT (the only pink WILLIAM TERRY marble) 1904 footstone blank, also pink marble 3-4 unmarked/empty. Room for rows to merge? double headstone TERRY T.S. SALLIE MAE 1863-1924 1861-1917 Blessed are the pure in Just asleep in Jesus heart for they shall see God footstone blank blank TERRY double headstone LIZZIE MATTIE L. NOV 11, 1902 SISTERS MAY 26, 1905 MAR. 5, 1976 footstone blank blank The next few are approximately the same row but are below cemetery retaining wall. double headstone CARNES WILLIAM MATHIS ROBBIE MAE CARNES CARNES JULY 11, 1904 DEC. 18, 1906 OCT. 24, 1961 MAY 24, 1990 double headstone FERGUSON R. ELWOOD E. JOSEPHINE SEPT. 18, 1911 MAR. 17, 1913 DEC. 13, 1975 FEB. 3, 1986 footstone FATHER MOTHER end of row In the middle of the cemetery, sort of a 6-1/2 row, headstone blank or deteriorated marble footstone none headstone blank or deteriorated marble footstone none headstone JOHN R. SHEPHERD (newer) APR 25 1855 FEB 16 1907 footstone old flaky stone. Piece of old tombstone? headstone LUCY ANN BROCK SHEPHERD (newer) 1854-1920 footstone Old flaky stone. Piece of old tombstone? headstone Pile of rocks, one of which is old flaky stone. footstone none Approximately 4 empty/unmarked spaces headstone HUBERT JACKSON TERRY MARCH 16, 1928 APRIL 12, 1928 Gone to be an angel footstone none 7th Row triple headstone EVANS REST IN PEACE footstones ROSEANNA CALVIN STARLIN R. FEB. 16, 1885 AUG. 27, 1876 JUNE 12, 1909 APR. 28, 1959 MAR. 6, 1968 JAN. 1, 1979 headstone MRS. SARAH GRANT HOVERS 1853-1944 footstone none headstone MR. JOSEPH L. HOVERS 1872-1951 footstone none The next graves are surrounded by the only white wooden picket fence. headstone INFANT WILLIAM MONROE RUFF (only one) OCT 11, 1909 OCT 22, 1909 Suffer little children to come unto me. INFANT MARGARET LEE RUFF SEPT. 20, 1943 SEPT. 21, 1943 A lovely daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Herman Ruff At Rest footstone none 3 graves that have rough flaky old stone jutting out of ground for headstones. Looks like deteriorated tombstones, 2-3 empty/unmarked graves A plot with bricks laid around it in shape/size of one person. Grass is growing over bricks. There are 5 bricks stacked at head. A plot with bricks laid around it, child-sized. At the head is a small wooden cross, less than 12 inches tall, the pieces of which are about 1 inch wide. Empty unmarked grave. headstone W.R. INFANT OF G.W. & C.E. SHEPHERD BORN JAN. 5, 1905 DIED FEB. 22, 1905 Darling sweetly sleep Jesus thee shall keep. footstone blank headstone small blank or deteriorated marble upright footstone none The next headstone is completely broken in half. Both sides have inscriptions. 1st side CARRIE E. reverse: Darling babe at rest in heaven WIFE OF G.W. in God we know you was (w??) SHEPHERD forgiven? BORN A loved one here from ...(broken) OCT 27, 1884 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIED DEC 12, 1906 my own dear wife has gone to ~~broken area~~ mansions above yonder sky, to gaze on the beautiful throne of him illegible inscription who is sacred on high. headstone JOHN F. SHEPHERD 1878 - 1950 footstone blank headstone MINNIE JARRETT FEB. 10, 1900 DEC. 28, 1970 footstone none double headstone HOVERS J.J. LUCY AUG. 18, 1910 MAY 14, 1923 APR. 13, 1962 footstone none none 8th row First plot surrounded by old bricks having concrete scraps attached as if salvaged. At the head