Pike County GaArchives Census.....1870 Mortality Schedule for Pike County ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Smallwood Stock bsstock@comcast.net July 27, 2003 Note: There are a number of occurances where "Babe" appears as the first name. It appears so often and always for an infant, I have decided that these were unnamed infants and that the babe was just a generic description and not the given name. Also, the number in column 1 refers to the family number in the population schedule for the same year. Therefore, this number tells you where the individual had resided prior to death and in most cases this would be that person's family. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fam# Name Age S R Mar Birth Father MotherBirth Occup Cause of Death Place Birth Birth Month ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- District 101 1 Smarr, Adeline N. 24 F W Georgia January at home Cerebo Spinal Meningitis 13 Wilson, Mary A. 21 F W Georgia May at home Neuralgia of womb 17 Pitts, Findely? 1 M W Georgia July at home Epilepsy 87 Childs, Barber 1 M W Georgia February at home Pneumonia 109 Hood, Margaret 15 F W Georgia July at home Acute Diarrhaa 150 Harris, Charles 30 M W M Georgia February Farm Laborer Consumption 205 Barnun, Emma 8 F W Georgia July Acute Diarrhoea 231 Williams, Richard 41 M W M South Car November Farmer Hepititus 239 Swann, Jackson 1 mo M W Georgia January Acute Diarrhoea 287 Allen, John C. 32 M W M Georgia March Farmer Typhoid Pneumonia 186 Coats, Mary 27 F W M Georgia January Keeping house Consumption 325 Parks, Stephen 63 M B M Georgia November Farm Laborer Pneumonia 331 Hooper, John 106 M W Virginia January at home Pneumonia 346 Alexander, Jinney 9 F B Georgia January Scrofula? 381 Beckham, Cornelia 24 F B Georgia April at home Tumor of womb 397 Hancock, Joel 78 M W Georgia September at home Inflamation Bowels 491 Jackson, Bouland 85 M W M Georgia September Farmer Inflamation Kidney 529 Blackburn, Cilla 20 F B Georgia December Keeping house Inflammation Uterus 445 Manuel, David 55 M B M Georgia March Farmer Pneumonia 577 Banks, Robert 21 M B Georgia January Farm Laborer Gun shot wound 580 Ward, Thomas B. 1 M W Georgia May Inflamation Lungs 580 Harris, Anna 76 F W M Georgia June Keeping house Acute Diarrhea 587 Thornton, Sarah E. 24 F W W Georgia August At Home Typhoid Fever 592 Curtis, Elizabeth 65 F W W North Car December Keeping house Pulm.Consum. Phthisis? 596 Strickland, Sarah 60 F W W Georgia September Keeping house Unknown 615 Connally, Benjamin 22 M B Georgia April Farm Laborer Murdered, strike on neck 616 Duffee, William 72 M W M North Car March Farmer Intemperance 656 McCloud, Henry 53 M M M Virginia March Farm Laborer Pneumonia 661 Manley, Mary 80 F W W Virginia April at home 1451 667 Lee, Elizabeth 40 F W M Georgia June Keeping house Typhoid Fever 689 Collin, Minta 28 F B M Georgia September Keeping house Hepititus 762 Jones, Emily 1 F B Georgia June Worm? Fever 770 Park, Aily? 8 mo F B Georgia May Teething 788 Alford, Charles 1 M B Georgia March Pneumonia 790 Alford, Millie 6 F B Georgia October Burned to Death 803 Cox, Harry 60 M B Virginia February Farm Laborer Apoplexy 841 Black, John 30 M B Georgia February Farm Laborer Cerebo Spinal Meningitis? 847 Bowlin, Elbert 2 M B Georgia May Drowned 857 Taylor, Mary 65 F W W South Car April at home Unknown 895 McDowell, Mary E 19 F W Georgia June Attend. School Hemorage Bowels 908 Barker, Henry 1 mo M W Georgia May Unknown 908 Barker, Thomas 1 mo M W Georgia May Unknown 936 Story, Aaron 8 M W Alabama December Typhoid Fever 940 Cariker, Elizabeth 56 F W W Georgia November at home Paralysis 967 Casseta, Elizabeth 70 F W M Georgia May at home Cancer 1029 Britt, John 72 M W M South Car December Farmer Gravel 1077 McDaniel, Babe 1 mo F B Georgia January Unknown 1080 Neal, Elliott 2 M B Georgia July Acute Diarrhea 1096 Ford, Narcissa L 27 F W Georgia December [can't read] 1101 Banks, Eli 84 M W M North CarX January Shoe Maker Conjestive of Liver 1117 Smith, Mary 68 F W W Georgia January at home Cancer of Womb 1124 Hall, Henry 70 M W M Georgia July Farmer Unknown 1151 Smith, Tucker 60 M B M Virginia September Farm Laborer Dropsy of Heart 1162 Stephens, Rachell 30 F B M Georgia July at home Consumption 1171 Jackson, Babe 1 M B Georgia October Acute Diarrhea 1175 Griffin, William 1 M B Georgia May Pneumonia 1224 Means, Hattie 1 F W Georgia October Choera? Infantum 1244 Richards, Alford 70 M B M Georgia March Farm Laborer Unknown 1248 Smith, Jackson 70 M B M Georgia January Farm Laborer Unknown 1289 McKinley, David 36 M W M Georgia January Farmer Consumption 1378 Woodson, Alexnr 18 M B Georgia June Farm Laborer Typhoid Pneumonia 1378 Woodson, Lewis 14 M B Georgia June Farm Laborer Typhoid Pneumonia 1386 Barrett, Jane 65 F B? W North Car June Keeping house Acute Diarrhea 1396 Reeves, Babe 2 mo F B Georgia March Pneumonia 1404 Gorden, Thomas 80 M W M South Car January Farmer Dropsy of Chest 1407 Verden, Elizabeth 72 F W W South Car May At home Consumption 1408 Elliott, Babe 3 mo F B Georgia October Whooping Cough 1435 Elliott, John A 3 M W Georgia January Croup 1451 Hardaway, Anna 2 F B Georgia October Dropsy of Heart 1451 Hardaway, Sophia 16 F B Georgia January Farm Laborer Cerebo Spinal Meningitis 1451 Hardaway, Moriah 29 F B M Georgia January Keeping house Cerebo Spinal Meningitis 1456 Rennells, John W 40 M W M Georgia December Min. of Gospel Aneurism of Heart 1468 Thompson, Michael 10 M B Georgia July at home Measles 1468 Thompson, Missouri 1 F B Georgia July Measles 1472 Riviere, Babe 2 M W Georgia September Typus Dysentery 1486 Blacburen, Georgeann 6 F B Georgia November Billious Fever 1491 Caldwell, Virginia 5 mo F B Georgia February Smothered 1530 Hardaway, Babe 4 mo F B Georgia April Pneumonia 1537 Owens, Babe 4 mo M B Georgia July Choked 1549 Smith, Ida 8 F B Georgia January Burned 1551 Oliver, Babe 1 mo F W Georgia September Acute Diarrhea 1555 Bush, Violet 80 F B Georgia May at home Hydra Thorax 1556 Hardaway, Babe 1 mo F B Georgia May Unknown 1561 Graddick, Cary? 26 F B Georgia October Farm Laborer Small Pox 1587 Jenkins, Babe 1 mo M B Georgia January Croup 1592 Wordsworth, N+R[33]Canc62 F W W North Car October Keeping house Remittent Fever 1621 Riviere, Babe 1 mo F W Georgia July Remittent Fever 1645 Thornton, Cynthia 44 F W M Georgia March Keeping house Cancer of Womb 1653 Duke, Elizabeth 18 F W M Georgia January Keeping house Typhoid Pneumonia 1653 Duke, Babe 1 mo F W Georgia June Still Born 1664 Jones, William R 62 M W W Georgia December Farmer Apoplexy 1669 Banks, Joseph 40 M B Georgia July Farm Laborer Typhoid Fever 1672 Lawrance, Rebecca 50 F B W Georgia February Keeping house Inflammation Bowels 1676 Fryer, Millie 35 F B M Georgia March Keeping house Consumption 1676 Elliott, Hannah 30 F B W Georgia May Keeping house Inflamation Womb 1728 Crawford, Sarah 2 mo F W Georgia January Croup 1742 Green, George W 23 M W Georgia December Farm Laborer Gun shot 1759 Wilson, John 6 mo M B Georgia April Pneumonia 1771 Simmerly, Alice 3 mo F W Georgia January Hives 1792 Oxford, Tilman D 72 M W M Georgia March Min. of Gospel Bronchitis 1794 Bailey, Fillis 19 F B Georgia April Farm Laborer Hepititus 1468 Thompson, Clarissa 7 F B Georgia July Measles Barnesville, town of 2 Fryer, Willis 2 M W Georgia February Pneumonia 2 Graddick, Mary 20 F W M Georgia September Keeping house Intermittent Fever 3 Smith, Elvers D 3 M W Georgia May Conjestion of Brain 8 Kindrick, William C/O? 69 M W M Georgia August Farmer Inflamation Bladder 20 Hanson, Enoch 5 M W Georgia April Concussion of Brain 24 Mendes, Ferdinand 11 mo M W New Jersey August Conjestive Chill 25 Strothers, John W 68 M W M Georgia May Teach school Typhoid Dysentery 38 Carter, Mary A 35 F W M Georgia May Keeping house Chill Fever 50 Tooly, George 17 M W North Car October Farm Laborer Spotted Fever 53 Davenport, John A 64 M W M Virginia February Farmer Pneumonia 74 Ware, Martha E 28 F W Georgia March At home Measles 89 Snyner, Norplus? 1 M B Georgia August Teething 43 Lee, Mildred 4 F W Georgia April Inflamation of brain