PAULDING COUNTY GA Cemetery Old Harmony Grove File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Judy and Chuck Cronen and Lucille Buter Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OLD HARMONY GROVE CEMETERY, Paulding County, GA Compiled and Submitted by: Judy and Chuck Cronen and Lucille Buter This cemetery is located off Harmony Grove Church Road, just past New Harmony Grove Church. You will see a gravel road going off to the right, follow it toward a stand of trees and an American Flag. The cemetery sits on top of a small hill. On December 24, 1840, a group of early settlers composed of Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians, realized the great need for a school and church in the community. They decided to construct a wooden building in the grove of trees on Land Lot 311. This building served as both church and school until just before 1861 when it was destroyed by fire. The early settlers had established a cemetery next to the church building and this is now Old Harmony Grove Cemetery. There are some 400 graves in this beautiful old cemetery and a majority of the graves are marked with field stones which do not have inscriptions. This Cemetery has been proclaimed a Historical Landmark in Paulding County. Name Birth Death Notes Armstrong, Mattie 12-23-1868 8-20-1904 Baker, Ann Cochran 1843 1910 D/O M&M Wm. Baker, John V. 1829 1866 Baker, Margaret M. 7-12-1825 12-26-1875 W/O John V. Baker, Minnie Lee 1884 1885 D/O M&M W. J. Baker, Oliver NO DATES Co. C., 63 GA Inf., CSA Brock, Susanna Cochran 7-04-1872 9-10-1910 D/O M&M W. C. Brown, Allen NO DATES S/O M&M James Brown, Cornelius 1849 1862 S/O John & Susan Brown, Frances NO DATES D/O M&M James Brown, George W. 6-10-1852 8-19-1934 S/O John & Susan Brown, Martha 1847 1862 Brown, Robert NO DATES S/O M&M James Brown, Susan Wallace 1815 1862 1W/O John Campbell, Infant 5-20-1898 5-20-1898 S/O M&M C. G. Campbell, Joseph Samuel 2-13-1887 3-08-1909 Woodman/World Campbell, Mary F. 6-29-1862 5-22-1893 Campbell, Ruby B. 8-24-1884 8-22-1888 D/O M&M C. G. Cantrell, Sallie S. 9-24-1879 7-21-1949 Carnes, Comfort 1753 1861 B: VA, M/O Richard Carnes, James 1-01-1842 1-13-1923 Pvt., Co. C 22 GA Inf.,CSA Carnes, Nancy 1820 8-25-1895 W/O Richard Co-founders of Church Carnes, Richard 1810 3-03-1873 H/O Nancy Carruth, Henry NO DATES Clark, Alfred Benjamin 1827 1899 Pvt.Co G, 11, GA Inf.,CSA Clark, George NO DATES Clark, Infant NO DATES D/O M&M John S. Clark, Lu Sindie 1831 1914 Clark, Lucinda Lambert 1831 11-16-1914 W/O Alfred B. Clark, Ollie 1906 1918 Cochran, Abraham 1919 1919 S/O Homer & Elo Cochran, Amanda Dudley 5-04-1880 8-11-1953 W/O John H. Cochran, D. Lewis 7-11-1853 8-03-1926 H/O Sarah W. Cochran, David Boyd 4-20-1893 12-23-1893 S/O M&M W. C. Cochran, Eugene 1-22-1897 1-29-1897 S/O M&M W. C. Cochran, Eulah Cantrell 10-14-1856 1-29-1897 4W/O W. C. Cochran, Henry A. 5-06-1829 1-15-1864 Pvt. Co C 22 GA Inf., CSA Cochran, Henry J. 8-16-1848 2-09-1922 H/O Mary W. Cochran, Hugh Dorsey 8-02-1916 1-09-1918 Cochran, Infant 1913 1913 I/O Homer & Elo Cochran, Infant 1920 1920 I/O M&M Homer Cochran, Infant NO DATES I/O M&M Pierce Cochran, John Henry 2-19-1872 5-05-1960 H/O Amanda D. Cochran, John Otis 6-28-1906 9-13-1906 Cochran, John R., Jr. 1841 1842 S/O M&M J. R., Sr. Oldest Grave in Cem. Cochran, John Wesley 1848 1921 S/O M&M Wm. Cochran, Lillie Mae 1905 1905 Cochran, Margaret Brown 1843 1881 2W/O W. C. Cochran, Martha Ann Hill 3-21-1842 7-25-1870 1W/O W. C. Cochran, Mary Elizabeth 5-26-1870 3-10-1871 D/O M&M W. C. Cochran, Mary Wood 2-15-1844 7-05-1922 W/O Henry J. Cochran, P. C. 4-29-1899 8-06-1918 Cochran, Pleasant G. 5-06-1829 3-30-1863 Pvt.Co C 22 GA Inf., CSA Cochran, Pleasant G. 8-17-1868 8-06-1926 S/O M&M W.C. Cochran, Rachel Amanda 8-09-1886 1887 D/O M&M W.C. Cochran, Rachel Goodwin 6-22-1851 3-25-1887 3W/O W.C. Cochran, Sally Siniard 1850 1920 W/O John W. Cochran, Sarah E. Wells 9-15-1855 6-16-1919 W/O D. Lewis Cochran, Sarah Kiser 1809 1890 W/O Wm. Cochran, Sidney Ann 6-04-1879 6-03-1880 D/O M&M W. C. Cochran, Sidney Ann Wood 4-25-1849 7-21-1920 W/O Wm. L. Cochran, William 1803 1872 H/O Sarah K. Cochran, William Calvin 6-15-1839 4-19-1898 Pvt. Co.C 22 GA Inf., CSA Cochran, William Lafayette 11-18-1844 6-09-1925 Pvt. Co A 1 GA Cav., CSA Cutler, Hattie Mae Cantrell 1898 1918 W/O Ray Cutler, Infant NO DATES D/O M&M Ray Cuttles, Hattie C. 1919 1919 I/O Hattie C. Dudley, Decker 1878 1905 Dudley, Jane 1840 1915 M/O Amanda D. Dudley, James 1899 1905 Ferguson, Abraham Gideon 1-31-1841 1-03-1929 Pvt. Co C 22 GA Inf., CSA Ferguson, Infant 1880 1880 S/O A.G. & M.E. Ferguson, J. H. 7-24-1877 5-02-1880 S/O M&M A. G. Ferguson, Jessie 3-18-1884 3-05-1901 D/O M&M A.G. Ferguson, Martha J. McEvers 1-16-1851 6-28-1937 2W/O A.G. Ferguson, Mary E. Womack 6-31-1847 5-13-1880 1W/O A. G. Ferguson, Robert Ortell 1930 1930 Galihair, Jesse NO DATES Gallahan, Jesse M. 1850 CA.1920 Gallahan, Sarah D. 1852 CA.1915 Goss, William NO DATES "Bill" Guess, Joseph 1839 1964 Co. D, 36 GA Inf.,CSA Guess, Sarah E. Cantrell 6-13-1890 8-09-1914 W/O J.W. Hagler, Cynthia Hovers 1843 1913 W/O Amos Haney, Infant 11-05-1917 11-05-1917 S/O Frank & Maggie Hill, Ernest 1918 1919 Hill, Mike Ernest 9-22-1892 5-04-1946 Pvt. US Army, WWI Hill, Ruby 1944 1945 Hilliard, Daisey Gertrude 2-16-1913 9-25-1914 D/O M&M R. L. Hilliard, Ethel Allene 9-25-1915 9-25-1915 D/O M&M R. L. Hilliard, Georgia Moselle 3-30-1921 6-14-1921 D/O M&M R. L. Hilliard, Infant 6-01-1924 6-01-1924 S/O M&M R.L. Hilliard, John Costillo 1-06-1923 1-16-1923 S/O M&M R. L. Hilliard, Robert Lee, Jr. 4-11-1917 4-05-1918 S/O M&M R. L., Sr. Hite, Children (2) NO DATES Hovers, Anie 4-24-1880 4-18-1919 W/O Charles Hovers, Charley, Jr. 1917 1919 Hovers, Dessie NO DATES Hovers, Elba 1919 1919 Hovers, Infant NO DATES I/O M&M Charles Hovers, Luther NO DATES Hughes, Sarah 1808 1864 Hutcheson, Catherine C. Newbill 8-30-1862 11-22-1932 D/O W.C. & M.E. Cochran Hutcheson, Josephus 3-03-1868 10-14-1938 2H/O Catherine C. Newbill Jenkins, Dixie 1909 1909 Jenkins, John P. 1882 1911 Johnston, Sarah Ann Sligh 1-12-1841 2-13-1865 W/O J. R. Kiser, Emma Cochran 1876 1905 W/O Charles M. Kiser, Infant NO DATES I/O M&M Charles M. Kiser, William 1851 1856 B: NC Lee, Fannie Baines NO DATES W/O John Lewis, Clifford L. 1890 1917 Lewis, L. C. 1915 1915 Lewis, Robert C. 1916 1916 Lindsey, Harrison NO DATES Little, Mattie 1906 1910 Mathis, Allie Lou 10-20-1888 6-18-1891 Mathis, Jennings Bivings 10-30-1860 8-16-1942 Mathis, Margaret L.Cochran 9-20-1864 302101931 McEver, Children (3) NO DATES McEver, J. E. 10-19-1877 8-06-1925 McEver, Martha J. 10-20-1839 12-01-1889 McEver, Mary C. NO DATE 2-04-1866 Morris, Elsie Goss NO DATES 1W/O Oliver Goss Newbill, Samuel C. 2-17-1860 4-02-1892 1H/O Catherine C. Ruff, Charlie Lorsnzy 7-27-1899 7-27-1901 S/O J.T. & J.F. Ruff, James Daniel 9-07-1892 11-23-1894 S/O J.T. & J.F. Ruff, James T. 12-18-1859 3-15-1945 S/O M&M Jesse M. Ruff, Jesse M. 1830 1890 Co D 4 US Inf., Union Army Ruff, Julia A. Fountain 9-29-1866 12-13-1911 W/O James T. Ruff, Martha L. Annie Smith 1826 1898 W/O J. Monroe Ruff, Nancy Harriett 11-11-1890 11-24-1890 D/O J.T. & J.F. Sanford, Ansel 1-02-1912 7-02-1914 Sanford, Herman NO DATES S/O M&M Mack Sanford, Infant 10-03-1899 10-03-1899 D/O M&M Lem Sanford, Infant 8-31-1914 8-31-1914 D/O M&M V.T. Sanford, Infants (4) NO DATES I/O Sam & Lizzie Sanford, Ivey NO DATES S/O M&M Mack Sanford, Lynn Easterlin 2-09-1835 3-28-1920 W/O M.V. Sanford, M. V. 1830 1916 Pvt. Co A 35 GA Inf., CSA Sanford, Mary Lee 3-22-1909 11-06-1911 D/O M&M V.T. Shepard, Elizabeth Goss NO DATES 1W/O Monroe Shepard, Infant NO DATES I/O M&M Monroe Shepard, Monroe 1882 1922 "Ro" Siniard, Hiram 1855 1914 Siniard, John Thompson 1827 1898 Cpl. Co G 22 GA Inf., CSA Siniard, Lucretia Adams 1824 1900 W/O John T., Planted Cedar Tree Siniard, Lynn NO DATES Siniard, Margaret E.Cochran 2-11-1839 7-16-1921 D/O M&M Wm. Cochran Sligh, Margaret M. Hughes 8-25-1799 6-18-1861 W/O John N. Smith, Magie L. 9-17-1904 2-08-1905 D/O J.W. & M.A. Starnes, Bessie Irene 4-02-1898 9-14-1898 D/O M&M T.M. Starnes, Daniel 1800 1876 Co-founder of Church Starnes, David F. M. 1839 1899 Co. A, 40 GA Inf., CSA Starnes, J. Daniel 12-31-1850 12-06-1921 H/O Nancy R. Starnes, Mary E. 1841 CA.1901 Starnes, Mary M. 1799 1847 Co-founder of Church Starnes, Nancy Harriett Ruff 1-03-1855 4-25-1923 W/O J. Daniel Starnes, Susannah R. 1823 1898 Starnes, Thomas P. 1823 1899 Pauld.Co. Mil., GA Gds.,CSA Thompson, George W. 1862 1915 S/O W.J. & Sarah Thompson, Infant NO DATES I/O Jess & A. L. Thompson, Infant 1882 1882 S/O M&M Wm. Jesse Thompson, Madgie 1906 9-25-1920 Thompson, Mollie 1885 10- -1911 Thompson, Noah 1880 1886 S/O W.J. & Sarah Thompson, Sarah Ann Clark 1851 10-20-1923 W/O Wm. Jesse Thompson, William Jesse 1827 1902 Pvt. Co D GA Inf, CSA Tibbitts, Dave 1856 1927 H/O Jane J. Tibbitts, Henry W. 1871 1872 Tibbitts, Infant 1854 1854 I/O M&M Joseph C. Tibbitts, Jackson 1882 1882 Tibbitts, James W. 6-29-1837 1909 Cpl. Co K 14 GA Inf. CSA Tibbitts, Jane Jenkins 1856 1915 W/O Dave Tibbitts, Jefferson D. 1860 1864 Tibbitts, John Wesley 1884 1885 Tibbitts, Joseph C. 10-12-1812 8-26-1892 H/O Matilda Fowler Tibbitts, Mary Adline 1848 1853 Tibbitts, Mary Ann Starnes 12-08-1849 3-18-1922 W/O Maston G. Tibbitts, Maston Green 10-13-1845 2-13-1924 Pvt. Co K 14 GA Inf, CSA Tibbitts, Matilda Fowler 2-04-1815 10-19-1885 W/O Jos. C. Tibbitts, Mollie Harkness 1848 1881 Tibbitts, Rebecca 1878 1880 Turner, Henry T. 1906 1906 Turner, Infant NO DATES I/O M&M Melvin Wells, Helen 10-16-1831 11-18-1908 M/O Sarah E. West, Dewey NO DATES West, Gordon NO DATES West, Lee NO DATES ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ==============