Polk County GaArchives News.....IMMIGRATION FOR GEORGIA, ALBANY NEWS July 28 1880 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: W. Stephens wend@bellsouth.net July 11, 2004, 6:06 pm The Daily Constitution, Atlanta ---Sixty German immigrants passed through this morning en route to the Cedartown iron works. They occupied the union passenger depot for about an hour while waiting for the arrival of the down train on the Western and Atlantic railroad. The majority of them are direct from New York, where they landed only about a week since, consequently we saw in them true representatives of the working classes of Germany before they have had time to become Americanized or to lose any of the striking peculiarities of the native German of that class. (The Daily Constitution, Atlanta, GA, July 28, 1880) IMMIGRATION FOR GEORGIA, ALBANY NEWS Mrs. Francis Fontaine informs us by private letter that he has sent thirty- one Germans, all young men, to Cedartown (Cherokee iron works) in this state. He also informs us that he himself will start with forty more on Saturday next to different places throughout the state. The starting of this German colony at Cedartown speaks highly of Mr. Fontaine’s efforts as commissioner of land and immigration for the state of Georgia. It has often been a wonder why this state of Georgia has not contributed more to this important field, which promises so much for our state in the way of intelligent labor. What the state of Georgia wants, and in fact the whole south, is to fill up her waste places with intelligent labor, so that she may become in every respect homogeneous, prosperous and progressive. What we want is good labor, whether it be Irish, German or Swede, and this we are bound to obtain in due course of time. Then, and not till then, may the south hope to rise to the golden age, the long period of uninterrupted peace and joy for which by nature she was intended. Mr. Fontaine deserves great credit for what he has already done in start the tide of immigration southward; especially so is he deserving since he has had to work upon no capital except that composed of nerve, brain and intelligence, with a strong determination to succeed in this great undertaking, which promises so much for the whole southland. (The Daily Constitution, Atlanta, GA., July 31, 1880) File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/polk/newspapers/nw1260immigrat.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 2.7 Kb