Quitman County GaArchives Bible Records.....Wood Family Bible ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Donna Eldridge DonnaEldrid@aol.com August 24, 2004, 1:38 pm WOOD FAMILY BIBLE Marriages A. H. Wood and Margaret V. Morris January 7th 1855 Jas. A. Wood and Fannie A. McLeroy Jan. 2nd 1878 J. D. Wood and Mattie E. Vining March 2nd 1884 Thomas D. Wood and Clara Bell Fields June 15, 1913 Elmer E. Cargill and Mary H. Wood Oct. 22, 1912 J. M. Cade and W. D. Wood June 6, 1913 D. J. Vickery and Laura A. Wood January 29th 1874 J. T. Tye and Carrie L. Wood Nov. the 12th 1888 J. D. Wood and Mrs. A. C. Kissington August 23, 1891 B. F. Cockran and Ada P. Wood Nov. 29th 1891 B. L. Bland & Margaret V. Wood Jan. 1916 B. M. Turnipsed & A. E. Wood June 1920 T. D. Wood & Ethel Chambliss or Chambers March 4, 1919 Births A. H. Wood born Nov. 17th 1831 Sonnorah Athens Wood was born April 19th 1856 Jacob Marshall Wood was born July 1st 1859 John M. Wood was born January 12th 1864 Robert Lee Wood was born Sept. 20th 1870 Margret V. Morris was born July 9th 1833 James A. Wood was born December 28th 1857 Jefferson Davis Wood was born October 27th 1861 Carrie Lou Wood was born August 3rd 1865 Ada Pauline Wood was born Feb. 21st 18__ Andrew Jackson Vickery was born Jan. the 1st 1876 Crawford R. (?) Wood was born February the 12 18880 Oceola Tye was born Oct. the 1st 1884 Morris Ryder Tye was born May the 28th 1888 Thomas Dawson Wood was born Sept. 7th 1892 Robert Franklin Wood was born the 27th Jan. 1900 Addie Elizabeth was born the 16 day of Feb. 1902 Etta Eliza Athens Vickery was born the 13th of Jan. 1878 Una Vasti Wood was born December 14th 1885 Jas H. Tye was born Jan. the 7th 1886 Fannie A. T. Tye was born the 8th of Dec. 1888 Mary Hellin Wood was born Feb. 7th 1894 Winie Davis Wood was born the 8 of Nov. 1895 Margret Vastie Wood was born the 16th March 1898 Deaths A. H. Wood died April the 29th 1889 M. V. Wood died June 11th 1891 J. D. Wood died June 27, 1920 Addie C. Wood died April 27, 1921 Mattie Roberta Wood died Feb. 26, 1889 Una Vasti Wood died Jan. 13, 1888 Robert Franklin Wood died Jan. 8th 1900 Johnnie Marshall Wood was born Nov. 28, 1901, died oct. 13, 1901 (the way it was written) Infant child of Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Wood was born & died Dec. 5, 1906 "The Quitman Echo - Quitman County, Georgia" - Jacquelyn Shepard (page 61-62) Additional Comments: Transcribed and submitted by Donna Eldridge with permission from Jacquelyn Shepard File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/quitman/bibles/gbb149woodfami.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 3.0 Kb