Pike County GaArchives Churches.....Minutes of Shoal Creek Baptist Church Jan 1843 - Aug 1857 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: William Russell dragonraj@comcast.net October 11, 2004 Used by permission of Mercer University MF Reel 185 Special Collections Minutes of Shoal Creek Baptist Church January 1843 - August 1857 Transcribed by William Russell and Suzanne Sims Baker Transcribers note: All punctuation and capitalization used are from the original manuscript [sp] …….. Spelling error in the original [?] ………. previous word could have different spelling [--?--] ……… illegible word D by L ……… Dismissed by Letter Ex ………. Excluded from fellowship Bro …….. Brother Mod …….. Moderator Clk …….. Clerk C. L. K. ……Clerk R'cd..........Received January 7th 1843 No conference in consequence of unavoidable circumstances detaining our minister and several of our brethren James Hilsman Clk February 11th 1843 After a sermon by Bro Trice from Malachi 2nd chap and 3 verse the baptist church of Christ at Shoal Creek in pursuance to an adjournment met in conference 1st Invited visiting brethren of like faith and order to seats with us and opened a door for reception of members by letter or otherwise [ no item 2] 3rd Called for Gospel dealings in order and references none presented 4th The committee appointed to examine the records transcribed by Bro James Hilsman our clerk reports that they find it done in a neat manner and fully met their approbation which was 2nd by the church 5th Bro Trice reports that Bro Burks came to see him and satisfactory arrangements were made whereupon he delivered him his letter according to the order of the church 6th R’cd a letter from our sister church at Harmony Ga Pike Co by her messenger B E Smith [?] requesting us to send our beloved Bro Thos C Trice on Friday before the 1st Sabbath in March next to assist in ordaining Bro Wm [? Dismutes] which was cordially granted 7th Called for miscellaneous business none presented whereupon the Church adjourned in order to conference in course Thomas C Trice Mod James Hilsman Clk March 4th 1843 After a sermon by Bro Thomas C. Trice from Luke [--?--] chapter 2nd verse the Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek in pursuance to an adjournment met in conference 1st Invited visiting brethren of like faith and order to seats and opened a door for the reception of members by experience letter or restoration 2nd Called for acknowledgments of references none 3rd Called for dealings in Gospel order none 4th Called for miscellaneous business none presented Whereupon the church adjourned in order to conference in course Thomas C Trice Mod James Hilsman Clk April 1st 1843 After a sermon by Bro Tho C Trice from the [--?--] Psalms 8 or 15 verse the Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek in pursuance to an adjournment in conference 1st Invited visiting brethren of like faith and order to seats and opened a door for reception of members either by experience letter or restoration 2nd Called for references acknowledgments or dealings in Gospel order 3rd Called for miscellaneous business none presented whereupon the church adjourned in order till conference in course Thomas C Trice Mod James Hilsman Clk May 7th 1843 In consequence of a number of the Brethren being compelled to attend to the legal calls of their county there was no conference on Saturday (it being yesterday) and the church having some important business to attend to on this the Sabbath morning she resolved herself into conference Bro Tho C Trice presiding as moderator 1st Invited visiting Bros Of our faith & order to seats and opened a door for reception of members in anyway the Gospel points out whereupon Sister Elizabeth Lassater came forward and presented a letter and was received in full fellowship 2nd Upon the petition of Sister May Hill for a letter of dismission the church authorizied the clerk to grant the same 3rd R’cd letters from our sister churchs County Line and Enon requesting us to permit our Bro Tho C Trice to serve them as their pastor which was unanimously granted 4th Appointed the Bros Tho C Trice Henry Jones and James Hilsman in case of failure to represent the church in the Union meeting to be held at Mount Pleasant in Henry County Ga on Friday before the first Lords day in July next and that the clerk prepare a letter to be read at our next conference 5th Called for miscellaneous business none presented whereupon the church adjourned in order to conference in course Thomas C Trice Mod James Hilsman Clk June 3rd 1843 After a sermon by Bro Trice from 3rd chap of Revelations part of 1st & whole of 2nd verse the Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek in pursuance to an adjournment met in conference 1st Invited visiting brethren of like faith and order to seats and opened a door for reception of members in any way authorizied by the Gospel 2nd Called for references acknowledgments or dealings in Gospel order 3rd Called for the letter to the Union meeting which was read and received 4th Called for miscellaneous business none presented whereupon the Church adjourned in order to conference in course Thomas C Trice Mod James Hilsman Clk July 1st 1843 No meeting or conference in consequence of the absence of our beloved Pastor and several Brethren to the Union meeting James Hilsman Clk August 5th 1843 After Divine Worship the Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met in pursuance to an adjournment in conference 1st Invited visiting Brethren of like faith & order to seats and opened a door for reception of members 2nd Called for references acknowledgments or dealings in Gospel order 3rd Called for miscellaneous business none offered whereupon the church adjourned in order to conference in course Thomas C Trice Mod James Hilsman Clk September 3rd 1843 After a sermon by Bro Trice from the last verse of the last chapt [sp] of the Acts of the Apostles the Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met in pursuance to an adjournment in conference 1st Invited Bre [sp] Of like faith and order to seats and then opened a door for the reception of members in any way the Gospel directs 2nd Called for references acknowledgments or dealings in Gospel order 3rd The church took into consideration the sending delegates to the association to be held at Smyrna in Monroe County on Saturday before the Second Sabbath in October next Thereupon the Brethren Trice & Jones and Willis in case of failure were unanamously chosen and the sum of $2.50 be raised for minutes, the clerk prepare a letter by next meeting 4th R’cd a letter from Antioch Church in Merriwether [sp] County craving the aid of our beloved Pastor Tho C Trice on Friday before the 3rd Sabbath in October next for the purpose of Ordaining Bro B Williams to the ministry which was cordially granted 5th Called for miscellaneous business none presented further whereupon the Church adjourned in order to conference in course Thos C Trice Mod James Hilsman Clk September 30th 1843 After a sermon by Bro Jonathon Nicols from Acts of the Apostles 5th chpt 20 verse the Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek in pursuance to an adjournment met in conference 1st Invited visiting Brethren of like faith and order to seats & opened a door for reception of members 2nd Called for acknowledgments reference and dealings in Gospel order 3rd Upon the report of Brethren Driver & Wills who were appointed to see Bro Edge and know the cause of his absence It was resolved that Bro Edge be charged with disrespect towards the church and that Bros Hilsman & Jones see Bro Edge and inform him of the action of the church & cite him to our next conference 4th Called for miscellaneous business when the church took into consideration so much of the minutes of the last conference as relates to sending delegates to the association wherefore the situtation of some who were appointed that they could not go and therefore appointed Bro James Hilsman in case of failure of either of the aforesaid appointed delegates Called for the letter to the association which was read & received after which the church adjourned in order to conference in course Thos C Trice Mod James Hilsman Clk October [ note: except for the signature of the clerk, the text is illegible, however, October was the meeting of the association and no conference occurred] James Hilsman C.C.K. November 4th 1843 After a sermon from Bro Goddard from 3rd chap. of Pauls epistle to Timothy & 15th verse the Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met in pursuance to an adjournment in conference 1st Invited visiting brethren of our faith and order to seats opened a door for reception of members [note: rest of November 4th minutes are illegible, except the names of Moderator and Clerk] ----- Goddard Mod James Hilsman Clk Sabbath Morning November 5th 1843 The church in pursuance to an adjournment met in conference 1st Invited visiting Brethren of like faith and order to seats & opened a door for reception of members 2nd Called for references when the church took up the merit of the [--?