is an unusal-shaped brick. Some have a company name and partially legible location ?ville Georgia. No other identifying or unusual things about the plot, no names or anything. No headstonbe, no footstone. headstone JIM KISER 1869-1939 footstone rough stone with a metal tab attached JIM KISER DIED AUG 1939 AGE 70 YEARS Plot has surround of yellowish brick. no headstone or footstone headstone BETTIE KISER APR. 6, 1852 JAN. 5, 1926 Rest, mother, rest in quiet sleep. While friends in sorrow over thee weep. footstone B.K. next three plots have only rough chunks of rock to mark. rows begin to merge headstone RAY J. SHEPARD Oct. 11 1941 "Asleep In Jesus" footstone none headstone SHEPARD JOHN W. SHEPARD MAGGIE B. SHEPARD Sep 22 1901 Dec 25 1902 June 25 1980 Dec 5 1997 "Jesus called, Dad answered" "Jesus called, Mom answered" footstone none none headstone MARTHA V. SHEPARD Aug 28 1937 "Jesus called, Mom answered" empty or unmarked grave double headstone MONK DADDY MOTHER SHARON L. "SHAG" RUTH FERGUSON JAN. 3, Masonic Wed May 11, 1935 MAY 17, 1918 1917 symbol footstone Christian cross none SHARON LEE MONK F2 US NAVY WORLD WAR II JAN 3 1917 MAR 13 1993 1/2 row headstone NANCY EVANS BROCK OCT. 12, 1849 MAR. 17, 1907 Weep not, she is but sleepeth. footstone blank headstone blank footstone blank headstone deteriorated footstone blank headstone DAD set into JESS W. concrete pad THOMPSON OCT. 11, 1886 JULY 27, 1950 Sweetly Resting footstone none 9th Row Bricks laid around unmarked grave Another unmarked grave with bricks around it. Bricks have DFBC chiseled into them or Franklin Crown. Third also unmarked with bricks laid around it. double headstone MOTHER FATHER VICTORIA JOE KISER KISER APR. 1, 1881 MAR. 28, 1875 APR. 23, 1946 AUG. 7, 1933 At Rest Five graves have some rocks or bricks laid around them. Otherwise, they are unmarked. double headstone HITE JAMES H. LILLIE M. MAR. 6, 1928 JULY 20, 1932 NOV. 9, 1994 JUNE 27, 1997 a metal marker MR. JAMES HITE BORN MARCH 6, 1928 DIED NOV. 9, 1994 AGE 66 YRS BRANNON & SONS FUNERAH HOME CALHOUN, GEORGIA footstone Christian cross none veteran JAMES H HITE PVT US ARMY KOREA MAR 6 1928 NOV 9 1994 headstone blank headstone blank double headstone MOTHER FATHER FRANCIS A. JASON EVANS EVANS MAR. 4, 1847 MAY 12, 1837 MAR. 27, 1909 AUG. 12, 1911 A tender mother His record is and a faithful on high. friend. footstone blank Father headstone JAMES R. EVANS born SEP. 23, 1898 died JUNE 13, 1899 Budded on earth to bloom in heaven. footstone JRE headstone LILLY MAY EVANS born MAY 28, 1900 died June 17, 1901 How soon fades the tender flower. footstone LME headstone GENERAL JOSEPH EVANS BORN NOV. 14, 1906 DIED MAR. 26, 1916 An angel visited the green earth and took the flower away. footstone blank headstone EVANS REST IN PEACE THOMAS BUFORD NOV. 23,1911 MAR. 3, 1952 Gone to live with Jesus. footstone blank double headstone EVANS POLLIE THOMAS A. 1869-1955 1879-1952 Although they do sleep their memory doth live. footstone none none headstopne HENRY JASON EVANS JAN. 24, 1897 MAY 5, 1970 Walking with Jesus. 