RABUN CO., GA - CENSUS - 1870 Mortality Schedule, Rabun Co., GA ==================================================================== Transcribed by Dawn Watson, March 31, 2003 Notes: Mr. Moseley used parenthesis ( ) in the original census. I added commas to separate the surname from the given name, but otherwise, this transcription is as close as possible to the original. Columns, left to right, excluding line number: 1. Number of the Family, as given in the 2d column of Schedule 1. 2. Name of every person who died during the year ending June 1, 1850, whose place of abode at the time of death was in this family. 3. Age last birth-day. If under the year, give months in fractions, as 3/12. 4. Sex - Males (M.), Females (F.) 5. Color - White (W.), Black (B.), Mulatto (M.), Chinese (C.), Indian (I.) 6. Married (M.) or Widowed (W.) 7. Place of Birth, naming the State or Territory of the U.S., or the country, if a foreign birth. 8. Father of foreign birth. 9. Mother of foreign birth. 10. The month in which the person died. 11. Profession, Occupation, or Trade. 12. Disease or Cause of Death. Schedule 2. -- Persons who died during the year ending 1st June, 1870, in Subdivision No. 106, in the County of Rabun, State of Georgia, enumerated by me, John Willborn, Ass't Marshal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 436 Vandivierre, Sarah F. 11 f w Georgia January At home Dropsy 2 244 Moseley, James 3 m w " April Fever 3 143 Gibson, Jessee 4 f b " June Fever 4 251 Bronson, Roseliu 78 f b w Virginia January House Keeper Consumption 5 53 Dockens, Mitchell 6/12 m w Georgia November Pneumonia 6 68 Billingsley, James 80 m w m South Carolina December Farmer (Sudden death} not known 7 72 Ellingburg, Nettie 2 f w " July Diarrhoea (chronic) 8 97 Vinson, John Jefferson 46 m w m " April Farmer Liver Complaint 9 525 Wall, William 82 m w w " May Farmer Gravel 10 587 Winters, Martha 10 f w Georgia May At home Jaundice 11 510 Wall, Burrel 56 m w m South Carolina April Farmer Heart Disease 12 42 Miller, William 89 m w w " February Farmer Disease unknown 13 507 Singleton, David G. 35 m w m Georgia February Farmer Manslaughtered 14 576 Wellborn, Elisha 71 m w m South Carolina March Farmer Fever I certify that the foregoing is a true return of the census of Persons who died during the year ending June 1 1870 for the county of Rabun State of Georgia as taken by me according to law and instructions. This Sept. 6, 1870 John Willborn Ass't N. S. M. ==================================================================== Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Dawn Watson http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00003.html#0000643 ====================================================================