--] as related to a letter [--?--] [--?--] deacons where Bro Wm. [--?--] charges Bro Wm Pryor with the [--?--] [--?--] intoxication & appointed Bros Willis & Jones [?] to wait on Bro Pryor and [--?--] him of the action of the church and cite him to next conference to answer [--?--] The church then adjourned in order to conference in course ----- Goddard Mod James Hilsman C.C.K. December the 3rd 1843 After Prayer by Bro T C Trice the Church at Shoal Creek met in pursuance to an adjournment in conference 1st Invited Brethren of like faith and order to seats and opened a door for reception of members 2nd Called for acknowledgments and dealings in Gospel order & reference when the church took up the reference related to Bro. ----- Pryor & after patient deliberation upon Bro Pryor giving the church satisfactory acknowledgment she forgave him 3rd Granted letters of dismission to Sister Liddia Cook Bro. C Dukes & wife 4th Called for miscellaneous business none presented whereupon the church adjourned in order to conference in course Thos C Trice Mod H T Embry Clk [ on a seperate page] To Mr. James Hilsman Georgia Pike County December 30th 1843 Mr. James Hilsman - Sir I have written to you to come and see me that recconciliation [sp] may be made concerning the feeling existing between myself and you and you have not come the cause [--?--] not. I again solicit you to come. Thursday next is a day chosen for you and [--?--] of the brethren to meet at my house for approval. I therefore wish you to meet them here at or by ten o’clock at the appointed house. Yours with respect Clarissa Hamrie January 6th 1844 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met in conference in pursuance to an adjournment 1st Invited visiting brethren of like faith & order to seats opened a door for the reception of members when by letter Sister Mary [--?--] 2nd Called for references to the case of Bro [--?--] [--?--] [--?--] until next conference 3rd Called for dealings in Gospel order then called for acknowledgements when Bro Dukes acknowledged he had [--?--] the [--?--] then appointed a committee consisting of Bros Gross & Embry to enquire into the report of Bro Dukes having [--?--] in [--?--] 4th Granted letters of dismission to Sisters[ --?--] Lassater & [--?--] Williams [?] 6th Called for miscellaneous business none whereupon the church adjourned in order to conference in course Thomas C Trice Mod Henry Jones Clk Feby [sp] 3rd 1844 The Church at Shoal Creek after prayer by Bro T C Trice in pursuance to an adjournment opened conference 1st Invited visiting brethren of like faith & order to seats & opened a door for reception of members 2nd Called for acknowledgements & references then the church took up the reference [--?--] [--?--] relative to [--?--] [--?--] case and agreed to dismiss the same [rest of page illegible] March 2nd 1844 After a sermon by Bro Trice from the 9 chapter of Pauls Epistle to the Hebrews 16th verse the church at Shoal Creek in pursuance to an adjournment met in conference 1st Invited Brethren of like faith and order to seats and opened a door for reception of members in any way the Gospel directs 2nd Called for acknowledgements references and Gospel dealings when the church took up the reference of last meeting relative to the case of Bro Dukes trading on Sabbath whereupon Bro. Dukes gave the church satisfaction & was forgiven and as on the 2nd of December last he had applied to the church for a letter which was granted but not issued by the clerk be it ordered that Clerk issue said letter to said applicant Sister Eliza Shumate formely Eliza Sims and Bro Edge applied for letters which were granted 3rd Called for miscellaneous business none offered where upon the church adjourned in order till conference in course Thos C Trice Mod Jas Hilsman Clk April No Conference May 4th 1844 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met and after divine Service went into conference 1st Invited Brethren of like faith & order to seats 2nd Called for acknowledgements and 3rd for dealings in Gospel order none [this entry listed as two separate entries] 4 [sp] Received a letter from brother James Hillsman requesting a letter of dismission for himself & wife which was granted so far as Sister Hillsman is concerned the church refused to grant Brother Hillsmans letter for the reason she [--?--] him in disorder 5 [sp] The Church prefers a charge against brother Hillsman for seeing Sister Harris contrary to the usage of the baptist & appointed the brethren Willis and Jones to see brother Hillsman and cite him to next conference 6th Sister Fanny Hornsby and Sister Sarah Landry applied for a letter of dismission which Sunday morning - the church continues conference and went into the choice of a clerk and chose brother Henry T. Embry and then Chose brethren Thos. C. Trice and W.W. Willis to represent us in the Union meeting for this Aug. no other business closed in order Thos. C. Trice Mod J. H. Hartsfield Clk protem June 1st 1844 The church of Christ at Shoal Creek met and after service went into conference 1 Invited members of like faith & order to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Took the references of last conference Respecting the cas4e of brother James Hillsman and inquired of the committee who was appointed to cite him to the Church who reported that he manifested no disposition to come & he not appearing at conference & manifesting a disposition to treat the church with contempt more than otherwise the church Excluded him from her fellowship 4 Sisters Clarissa & Nancy Hamrie applied for a letter of dismission which was granted 5 The Church agrees to set apart the day of our next meeting to choose another Deacon no other business closed in order Thomas C. Trice Moderator Henry T. Embry Clerk July the 6th 1844 The baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to adjournment and after divine Service went into conference 1 Invited brethren to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called fo references & took the one from last conference and laid it over untill next meeting 4 Sister May Tyrrel applied for a letter of dismission which was granted - no other business closed in order Thos. C. Trice Mod Henry Jones C C K protem August the 3rd 1844 Ga Pike Co The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Prayer by Brother T.C. Trice met in conference 1st Invited visiting Brethren to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for references & took up the case of [--?--] and laid the same over until next conference in course no other business closed in order T. C. Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk August 31st 1844 Georgia Pike County The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to adjournment and after a divine service by Brother T C Trice went into conference 1st Invited visiting brethren to seats with us 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members none offered 3rd Called for references when [--?--] [--?--] the one relative to the choice of a Deacon was taken up and Brother Jones was chosen 4th Went into the choice of Delegates to the association whereupon the Brethren T C Trice Wm Willis was chosen and H Jones in case of failure 5th No other business closed in order T. C. Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk No minutes listed for September October the 5th 1844 Ga Pike County The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to adjournment and after Divine service by Brother T. C. Trice went into conference 1st Invited visiting brethring [sp] to seats with us 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members and received Brother Robert Langham [?] by letter 3rd Called for references none 4th Granted letter of Dismission to Sister [--?--] Mulky 5th The church agree to set apart the first Saturday in next month for the purpose of ordaining a Deacon and to send to Enon Meriwether County and to Concord in this county to request ministrial aid to form a presbytery to attend to the same 6th No other business closed in order T. C. Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk November 2nd 1844 Ga Pike Co The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine service By Brother Johnson Pate met in conference 1st Invited visiting Brethrening (sp) to seats with us 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for references and took up the one relative to the ordination of Brother Henry Jones as a Deacon The Presbytery to wit the Brethren Thos C Trice, Allen Ware & Johnson Pate being formed solemnly [--?--] apart as Deacon by the imposition of hands and prayer 4th Sister Edmunson applied for a letter of Dismission which was granted 5th No other business closed in order T. C. Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk November the 30th 1844 Ga Pike Co The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine service by Brother Wood followed by Brother Thos C Trice met in conference 1st Invited visiting brethren to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for references none 4th No other business closed in order T. C. Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk Georgia Pike County January 4th 1845 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Prayer by Brother T C Trice met in conference 1st Invited visiting brethring [sp] to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for references none 4th No other business and closed in order T. C. Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk Georgia Pike County February 1st 1845 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine service by Brother T. C. Trice met in conference 1st Invited visiting brethren to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for references none 4th No other business closed in order T C Trice Mod H T Embry Clk Georgia Pike County March 1st 1845 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment & after Singing & prayer by Wm W. Willis met in conference 1st Invited visiting brethering [sp] to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for references none 4th No other business closed in order W.W. Willis Mod H. T. Embry Clk Georgia Pike Co May 3rd 1845 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divines services by Bro. T. C. Trice met in conference 1st Invited visiting brethering [sp] to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members when Sister Nancy Wood came forward and was received by letter 3rd Called for references none 4th Moved & seconded that a [“report against Brother” marked through] charge be prefered against Brother William Collins from a report in sirculation [sp] for leaving the country in obscurity & also for making use of profane language 5th Moved and seconded that the case of Brother William Collins be laid over until next conference and a letter be sent him by order of the church 6th No othe business closed in order T. C. Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk Georgia Pike County May the 31st 1845 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to adjournment and after prayer by Brother W W Willis went into conference 1st Invited visiting brethering to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for references & the one related to the case of Brother Wm Collins was taken up and laid over until the next conference in course 4th No other business closed in order W W Willis Mod H T Embry Clk Georgia Pike County July the 5th 1845 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine Service by Bro T C Trice went into conference 1st Invited visiting brethering to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for references when the one in relation to the case of Brother William Collins was taken up and moved and seconded was made for the same be laid over until the next conference in course 4th Went into the choice of delegates to represent us in the union meeting when the following Brethering [?] T C Trice & H Jones were chosen 5th No other business closed in order T C Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk Georgia Pike Co August 2nd 1845 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine Service by Bro. T C Trice went into conference 1st Invited visiting brethering [sp] to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for references when the one in relation to the case of Bro Wm Collins taken up and after some deliberation the same was laid over until the next conference in course 4th No other business closed in order T. C. Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk Georgia Pike Cty Sept 6th 1845 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine Service by Brother T C Trice went in conference 1st Invited visiting bretherin [sp] to seats with us 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members when Brother Henry M Trice came forward and was received by experience also Brother Henry Patillo [?] came forward and made satisfactory acknowledgement and was restored to full fellowship and also granted said Patillo a letter of dismission 3rd Called for references when the one in relation to Brother Wm Collins was read and taken up and after some deliberation moved and seconded that the same be laid over until the conference in course 4th Went into the choice of Delegates to represent us in the association when the following Brethering [sp] to wit Thomas C Trice Henry Jones were chosen and William W. Willis in case of failure 5th No other business closed in order Thomas C. Trice Mod Henry T. Embry Clk Georgia Pike County October 5th 1845 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment on Sabbath morning and after prayer by Brother T C Trice went into conference 1st Invited visiting brethering [?] to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for references moved and seconded the one in relation to Wm Collins be taken up and after due deliberation on the same he was excluded 4th No other business closed in order T C Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk Georgia Pike County November 1st 1845 The Baptist Church of Christ met pursuant to an adjournment and after service by Bro. Jonathan Nickols met in conference 1st Invited visiting brethering to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members whereupon Sister Jane Anderson came forward & was received by experience also Sister Phebe [? Maman] came forward and was received by experience 3rd Granted letter of Dismission to Sister Frances Parson 4th No other business closed in order T C Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk Georgia Pike County Dec the 6th 1845 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine service by Bro T C Trice went into conference 1st Invited visiting Bretherin [sp] to seats and opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for references none 3rd Sister Margaret Sims called for a letter of Dismission which was grated 4th No other business closed in order T. C. Trice Mod Jacob Wills Clk P.T. Georgia Pike Cty January 3rd 1846 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and Divine Service by Bro T C Trice went into conference 1st Invited visiting Brethering [?] to seats & opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for references none 3rd Sister Elizabeth Lassiter applied for a letter of Dismission which was granted 4th No other business closed in order T. C. Trice Mod H T Embry Clk January 31 st 1846 Georgia Pike Cty The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine Service by Brother T C Trice went into conference 1st Invited visiting brethering [?] to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for references none 4th Moved and seconded that a committee be appointed to visit Sister Woodly & to know the cause of her long absence when the following brethering [?] - to wit - W. W. Willis H. Jones and E. Embry that committee also moved and seconded that a committee be appointed to visit Sister Bell to know the cause of her long absence when the brethering [?] H. T. Emby, H. M. Trice & Benjamin Frelin [?] were appointed that committee 5th No other business closed in session T. C. Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk Georgia Pike Cty Febuary 28th 1846 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine Service by Brother T C Trice met in conference 1st Invited visiting brethering [?] to seats and opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for references when the committees appointed to visit the Sisters Woodly and Bell reported that there was no difficulty [?