Richmond-Columbia County GaArchives Deed.....HAMMOND, Mary Ann - MORGAN, Samuel June 30, 1791 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jo McPhail February 19, 2005, 9:55 pm Written: June 30, 1791 TRANSFER June 30, 1791 Samuel MORGAN to Mary Ann HAMMOND 46 June 30, 1791. I, Samuel MORGAN of the county of Notoway and Common Wealth of Virginia do by these presents make over to Mrs. Mary Ann HAMMOND, widow of Leroy HAMMOND, Esquire deceased, all my right, title and claim to the within mentioned land this day and year above (the word "above" is lined through - and the word afore is written above the lined through word) afore mentioned. Samuel MORGAN Test. J. L. Dixon Record(? not sure if this word is Record) of Samuel MORGAN. One hundred and fifty pounds in full consideration for the within mentioned land. Bn. FEW Test. R. Howard, JP Additional Comments: The other deed on this same page is incomplete on the copy I have. It could be an important deed because of Leroy HAMMOND, Jr.'s name being on it and the possible connection to Mrs. Mary Ann HAMMOND from the previous deed. This is as much as I could make out from the copy I have: Alexander & Jane VAUGHN to Leroy HAMMOND Deed July 11, 1788, Recorded the 9th May 1808 10 pounds 22 acres Savannah River State of Georgia This indenture made the eleventh day of July in the year of Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight and in the thirteenth year of the Independence of the United States of America. Between Alexander Vaughn....... Thanks to cousin Jan for sending me these deeds. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb