Quitman County GaArchives Bible Records.....Rice Bible ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: August 24, 2004, 1:36 pm The following record comes from "The Quitman Echo - Quitman County, Georgia" - written by Jacquelyn Shepard and has been submitted online by Donna Eldridge with permission from Jacquelyn Shepard RICE BIBLE BRATTLEBOROUGH, VERMONT PRINTED AND SOLD BY JOHN HOLBROOK 1816 THIS BIBLE WAS PRESENTED TO B. H. RICE BY HIS UNCLE K. POWELL Samuel Rice was born Nov. 6, _____. Polly Rice was born April 23, 1795. Nancy Rice was born May 10, 1774 Susanna Rice was born Oct. 9, ____ Charles Rice was born Oct. 12, 1805 David Rice was born July 1, 1808 Benjamin Rice was born March 7, 1811 Milley Rice was born Aug. 15, 1814 Zilla Ann Harden was born Nov. 23, 1814, as Zilla Ann Rice 1832 Nancy D. Ann was born 10th of may 1833 James Rice was born Feb. 15, 1795 Wife Elizabeth born Dec. 11, 1795 George W. Rice was born Dec. 19, 1815 Mary Rice was born March 22, 1817 David L. Rice was born July 1, 1808 James Rice was married to Elizabeth Pollard in the year of our Lord 1815 in the month of February. Augustus Anderson was married to Mary Rice in the year of our Lord 1832 in the month of April 6th. Benjamin H. Rice was married to Zilla Ann Hardin in the year of our Lord 1832 in the month of May 8th day Elizabeth Rice died Mar. 29, 1819 Benjamin Powell died 25th day of Dec. 1823. Mary Powell died 9th day of August 1825. Samuel Rice died 1st day of October 1826. Frances Rice died 19 day of March 1832. John Rice died 26th day of June 1830. Melba Rice died Aug. 6, 1822. Charles Rice died 8th of October 1821. David L. R. Rice died October 27, 1859 Wednesday in Eufaula, Ala. D. L. Rice died Dec. 1832. Lieut. Stephen H. Rice was killed at Gettysburg, Penn, July 1st 1863 by the yankees. 24 years 5 months 9 days. FAMILY RECORD Samuel B. Rice was born the third day of February A.D. on Monday morning 1834. James E. Rice was born A.D. 1835 on the twenty-second day of March, Sunday morning. Rebecca F. Rice was born A.D. 1836 on the twelfth (12) day of April, Tuesday evening. Martha A. Rice was born A.D. 1837 on the fifteenth of December on Friday evening. Stephen H. Rice was born A.D. 1839 on the twenty-second (22) of January, Tuesday evening. Isabella I. Rice was born A.d. 1842 on the third (3) day of April on Sunday morning. Charity ______ Rice was born A.D. on the second day of December at night, eighteen hundred and forty three. Elizabeth Missouri Rice was born A.D. on the twenty-seventh (27) day of September about one o'clock A.M. Saturday 1846. Samuel B. Rice, son of Z. & B. H. Rice, died 2nd of July 1837. Age 3 years, 5 months, 19 days. Our Babe died May 1840, a daughter. Our Son died April 1841 (not named) Florence Lucile, daughter of H. G. Rice and Florence A. Rice was born April 24th A.D. 1890 Sunday at 3 o-clock in Pike County, Ala. Florence A. Rice, wife of H. G. Rice, died January 20, 1894 of rheumatism of the heart at 11 P.M. Saturday in Quitman County, Ga. Glen L. Rice, wife of H. G. Rice, died 15th of November 1896, Sunday at 11 A.M. of fever in Parrott, Terrell County, Ga. Zula Bell Rice died Oct. 18th 1903 in Cuthbert, Ga. of failure of the heart. Age 16 years, 11 months, 5 days. Benjamin Thomas Rice died April 20, 1908 of apoplexy in Sparks, Ga. Age 19 years, 10 months, 22 days. H. T. Rice and Florence Alberta Ellis were married February 4, 1885 in Quitman County, Ga. H. T. Rice and Glen Lavonia Ellis were married December 20, A.D. 1894 in Quitman County, Ga. Henry T. Rice Jr. and Mattie Vernon Floyd were married Oct. 7, 1917 in Quitman County, Ga. Henry Thomas Rice, son of H. T. Rice and Glen Rice was born November 5th, 1895, Tuesday 2 o'clock P.M. in Parrott, Terrell County, Ga. Florence Lucile Graddy Inez Rice died the 10th of February 1910 at Union, Quitman County, of failure of the heart. Age 19 years 9 months, 13 days at 8 o'clock A.M. Thursday. Mattie V. Floyd, wife of Henry T. Rice Jr., died Friday night at 6:30 o'clock, June 28, 1927 at Salters Hospital, Eufaula, Ala. from operation. Henry Rice, husband of Mattie V. Floyd, died April 4, 1958 of pneumonia. Mattie Vernon Floyd, wife of Henry Rice Jr., was born November 2, 1897, Tuesday. Zillah Ann Rice died 20th of may 1870 on Friday at 4 o'clock in the evening. Aged 55 years, 5 months, 27 days. Missouri E. Reynolds died February 24, 1906. Age 60 years, 4 months, 27 days. Charity M. Ogletree - nee Rice died December 3, 1906, age 63 years, 1 day. Martha A. Harrison Died 19th of June 1864 on Sunday. Daughter of B. H. & Z. A. Rice. Age 26 years, months 6, days 4. Lieut. James B. Harrison died 21st June 1864 of wounds received the 19th day of May at wildness Battle, Va. James E. Rice died 6th of August 1859, age 24 years, 4 months and 24 days. Sarah V. Rice was born on the sixth (6) of January A.D. 1847 in the morning, Wednesday. Henry Thomas Rice was born