Quitman County GaArchives Bible Records.....Ichabod Lafayette Balkom Bible ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Donna Eldridge DonnaEldrid@aol.com August 24, 2004, 1:15 pm ICHABOD LAFAYETTE BALKCOM BIBLE BIRTHS Ichabod Lafayette Balkcom was born Aug. 4th 1863. Susie Alethea Murray was born 18th 1874. Inez Ophelia Balkcom was born Dec. 25th 1894. Allie Florine Balkcom was born Aug. 21st 1896. Lois Carolyn Balkcom was born June 11th 1899. Ichabod Lafayette Balkcom Jr. was born Nov. 23rd 1901. Ruth Balkcom was born Oct. 16-1904. Ralph Murray Balkcom was born Dec. 30th 1908. Ralph Cicero Balkcom was born August 13th 1911. MARRIAGES Ichabod L. Balkcom and S. Allie Murray were married Jan. 31st 1894. William Jackson Boyett and Inez Ophelia Balkcom were married Aug. 25th 1915. James Van Boyett and Lois Carolyn Balkcom were married Aug. 8th 1917. Ichabod Lafayette Balkcom Jr. and Thelma Leola Wilson were married Sept. 15th 1927. Sydney Alton Wilson and Ruth Balkcom were married Nov. 5th 1927. Mark Cicero Balkcom and Marshall Virginia Wilkinson were married Oct. 24th 1934. Ralph Murray Balkcom and Laura Elizabeth Taylor were married Dec. 15th 1935. Mark Cicero Balkcom and Evelyn Wilkinson were married Nov. 4th 1938. DEATHS Allie Florine Balkcom died Oct. 1st 1899. Ichabod Lafayette Balkcom died June 23, 1943. Marshall Virginia Balkcom died August 21st 1935 The two Balkcom Bibles are fragile and are coming apart. A publishers name and the date was found in one and copied on a scratch piece of paper. I lost this and would not ask to open the Bible again for fear of causing further damage. "The Quitman Echo - Quitman County, Georgia" - Jacquelyn Shepard (page 45-46) Additional Comments: Transcribed and submitted by Donna Eldridge with permission from Jacquelyn Shepard File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/quitman/bibles/gbb136ichabodl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 2.3 Kb