---ing] 3rd No other business closed in order T. C. Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk Georgia Pike County April 4th 1846 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine Service by Brother T. C. Trice went into conference 1st Invited visiting Bretherin [?] to seats and opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for references none 3rd No other business closed in order T. C. Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk Georgia Pike Cty May 2nd 1846 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divinr Service by Brother T C Trice went into conference 1st Invited visiting Brethering [?] to seats and opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for references none 3rd No other business closed in order T. C. Trice Mod H. T. Embry Clk [ note: there is no enty for June 1846] July 4th 1846 Georgia Pike Cty The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment & after Divine Service by T C Trice went into conference 1st Invited visiting bretherin [?] to seats & opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for references none 3rd No other business closed in order T C Trice Mod H T Embry Clk Georgia Pike Cty August 1846 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine Service by Brother T C Trice went in to conference 1st Invited visiting [“Bretherin” omitted] to seats and opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for references none 3rd Moved & seconded to appoint Delegates to represent us in the association when the Bretherin T C Trice H Jones were appointed & W. W. Willis in case of failure 4th No other business colosed in order T C Trice Mod H T Embry Clk Georgia Pike Cty August 29th 1846 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine Service by Brother William Dismuke went into conference 1st Invited visiting brethrerin [sp] to seats and opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for references none 3rd No other business closed in order T C Trice Mod H T Embry Clk No minutes listed for September Georgia Pike Cty October 3rd 1846 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment & appointed Brother H. Jones moderator and after prayer by him called for references none 2nd Moved & seconded the church go into the choice of a Pastor to serve us for the year of 1847 when Brother Daniel Godard was unanimously chosen and the Bretherin [sp] H Jones [--?--] Prior [sp] and H M Trice were appointed to see him 3rd No other business closed in order H. Jones Mod H. M. Trice Clk Georgia Pike Cty October 31st 1846 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment & after Divine Service by Brother Daniel Godard went into conference 1st Invited visiting to seats and opened a door for the reception of members when Brother William J. Willis [?] came forward and was received by experience 2nd Called for references none 3rd No other business closed in order H. T. Embry Clk Daniel Godard Mod Georgia Pike County December 5th 1846 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment and after Divine Service by Brother Daniel Godard went into conference 1st Invited visiting bretherin [?] to seats & opened a door for the reception of members none 2nd Called for references none 3rd Moved & seconded that a Letter of Dismission be granted to Sister Ansey [?] Stone - letter granted 4th The church unanamiously chose Brother H M Trice church clerk to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the former H. T. Embry Also granted letters of dismission to Brother H T and Sister Pelina A Embry 5th No other business closed in order Daniel Godard Mod H. T. Embry C. L. K. Georgia Pike Co. January the 2 1847 After a sermon by Bro. Daniel Godard the Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met pursuant to an adjournment went in to conference 1 Invited visiting Bretheren of our faith and order to seats with us then opened a door for the reception of members none offered 2 called for acknowledgements none 3 Called for refferences [sp] when took up the the case of James Hillsman when lade [sp] over until conference in course 4 No other business adjourned until conference in course Daniel Godard Mod H M Trice Clk February the 6 1847 The Baptist Church at Shoal Creek met according to an appointment and after Divine Service met in conference 1st Opened a door for the reception of [--?--] called for reference when case of James Hillsman was taken up relative to his request concerning some letters the church decided to dismiss the refference until James Hillsman stating to [--?--] that a copy of the letter be [--?--] but original is the property of [--?--] No other business closed in order D. Godard Mod H. M. Trice Clk March the 6 1847 Georgia Pike Co The Babtist [sp] Church at Shoal Creek met according to an appointment and after Divine Service met in conference 1st Invited visiting beretheren [sp] to seats with us 2nd Then opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for refferences none 4th Called for acknowledgements none 5th Called for miscellaneous business none offered 6th No other business closed in order H M Trice CLK D Godard Mod [ the cover page of a Letter of Dismission] Bro H F & Sister Sarah Longino Letter of Dismission [ next page is body of letter] Georgia Henry County The Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Plesant holding believers in Baptism by Immersion Eternal and particular Election, Effectual calling and the final perseverance of the saints in Grace Do hereby certify that our beloved Brother H. F. Longino [?] and Sister Sarah his wife are ordaly [sp] members of our body [? and] fellowship with us and at their Request is hereby dismissed from us, to join any other Church of the same Faith and Order. done by order of the Church in conference May 15th 1847 Joseph Godard Mod James Freeman C Clk April the 3 1847 The Babtist [sp] Church at Shoal Creek met according to an appointment and after Divine Service met in conference 1st Invited visiting Brethren to seats with us 2nd Then opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for acknowledgements none 4th Called for refferences [sp] none 5th Called for miscellaneous business none 6th No other business closed in order D. Godard Mod H. M. Clk May the 1st 1847 The Baptist at Shoal Creek met according to an appointment and after prayer met in conference 1st Invited visiting brethern to seats then opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for acknowledgemnets none 3rd Called for refferences [sp] none 4th No other business closed in order D Godard Mod H M Trice Clk June the 6 1847 The Baptist Church at Shoal Creek met according to an appointment and after divine service met in conference 1st Invited visiting Bretheren to seats then opened a door for the reception of members when none offered 2nd Called for refferences [sp] none offered 3rd No other Bisness [sp] closed in order D Godard Mod H M Trice Clk July the 1 1847 The Babtist [sp] Church at Shoal Creek met according to an appointment and after Divine service met in conference 1st Invited visiting Bretheren to seats then opened a door for the reception of members when Sister Elizabeth Trilley [?Twilly] were received by letter 2nd Called for references none 3rd Called for acknowledgements none 4th Appointed delegates to represent us in the union meeting to be held at [--?--] Henry County when Bro T C Trice H Jones were chosen and W W Willis in case of failure 5th Went into the choice of Delegates to the association to be held at High [--?--] Monroe County the Bretheren chosen were T C Trice H Jones in case of failure W W Willis 6th No other business closed in order D Godard Mod H M Trice C.L.K. July the 31 1847 The Babtist [sp] Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to an appointment and after prayer met in conference 1st Invited visiting visiting [exta word] Brethren to seats then opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for acknowledgments none 3rd Called for references none 4th No other business closed in order Daniel Godard Mod H M Trice CLK [no listings for August or September] October the 2nd 1847 The Baptist Church at Shoal Creek met according to an appointment and after Divine Service met in conference. 