eleventh of June A.D. 1848 on Sunday morning. Robert B. Rice was born the seventh day of September A.D. 1849 at night Friday. Zula Bell, oldest daughter & child of H. T. & Florence A. Rice, was born the 13th day of November 1886 on Saturday morning at 3 o'clock in Quitman County, Ga. Benjamin Thomas Rice, son of H. T. Rice and Florence A. Rice was born the 28th day of May A.D. 1888, Monday at 3 o'clock P.M. in Pike County, Ala. Benjamin Floyd Rice, oldest son of Henry & Mattie Rice, was born January 24th 1919, Tuesday night at 9 o'clock at Georgetown, Quitman County, Ga. George Ellis Rice, second son of Henry & Mattie Rice was born Thursday, ten minutes to 12 o'clock at night October 20, 1921 at Alamo, Wheeler County, Ga. Henry Glenn Rice Jr. was born October 8th 1926, Thursday night at 9:20 o'clock at Alamo, Wheelrt County, Ga. Benjamin Floyd Rice married Christine Norman June 27, 1940 at Pavo, Ga. Christine Norman Rice, wife of Benjamin Floyd Rice, died August 29, 1954 at Verern Memorial Hospital, Moultrie, Ga. Myra Christine Norman was born March 22, 1922 at Berlin, Ga. Benjamin Floyd Rice married Cora B. Chalkey June 18, 1955. Benjamin Floyd Rice, son of Benjamin & Mattie Rice, died September 26, 1981. He was the end of the B. T. Rice Line. SLAVES Bought York & Vinney, his wife, in the_____ of 1837 at $800 for York and $400 for Viney of David L. Rice, my brother. Bought John, Isabelle, and 2 children in 1837. $1200 for John and $1000 for Isabelle and $300 for Nancy & $200 for Chaney of my mother's estate. Bought Ben at $1000 and Brady at $430 and sold him for $700, bought 3 of Uncle Charlie's estate in 1838, March 15. Swapped for Louisa and 2 children, _____ & Elizabeth, gave _____ & difference of $400 of James N. Smyth. I got them in 1838. Nancy D. Ann was born May A.D. 1833. William was born A.D. 1833. Chansey was born the 26th of September A.D. 1835. Ebenezer was born in 1835. Elizabeth was born in 1836. James Jeffery was born 14 December 1837. Mary was born 27th day of march 1839, John & Louisa's child. Nero was born 10 day of June 1840. Isham was born June 1841. Matilday, Bud & Lucinda's child, was born March 15, 184_. Lapres, Miles & Isabelle's child, was born September 16, 184_. Tony, John & Louisa's child, was born August 184_. Eving (?) John & Louisa's child, was born 184_. Mariah, John & Louisa's child, was born October 1849. Charlotte & Sham's boy, Alford, was born the 21st of January 1835. (Sunday) Emma & Ned's child, Davis was born the 27 day of September 1855. Lindy & Ben's child _____, was born October 4, 1855. Emma & Ned's child, Caroline, was born July 28, 1857. _______ & Isham's boy, Clark, was born January 15, 1857. Kordy & Mose's child, William, was born September 1, 1851. Chaney & Ben's child, Elizabeth, was born 28th of February 1858. Betty & Harry's child, Louise, was born the 4th of May 1858. Nancy & Tom's child, George, was born May 6, 1858. Emma & Ned's child, Lucy, was born October 24, 18__. Mary & James child, Ann was born October 26, 1858. Charlott & Ishams boy, Charles was born January 15, 1857. Christanor's child was born on the 16th of August 1856. Lucinday & Ben's child, York was born June 10, 1859. __arriah & Blank's child was born June 3rd 1859. His name is George. ______ & Neds child, Rose was born December 1859. ______ & Harrie's child, Amanda was born January 1860. ______ & Sam's child, Jane was born September 1860. Matilda or Pear & Mose's child, Joseph was born Feby 1861. Betsy & Harrie's child, Hannah was born September 1861. Ned & Emma's child Indianah was born Sepember 1861. July & Dick's two children, Susan & Richard was born 1st of May 1862. Ned & Emma's child Christopher was born ___uary 1863, also Ferdanan was born May 11, 1864. _____ & Sam's child, Fannie (?) was born November 1863. The pages in this old Bible have crumbled and parts of the names were gone. The lant grant in the front of this book was found in the Bible, along with the two documents that gave ownership to the B. H. Rice Family. A letter from Zula Bell Rice, daughter of H. T. & Florence Rice, was found in the Bible; she died on the steps at Andrew College at age sixteen. It reads: Abbieville, Ga. May 16, 1895 Dear Papa, I will write again this week a short little letter to let you hear from your child. I am at home this week playing with Blanche Pancelle. I did not feel lilke 8 hr. ____. Have been taken some medicin. I go to Depot to see the train come in and out every day. Plan to stay a week. Coursin I do is here. Good bye, your dear little child, Kiss Luceil and Bud and Aunt Glen for me. The Rice Bible has been donated to the Odom Genealogy Library, Moultrie, Ga. Another Rice Family Bible was also donated, but I was not able to tie it to the Quitman County Rices. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/quitman/bibles/gbb146ricebibl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 10.6 Kb