10th row headstone none Funeral home’s metal marker: EARNEST J. KISER 1906-1976 OWEN FUNERAL HOME footstone none headstone MARIE KISER MAY 17, 1911 FEB. 16, 1968 footstone none unmarked baby-sized grave headstone IN FAITH OF MR. & MRS. W.J. KISER 1941 RAYMOND LEE KISER MAR. 13, 1949 APR. 17, 1949 footstone none double headstone KISER BILL J. RUBY C. 1919-1970 1919-1993 MARRIED MAR. 30, 1940 footstone none Funeral Home’s metal marker RUBY B. KISER 1919-1993 PARNICK-JENNINGS FH headstone WILLIE JP KISER veteran GEORGIA PVT ENGINEER WORLD WAR II footstone DADDY headstone none footstone MOTHER 2 empty/unmarked graves and a deteriorated headstone headstone INFANT SON OF MR. & MRS. V.G. HALE FEB. 7, 1918 footstone none 2 empty/unmarked graves. grave has concrete pad over it. "Baby" was scratched into wet cement. headstone G.W. GOODWIN BORN 1856 DIED JAN 24, 1905 Father sweetly rest among the blest. footstone blank headstone JOSEPHINE GOODWIN BORN JUNE 22, 1857 DIED JAN. 28, 1911 footstone none headstone blank footstone none headstone JAMES veteran EDWARD COCHRAN S1 US NAVY WORLD WAR II 1926 footstone blank headstone MRS. JESSIE MARABLE COCHRAN MAY 1, 1888 APR. 9, 1960 She has gone to the mansion of rest. triple headstone COCHRAN MALCOLM H. MARY E. H. HARBEN APR. 26, 1952 OCT. 10, 1922 JUNE 17, 1916 FEB. 9, 1955 footstone none none none 11th row double headstone THY WILL BE DONE FLOWERS CLARENCE D. NAN K. JAN. 9, 1939 MAY 23, 1973 MARRIED Dec 2, 1960 footstone FATHER MOTHER Funeral Home metal marker CLARENCE D. FLOWERS 939-1973 OWEN FUNERAL HOME Unmarked graves/empty spaces headstone SISTER SALLIE broken WIFE OF JOHN BROCK JULY 15, 1898 MAY 28, 1913 Weep not, she is but sleepeth. footstone blank double headstone HOLLINGSHED ERNEST T., JR. ZELLYAH S. JULY 31, 1921 MAR. 9, 1925 DEC. 13, 1993 MARRIED DEC. 20, 1947 footstone ERNEST T. HOLLINGSHED JR. none veteran TEC 4 US ARMY WORLD WAR II JULY 31 1921 DEC 13, 1993 triple headstone RUFF SIDNEY M. ELGIE C. LOUISE M. MAY 9, 1956 DEC. 8, 1908 AUG. 12, 1915 JULY 15, 1978 footstone none none none double headstone CAROLYN V. MARTHA L. RUFF RUFF JAN. 31, 1947 JULY 28, 1951 OCT. 22, 1951 footstone none none triple headstone RUFF RANDY D. SUE L. J.T. OCT 8, 1958 DEC. 29, 1933 DEC. 19, 1927 FEB. 24, 1984 TOGETHER FOREVER footstone RDR SLR JTR triple headstone RUFF WILLIAM R. CONNIE T. OCTAVIE M. FEB. 27, 1888 MAY 27, 1890 SEPT. 1, 1918 SEPT. 29, 1971 OCT. 21, 1958 SEPT. 29, 1943 footstone blank blank blank triple headstone RUFF ROY RICHARD MARY GRACE LEROY JULY 7, 1913 JAN. 20, 1920 AUG. 28, 1943 DEC. 28, 1980 NOV. 17, 1995 JUNE 3, 1990 footstone none none none Note added January 2010 -----Original Message----- From: Jewel Kiser [] Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 3:38 AM Subject: Hunt Cemetery the first 2 unmarked graves next to Jo and Victoria are (!) Myrtle (Going) Kiser born 6-25-1909 died 12-5-1978 (2) Alfred Cicero (Bud) Kiser born 6-3-1908 died 1-20-1965. On the other side Of Joe and Victoria are 5 unmarked Graves. (1) George Kiser born 1823 NC died between 1880 census and 1900 Census. (2) Mindy (Lambert) Kiser born 4-9-1829 died 9-23-1923 (3) Elizabeth(Little) Kiser 1852 died 2-24-1922 (4) John R Kiser born 1859 died 9-27-1929. I haven't been able to find who the fifth grave is but it is a Kiser I think it might be George and Mindy's daughter Catherine for in the 1880 census she was still at home and she was born in 1856. for the 1890 census was destroyed and the 1900 census mindy was living with Joe and Victoria Ever who is taking care of that Cemetery now called me saying they were going to put markers down. I thought you might need this information Thanks Jewel Kiser