Quitman County GaArchives Bible Records.....Gilford, Colson and Dicey Mann Family Bible ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Donna Eldridge DonnaEldrid@aol.com August 24, 2004, 1:26 pm COLSON AND DICEY MANN GILFORD'S HOLY BIBLE Published by Langdon Coffin 31 Washington Street Boston 1831 Colson Gilford was born in the year of our Lord 1801 Jany 15th. Dicey his wife was born Sept. 15th 1803. William Monroe Gilford was born April 8th 1822. Mary Gilford was born February 22th 1825. Joseph Wilson Gilford was born Feby 28th 1827. Clementine C. Gilford was born January 6th 1829. Rochseyann Gilford was born May 6th 1830. Thomas J. Gilford was born April 29th 1832. Ann Elizere Gilford was born March 22th 1834. Martha Jane Gilford was born March 13, 1836. John Collingsworth Gilford was born May 19th 1838. James M. Guilford was born June 15th 1840. Henry C. Guilford was born March the 28, 1843. Sister (Kate) was born April the 1, 1845. SLAVES Lucy was born April (Illegible) 1837. Clarisa was born May 15th, 1841. Sam (?) was born Nov 22,1837. Hannah was born 8 Sept. 1847. Nathan was born Sept 7th 1853. Francis was born May 22, 1847. Abram was born Nov 15, 1842. Milly was born Apr 24th 1844. Manda was born June 2, 1847. Agustus was born May 7th 1846. Archey (?) was born Oct. 31, 1848. Wilis was born June 17th 1850. Sal was born 1838. Mary was born 1841. Mimy was born 1844. Jef was born May 2, 185__ (50 or 52?). Dinar was born March 9th 1851. According to the 1850 census, both Colson Guilford and his wife Dicey Mann Guilford were born in Georgia. Colson Guilford's father, John Guilford, appears in the early records of Tattnall County, Georgia, as does Dicey Mann Guilford's father, William Mann. By the 1830 census, they are residing in Houston County, Georgia. The 1840 and 1850 census show them in Randolph County in the 8th district. The 1860, 1870 and 1880 census show them in Quitman County. (Georgetown) Dicey Mann and Colson Guilford were married 13 Feb. 1820 in Tattnall County, Ga. After her death, between 1860 and 1870, Colson Guilford was married a second time to Mary Elinor Tye Pye, widow of Freeman Pye. She had one daughter, Lucy Pye, by Freeman Pye. She and Colson had the following children: 1. Lena Guilford born 1869. 2. Colson Guilford born 1871. 3. Thomas J. Guilford born 24 Feb. 1878. 4. Albert Guilford born 14 Nov. 1876. 5. Lovick Guilford born 18 Jan. 1880. Rachel Guilford Farr, who has the Family Bible, is the daughter of Albert Guilford and Evelyn Butler Clifton, who transcribed it is the great, great, granddaughter of the eldest daughter, Mary, her mother was Dicey. The old Colson Guilford home is still standing on the rear of the property of his grandson, Curtis Guilford. It is located just off the old Lumpkin Road east of Georgetown, Quitman County, Georgia. Contributed by Mrs. Rachel Farr, Blakely, Ga. "The Quitman Echo - Quitman County, Georgia" - Jacquelyn Shepard (page 47-48) Additional Comments: Transcribed and submitted by Donna Eldridge with permission from Jacquelyn Shepard File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/quitman/bibles/gbb138gilfordc.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 3.7 Kb