Richmond County GaArchives News.....Wheeler Auxiliary November 1971 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beth Hemingway March 25, 2004, 12:06 pm Unknown Wheeler Auxiliary Memorial services for Mrs Grady Hinton were held recently at the regular monthl meeting of the Annie Wheeler Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans, Mrs Hinton, wife of the later Grady Hinton, died last month. Mrs Hinton was a charter member of Annie Wheeler uxiliary and had been a member for over 40 years. She was secretary for 20 years. Past president of the Auxiliary, she served in various others positions during the years she was a member. Mrs Hinton was the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs PJ Ford. Mr Ford was a Spanish-American War veteran and Mrs Ford was one of the organizers and a charter member of the Annie Wheeler Auxiliary. Mrs Mae Lites Cole, Auxiliary chaplain, led the services. Mrs Orlin K Fletcher is now the only charter member of the Auxiliary. Mrs Larry M Grimes Jr is president. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.3 Kb