1st Invited visiting brethren to seats then opened a door for the reception of members 2 Received by experience Sister Eliza Bolton 3 Called for acknowledgements none 4 Called for references none 5 No other business closed in course Daniel Godard Mod H M Trice C L K November the 6 1847 The Babtist [sp] Church at Shoal Creek met according to an appointment and after Divine Service met in conference 1 Invited visiting brethren to seats 2 Then opened a door for the reception of members 3 Called for refferences [sp] none 4 Moved that the Church go into the choice of a pastral supply for the insuing year which choice was Brother Daniel Godard unanimously 5 Brother Jacob and Sister [? Mer--] and Brother William Wills applise [sp] for letters which was granted then Brother John Driver applise [sp] for a letter for himself & Sister Mary Driver which is granted 6 Brother Wm W. Willis applise [sp] for a letterfor himself & Sister Elizabeth Willis which is granted no other bizness [sp] closed in order Daniel Godard M D Henry M Trice C L K December the 4 1847 The Babtist [sp] Church at Shoal Creek met according to an appointment and after Divine service met in conference 1 Invited visiting brethren to seats with us 2 Then opened a door for the reception of members 3 Called for refferences [sp] none 4 Called for acknowledgements none 5 The Brethren John Hartsfield and Sister Elizabeth applis [sp] for letters of dismission which were granted 6 No other bizniss [sp] closed in order Daniel Godard M D Henry M. Trice C L K January meeting 1848 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to an appointement and after divine service met in conference 1st Opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for refferences [sp] (none) 3rd for dealings (none) 4th Closed in order Daniel Godard Mod H. M. Trice C L K Feburary Meeting 1848 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after divine service went into conference 1st Opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Invited visiting brethren to seats 3rd Called the regular items of the conference there being no business closed in order Daniel Godard Mod H. M. Trice C. L. K. March Meeting 1848 The Baptist church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after divine service went into conference Called up the regular items there being no business closed in order Daniel Godard M - H. M. Trice C L K April Meeting 1848 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after divine service went into conference Called up the regular items at conference there being no business closed in order Daniel Godard M - Henry M. Trice C L K May Meeting 1848 The Church at Shoal Creek met & after divine service went into conference Called up the regular items at conference there being no business closed in order Daniel Godard M. H. Jones Clk pro tem June Meeting 1848 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment 1st Called up the regular items of conference 2nd Bro Henry M. Trice and Sister Cynthia Hamilton applies for letters of dismission the same granted 3rd Agreed to represent our letters at the union meeting and for that purpose chose the brethren Thas. C. Trice and Henry Jones as delegates no other business closed in order Daniel Godard M Thomas C Trice C L K protem July the 1st 1848 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after Divine Service went into conference 1st Invited visiting brethren to seats And then the regular items of conference 2nd Read & r’cd the letter prepared for the coming meeting 3rd Agreed to send delegates to represent the Church in the next association and chose the brethren Thas. C. Trice and Henry Jones and William Pryor in case of failure as said delegates No other bisness [sp] closed in order D. Godard Mod T. C. Trice C L K protem August the 5th 1848 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment 1st Invited brethren to seats Called up the regular items of conference 2nd Sister Elizabeth Bell applies for a letter granted Read the letter prepared for the association and adopted the same No other business closed in order D. Godard M Thos. C. Trice C L K protem [no listings for September or October] November Meeting The Church at Shoal Creek met in conference no business closed in order November 4th 1848 December the 3rd 1848 The Baptist Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment 1st Took up the regular items of conference. Went into the choice of a pastoral Supply for the ensuing year Which resulted in the choice of Brother Daniel Godard 2nd Brother Thos. C. Trice and Sister Sarah Trice applies for letters of dismission which was granted 3rd Sister Cynthia Jackson applies for a letter of dismission which is granted. 4th Sister Mary Ellis applies for a letter of dismission which is granted 5th Sister Sarah Longino applies for a letter of Dismission which was granted No other business closed in order Daniel Godard M H. Jones Clerk pro tem January Meeting 1849 No conference February meeting Met according to previous appointment and after Divine Service by Brother D. Godard then met in conference and invited brethren of our order to seats with us and opened the door for the reception of members 1st Took up the reference of December meeting and prefered a charge against Brother H. F. Longino for a report that was against and appointed a committee of two members Brothers Wm Prior [?Pryor] and R Lawrence to cite him to the next meeting to answer to the charge Brother Wm Prior [?Pryor] requests letters of Dismission for Br Enoch Embry Sister Elizabeth Embry and Sister Nancy Hartsfield which were all granted No other closed in order Feburary the 3 1849 D Godard Mod R Lawrence Clk March Meeting 1849 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after Divine Service by Bro D Godard then met in conference Invited Brethren of our order to seats opened the door for the reception of members 1st Took up the charge against Brother Longino and layed over to next meeting No other business closed in order March the 3 1849 D. Godard Mod R Lawrence C L K [ No entries for April] May Meeting 1849 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after Divine Service conference opened By Brother Keath [?] invited Brethren to seats with us 1st Opened the door for the reception of members 2nd Took up the reference of Brother Longino and Dissd the charge and granted him a letter of Dismission Third Sister Nancy Wood applied for a letter of dismission and was granted Forth [sp] Went into the choice of a Clerk when Brother Richard Lawrence was chosen Conference closed in order May the 5 1849 Brother acting as Mod R. Lawrence Clk June Meeting 1849 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after a sermon by Brother D. Godard then met in conference 1st Invited Brethren of our order to seats opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Chosen delegates to the general meeting Brethren Henry Jones and R Lawrence to write the letter No other business closed in order June the 2 1849 D. Godard Mod R. Lawrence C L K July Meeting 1849 No Meeting August Meeting 1849 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after divine service by Brother D Godard then met in conference and invited Brethren of our order to seats with us 1st Opened the door for the reception of members 2nd Called for reference when the Letter to the association was read and adopted No other business closed in order August the 4 1849 D Godard Mod R Lawrence C L K Sept Meeting 1849 Met according to appointment and after Divine Services by Brother D Godard then met in conference and invited Brethren of our order to seats 1st Opened the door for the reception of members when Brother and Sister Thomas C. Trice and wife returned their Letters back to the Church 2nd Went into the choice of delegates to represent us in the association held at Harmony Pike Cty Brethren T C Trice Henry Jones Brother Trice to write the Letter No other business closed in order Sept the 2 1849 D. Godard Mod R. Lawrence C L K October Meeting 1849 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after Divine Service by Brother D Godard then met in conference and opened the door for the reception of members When Sister Sara F Lawrence came and gave evidence of a hope in Christ and was received in fellowship No other business closed in order October 6 1849 D. Godard Mod R. Lawrence C L K November Meeting The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after Divine Service by Brother D. Godard then met in conference invited Brethren of our order to seats 1st Opened the door for the reception of members when Sister Mary Borders [?] joined by Letter also Brother Thomas Johnson joins by Letter. No other business closed in order November the 3 1849 D. Godard Mod R. Lawrence C L K omission then went into the choice of a pastoral suppy when Brother D Godard was unanimously chosen closed in order D Godard Mod R Lawrence C L K January Meeting 1850 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointemnet and after Divine Service by Brother D. Godard then went into conference opened the door for the reception of Members No other business closed in order January the 5 1850 D Godard Mod R Lawrence C L K Feburary Meeting 1850 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after Divine Service by Brother D Godard then met in conference apened the door for the reception of members 2nd Called on Brother D Godard for answer to serve the church as their pastorial supply when he agreed to serve for the present No other business closed in order Feburary the 2 1850 D Godard Mod R Lawrence C L K March Meeting No conference April Meeting The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after Divine Service by Brother T C Trice then met in conference invited Brethren of our order to seats when Brother and Sister Trice called for Letters of Dismission and was granted No other Business closed in order April the 6 1850 D Godard Mod R Lawrence C L K May Meeting 1850 No conference June Meeting The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment Conference opened by Brother Thomas Johnson Called up the regular items of the conference no business then went into the choice of a man to go in and out before [--?--] and choose Brother Wm. Mcary [?] unamiously [sp] then appointed Brethren to [--?--] letters to him No other business closed in order by Thomas Johnson acting as Mod Thomas Johnson Mod Pro tem R Lawrence C L K July Meeting 1850 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment Brother Thomas Willis acted as M D invited Brethren to seats 1st Opened the door for the reception of members 2nd Called up the regular items of the conference 3rd Went into the choice of delegates to represent the Church in the association meeting at Harmony Brethern Ths Johnson Henry Jones in case of failure Wm Pryor No other business closed in order July the 6 1850 Brother Willis M D protem R Lawrence C L K August the 3rd 1850 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment Brother Henry Jones acted as M D 1st Opened the door for the reception of members then took up the regular items of the conference 2nd Chose delegates to the asociation and chose Brethren Henry Jones Wm Pryor to represent the church and R Lawrence to write the Letter No other business closed in order H Jones M D protem R Lawrence C L K September Meeting No conference on Sept 1st 1850 October the 5th 1850 The Baptist Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met in conference Brother Mcary [?] MD 1st Invited sisters to seats with us 2nd Opened the [door] for the reception of members 3rd Called for refferences [sp] none 4th The Church agreed to go into the choice of a pastor at the next meeting to serve the church 5th Called up the regular items of the conference none then closed in order Wm Carry [?] MD R Lawrence C L K November the 5th 1850 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment in conference 1st Invited Brethren to seats with us 2nd Opened the door for the Reception of members 3rd Called for refferences [sp] when the church went into the choice of a preacher when Brother Wm Mcarry was unamous [sp] chosen Brother Wm Pryor to send him a Letter 4th Called for miscelanious [sp] business when Brother Thomas Johnson applied for a letter of dismission and was granted No other business closed in order John H. [--?--] MD protem R Lawrence C L K 1850 December meeting No Conference January Meeting 1851 No Conference Feburary Meeting 1851 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met in conference [--?--] Brother Henry Jones called up the regular items of the conference found nothing closed in order H Jones MD protem R Lawrence C L K March Meeting 1851 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met in conference and called up regular items of the conference found nothing No other business closed in order Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K April Meeting 1851 The Church art Shoal Creek met in conference and took up the regular items of the conference found nothing Closed in order Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K May Meeting 1851 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after Divine Services by Brother Wm Mcarry then met in conference and invited Brethren sisters of our order to seats Opened a door for the reception of members R’cd none Called for refferences [sp] none then called up the regular items of the conference found none then closed in order Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K Georgia P Cty The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met in pursuance to adjournment and after a sermon by Brother Wm Mcarry then met in conference 1st Invited Brethren and Sisters of our faith to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Agreed to pass over the regular items of the conference 4th Sister Eliza Bottoms applied for a letter of dismission and was granted then closed in order May the 30 1851 Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K May the 31 1851 After a sermon by Brother D Godard then met in conference 1st Invited Brethren of our faith and order to seats with us 2nd Opened the door for the reception of members 3rd Called for refferences [sp] 4th Went in the choice of delegates to the Union meeting to be held at Rose Creek meeting house the elected Brethren Henry Jones and R Lawrence in case of failure Wm Pryor No other business closed in order Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K June Meeting 1851 No Conference Georgia Pike Cty July 6th 1851 After a sermon delivered by Brother Wm Mcarry then met in conference 1st Invited Brethren of our faith an order to seats with us 2nd Opened the door for the reception of members 3rd Called for refferences [sp] none 4th Prefered a charge against Brother F. Longino for unlawfully taking that did not belong to him and appointed Brethren Wm Pryor R Lawrence to cite him to the next conference 5th The Church went into the choice of Delegates to represent them in the next association the ellection [sp] resulted in the choice of Brothers Wm Pryor and H Jones in case of failure R Lawrence No other closed in order Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K Georgia Pike Cty August the 30th 1851 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to an appointment and after Sermon Delivered by Brother Wm Mcarry then met in conference 1st Invited Brethren of our order to seats with us 2nd Opened the door for the reception of members 3rd then called for refferences [sp] and took up the refference [sp] of last meeting against Brother H F Longino for unlawfully taking that did not belong to him and was excluded from Fellowship [ 4th and 5th not used] 6th R’cd and [--?--] the letter to the association 7th Went into the choice of preacher and the choice resulted in the choice of Wm Mcarry to serve the year 8th Called [--?--] the items of the conference then closed in order Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K [No entry for September] Georgia Pike County October the 4th 1851 The Baptist Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after a sermon by Brother Wm Mcarry then met in conference 1st Invited Brethren of our faith and order to seats with us 2nd Opened the door for the reception of members 3rd Called for refferences [sp] none 4th R’cd an acknowledgement from James Hillsman an excluded member which was satisfaction given to the church and was restored to fellowship 5th Brother J Hillsman and wife applys for Letters of Dismission and was granted also Brother Long applys for a Letter of Dismission and was granted 6th Called up the regular items of the conference find no business then closed in order Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K Georgia Pike County November the 2nd 1851 The Baptist Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after Divine Service went into conference invited Brethren and Sisters of our order to seats with us 1st Opened the door for the reception of members 2nd Called for refferences [sp] 3rd Called up the regular items of the conference find no business to [--?--] the conference then closed in order Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K December Meeting 1851 No conference 1852 January Meeting No conference February Meeting 1852 The Church met at Shoal Creek and a sermon by Brother Wm Mcarry the church met in conference found no business closed in order Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K March Meeting 1852 No conference April 3rd [no year listed] The Church at Shoal [Creek] met according to appointment an after a sermon by Brother Wm Mcarry then met in conference Invited Brethren and Sisters to seats with us 1st Opened the door for the reception of members none 2nd then called for refferences [sp] none 3 called up the regular items of the conference found no business closed in order Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K May the 1st 1852 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment after sermon by Brother Wm Mcarry then met in conference 1st Invited Brethren and sisters of our order to seats 2nd Opened the door for the reception of members R’cd none 3rd Called for refferences [sp] none 4th Called up the regular items of the conference found no business closed in order Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K June Meeting 1852 No Conference Georgia Pike County July 2nd 1852 The Church at Shoal Creek met in pursuance to adjournment and after a sermon delivered by Brother Wm Mcarry then met in conference 1st Invited Brethren and Sisters of our order to seats 2nd Opened the door for the reception of Members none 3rd Called for refference [sp] none 4th Chose Delegates to the Union meeting the choice resulted in Henry Jones and R Lawrence 5th Read and adopted the letter to the Union meeting then went into the choice of Delegates to represent the Church in the next asociation to be held at Mount Gillead Upson County chose Henry Jones and R Lawrence Wm Pryor in case of failure and agreed to send 1 dollar and fifty cents for minutes then adjourned in order July the 2nd 1852 Wm Mcarry MD R Lawrence C L K August Meeting The church met in conference found no business closed in order Henry Jones MD R Lawrence C L K September Meeting No Conference October Meeting 1852 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek met according to appointment conference opened by Brother Youngblood 1st Opened a door for the Receptionof members 2nd Called for refferences [sp] none 3rd Went into the choice of a preacher when the choice resulted in Brother Allen Cleveland unanimously and appointed Brethren to bear a letter to the church to wit H Jones & W Pryor 4th Sister Nancy Woodley applied for a letter of Dismission and was granted No other business closed in order Oct the 2nd 1852 Youngblood MD protem R. Lawrence C L K November Meeting 1852 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment Bro T C Trice acted MD Called up and attended to the regular items of conference 2nd The Church charge Brother William Pryor with repeated intoxication and after some consultation prefered a charge till next meeting in course No other business closed in order R Lawrence C L K December the 4 1852 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment Brother Cleveland MD 1st Invited visiting Brethren to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called up the refferences [sp] of last meeting and laid over till next meeting [ no Moderator or Clerk listing] Georgia Upson County The Baptist Church of Christ at Bethlehem holding to the primete [?] Doctrine of [--?--] Election [--?--] cawling [?] the [--?--] perserve of [--?--] saints in grace [--?--] certify that our much beloved sister Catharine [--?--] is a member in full fellowship with us and is hereby dismissed from us [--?--] joined to any other church of the same faith and order done by order of the church in conference December 8th 1852 John Dicky Mod Alexander Cox C L K (No minutes for January or February) March the 5th 1853 The Church at Shoal Creek met in conference took up the regular items of the conference Sister Ellis returned her Letter to the Church Brother Allen Cleveland agreed to attend the Church as Pastor on the 3rd Sabbath and Saturday before No other Business closed in order A Cleveland MD R Lawrence C L K April Meeting No Confrence [No Date Listed] The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after a sermon by Brother T C Trice then met in conference 1st Invited Brethren & Sisters of our order to seats 2nd Opened a door for the Reception of members 3rd Called for refferences [sp] 4th Chose delegates to represent the Church at the Union meeting Chose Brethren H Jones W Pryor No other business closed in order R Lawrence C L K July the 16th 1853 The Church met in conference Brother Cleveland MD opened a door for the reception of members and r,cd Sister Nancy Caldwell by Letter 1st Went into the choice of Delegates to the association when Brothers H Jones and Bro Wm Pryor, and in case of failure Bro R Lawrence agreed to [--?--] two dollars for minutes No other business closed in order A Cleveland MD R Lawrence C L K August the 20th 1853 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after a sermon by A Cleveling then in conference Invited Brethren & Sisters of our [order] to seats with us opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for refferences [sp] 3 The letter to the association was r’cd an adopted Called up the regular items of the conference Closed in order A Cleveland MD R Lawrence C L K Sept the 17th 1853 The Baptist Church at Shoal Creek met in conference. Brother A Cleveland MD 1st Invited Brethren & Sisters to seats with us 2nd Opened a door for the Reception of members And Rc’d Sister Mary [--?--] by Letter 3rd Called for refferences[sp] [--?--] [--?--] Closed in order [Names of Moderator and clerk illegible] October Meeting No conference November Meeting The Church met in conference Called up the items of the conference found no business then went ito the choice of a preacher when Brother Allen Cleveland was unamiousley chosen for the year 1854 Then closed in order A Cleveland MD R Lawrence CLK December Meeting No conference January the 14th 1854 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment & after a Sermon by Brother Allen Cleveland then met in conference & invited Brethren and Sisters to seats with us 1st Opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for refferences [sp] 3 Called up the items of the conference [--?--] no business closed in order A Cleveland MD R Lawrence C L K Feburary Meeting No Conference March Meeting The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after a sermon by Bro A Cleveland then met in conference & invited Brethren and Sisters of our order to seats 1st Opened a door for the reception of members 2nd Called for refferences [sp] none 3rd Called up the regular items of the conference and find no business closed in order A Cleveland MD R Lawrence C L K April Meeting The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after a sermon by Bro A Cleveland then met in conference and invited Brethren and Sisters of our order to seats with us 1st Opened a door for the reception of members 2nd When the Church had received a Letter from Brother John Holly living in [--?--] who had been excluded from this church some years ago and through that letter gave satisfaction to the Church and restored to fellowship and granted a Letter of Dismission 3rd Called for refferences [sp] Called up the regular items of the conference found no business to intrest the conference then closed in order A Cleveland MD R Lawrence C L K May the 20th 1854 The Baptist Church at Shoal Creek met and after Service went into Conference invited Brethren and Sisters of our order to seats 1st Opened a door for the reception of members and Received Sister Elisebeth [sp] Boynton on a letter of recommendation 2nd Received Brother William Howel and wife Sister Mary Howel on Letters of Recommendation The Church find no other business closed in order A Cleveland MD R Lawerence C L K June 18th 1854 The Church went into conference opened a door for the reception of members Brother [--?--] Green presented a Letter of comadation [sp] and was received on that Letter Agreed to send delegates to the union meeting to be held at this place in next month and [--?--] following and for that purpose chose Henry Jones, G J Green [?] as our delegates No other business closed in order T C Trice MD protem H Jones C L K protem July 15th 1854 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointmnet and after a Sermon by T C Trice then met in conference 1st Invited Brethren & Sisters of our order to seats with us 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members when Sister Caron Anderson presented a Letter of Recomadation [sp] and was received 3rd Agreed to go into the choice of Delegates to the Association to be held in Lebnon[ Sp] Henry County and for that purpose Chose the Brethren H Jones G J Green [?] and in case of failure Wm Pryor Then called up the regular items of the conference and find no other business closed in order T C Trice MD protem R Lawrence C L K August 19th 1854 The Church at Shoal Creek met in conference Invited Brethren & Sisters of our order to seats with us Then opened a door for the reception of members when Sister Nancy Caldwell applied for a letter of dismission and was granted Then called for refferences [sp] and the Letter to the association was R’cd and adopted Then closed in order R Lawrence C L K Sept the 16th 1854 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointemnet and after a sermon by Brother E Dumas then met in conference and invited Brethren and Sisters of our order to seats with us 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for refferences [sp] 4th Called up the regular items of the conference and find no business closed in order E Dumas MD protem R Lawrence C L K October Meeting 1854 Met in conference find no business to intrest the conference and closed in order R Lawrence C L K November the 18th 1854 The Church at Shoal Creek met in conference and went into the case of a pastorial Suppy for the year 1855 and unamiously [sp] chose Brother Edward Dumas then closed in order R Lawrence C L K December Meeting No conference January Meeting 1855 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after Sermon by Bro E Dumas then met in conference and invited Brethren of our order to seats with us 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called refferenes [sp] when Brother E Dumas agreed to serve the Church for the present year 4th Called up the regular items of the conference no business closed in order E Dumas MD R Lawrence C L K February Meeting 1855 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after a Sermon by Bro E Dumas then met in conference and invited Brethren of our order to seats with us 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members when Sister Catherine Jordan presented a Letter of Recommendation and was received 3rd Called for refferences [sp] 4th Appointed Brethren H Jones Wm Pryor to Harmony Church to enquire in Relation to the union meeting at that place then closed in order E Dumas MD R Lawrence C L K March the 17th 1855 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after a Sermon by Bro E Dumas then met in conference 1st Invited Brethren and sisters of our order to seats 2nd Opened door for the reception of members when Sister Eliza Harwell [?] presented a Letter of recommendation and r’cd 3rd Called for refferences [sp] when Bro H Jones reported their mission to Harmony Church relative to holding the union at that place Then agreed to send for a committee from each church in this dist. To meet at this place on 5th day before the 3rd Sabbatth in April to [ next ten words illegible] 4th No other business closed in order E Dumas MD R Lawrence C L K April Meeting 1855 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after a sermon by Bro E Dumas then met in conference 1st Invited Brethren & Sisters of our order to seats 2nd Opened a door for the reception of members 3rd Called for refference [sp] the committee appointed to call on the churches in the area [--?--] attended to their mission the committee from the churches belonging to the [--?--] being present went in convention and agreed to hold the next union meeting with the Church[--?--] Spalding County [--?--] Friday before the first sabbath in August Then adjond [sp] till meeting in course E Dumas MD R Lawrence C L K May Meeting the 19 1855 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after a Sermon by Bro E Dumas then met in conference & invited Br & Sisters to seats of order to seats with us 1st opened a door for the Reception of members when Sister Samitha [?] Morgan came forward and gave evidence of a Hope in Christ and was r’cd by the Right hand of fellowship 2nd Called for refferences [sp] 3rd Called for the items of conference and find no business closed in order E Dumas MD R Lawrence C L K June the 16th 1855 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment & after a Sermon by Br E Dumas then met in Conference and invited Bros and Sisters of our order to seats 1st opened a door for the Reception of members 2nd Called for refferences [sp] 3rd Called for mislanious [sp] buisness [sp] the Church Chose Br H Jones and G J Green [?] and Wm Pryor in Case of failure to Represent the Church in the Union meeting to be held with [--?--] Union Church Spalding Cty Then closed in order E Dumas MD R Lawrence C L K July Meeting 1855 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after Service by Bro E Dumas then met in conference 1st invited Bre & Sisters of our [faith] to seats 2nd opened a door for the Reception of Members when Bro John A Boyd presented a Letter [ --?--] [--?--] Sister Elizabeth and were received 3rd Called for mislenous [sp] buisness [sp] [--?--] the Letter to [--?--] meeting was r’cd and [?seconded] then went into the Choice of Delegates to the next association Chose the Brethren H Jones G J Green in case of failure R Lawrence and agree to send two dollars for minutes then closed in order E Dumas MD R Lawrence C L K August Meeting 1855 The Church at Shoal Creek met in conference and invited Brethren and Sisters of our order to seats 1st opened a door for the Reception of Members 2nd Called for refferences [sp] when Sister [no name given] applys [sp] for a Letter of Dismission and was granted Then the Letter to the association was R’cd [?read] and adopted then closed in order E Dumas MD R Lawrence C L K September Meeting No conference Oct the 20 1855 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment & after Services By Bro E Dumas then met in conference invited Brethren of our order to seats then opened a door for the Reception of members 2nd Called for refferences [sp] 3rd Called for mislanous [sp] Buisness [sp] agreed to go into the Choice of [illegible] at the next meeting t hen Closed in order E Dumas Md R Lawrence C L K November the 17 1855 The Church at Shoal Creek met according to appointment and after then met in Conference & invited Breth & Sisters of our order to seats then opened a door for the Reception of Members 2nd took up the refference [sp] of last meeting and went into the Choice of a preacher to serve the Church in 56 when Bro Allen Cleveland was unamious choice 3rd Bro R Lawrence & wife & G J Green & Sister Heath [?] all applied for Letters of Dismission and was granted then closed in order E Dumas MD R Lawrence C L K [ No entries till March 1857] March 1857 The Church at Shoal Creek Met in conference Brother William Mosely Mod Protend [sp] Under the head of Reference the Church Received and acknowledgement from Sister Levinity [?Levisity] Gilcoat the acknowledgement being Satisfactory the Church Restored the same to Fellowship May 2 1857 The Church at Shoal Creek in Conference J P Lyon Mod Called up the usual items Sister Levinity Gilcoat called for a Letter which was granted Jas P Lyon Mod Aaron Hambrick C L K Pr June 6 1857 The Church at Shoal Creek in Conference Jas P Lyon Mod Called up the usual items Chose Delegates to the Union meeting commensing on Friday before the fifth Sabbath in August Brett Jones and Prior was chose Jas P Lyon Mod Aaron Hambrick C L K August 1 1857 The Church of Christ at Shoal Creek Met in Conference J P Lyon Mod 1 Invited visiting members to seats 2 Opened the Door of the Church 3 Appointed Wm Pryor H Jones to represent us in the association Send 2 $ for Minutes 5 Granted Catharine Jordan a Letter of Dis Shoal Creek January 25th 18[?61] In Conference T. C. Trice Moderator Protem Sister Mary [?] Ellis called for a Letter which was granted [ in large letters [ ? ] Pryor End [ This page contains the name ] William R. Pryor [--?- ] [ This page contains a two column list of names, the page is severly damaged and most is illegible ] [-----] of Color [1.] [--?--] Hartsfield [2.] Harriet Stewart [3.] Squire Hartsfield 4. [-----] Bonds D by L 5. Anna property of [----] 6. Nancy pro of Sister Coggins 7. Nancy pro of W Hartsfield [--?--] Steiger D by L [--?--] Eaves D by L [--?--] Bishop Ex [--?--] Wheeler [--?--] Stiles D by L [--?--] Beckham [--?--] Hambrick [--?--] Terrell The numbers or date 1897 then 1897 1891 6 Wm Pryor