Rockdale County GaArchives History .....Rockdale County Genealogical Society-Newsletter August 2004 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Larry C. Knowles March 20, 2009, 5:10 pm JEANS & GENES Rockdale County Genealogical Society Publication-August 2004 _____________________________________________________ Future Meetings Bertha Little will speak at the August meeting on “Early Colonial Georgia”. David Lineweber will present a program at the September meeting on Civil War music. Martha Brown will speak in October on ships that were used by immigrants. The November meeting will be the annual anniversary celebration with refreshments. ___________________________________________________________________ Library Visitors Provide Info Serena Baxter, 3435 Concord Corner, Conyers, Ga., 30013. Researching Monroe, Walton County. Dianne Jidon? and Angie Wheeler, Covington and Loganville, Ga. Researching Peeks and Almands. Heidi Brumbelow, 2172 Hi Roc Cir., Conyers, Ga. Researching Whelton and Arthur Long. Philip & Marjore W. Gerdine, Greenwich, Ct., 06831. Researching Wells, Gerdine, Hull, and Blankenship. Cedrec Foster, Brandon Glen Apts., Conyers, Ga. 30012. No names given. Gary Saxton, Briarwood Cir., Conyers, Ga. Researching Saxton in Michigan and Pennsylvania. John Saxton born in 1806 in Northernlands, Pa. R. G. Mitchell, Conyers, Ga. Researching Mitchell. Annette Huckabee, 11 Whitetail Court., Williston, SC, 29853. Researching Mitchell, Rowan, Thurman, Parker. Donald Freeman, 113 South Broad St., Bowman, Ga. 30623-1939. Researching Rogers Family. Russell V. Cole, Jr., 4105 Lear Shore Dr., Covington, Ga. 30014. Comment: Nice to do genelogy. Very peacesfull. Paula Franklin, 1430 Hillside Rd., Monroe, Ga. 30656. Researching Franklin, Wilson, and Yarbrough families. Sandra Griffin Findley, 4709 Grainary Ave., Tampa, FL. 33624. Searching for Warren Sidney or Sidney Warren Griffin. Don Joiner, 2585 Highland Dr., Conyers, Ga. 30013. Researching pre civil war Georgia churches. Ethel Joiner, Conyers, Ga. No names given. Amber Knipper, 131 A. Irish Lane, Millegeville, Ga. 31061. Researching Hancock County. Debbie Tarr?, 3395 Squire Lane, Conyers, Ga. 30094. Researching Greer or Grier in North Georgia. ______________________________________________________________________ Debra Manget, Library Director, Details Plans for Library Debra Manget, the Nancy Guinn Memorial Library Director, met with the Board of Directors before the June meeting. She outlined the forthcoming plans for the Library. She reported that Tom Mayfield had left the library a sum of money which would be used to purchase new books and other items for the library. One such item would be video DVD’s. She also indicated that plans were underway to provide better security for the special collections room. We can expect in the near future to have limited access to the special collections room. This means that when this procedure is implemented each person will have to request permission to enter. As we understand it, there will be a lock with a buzzer. The button at the counter will be pushed to allow someone to enter. This is a needed step. There have been instances of petty theft from the collection. There also have been instances of vandalism. Hopefully, those of us who wish to use the collection of books and materials will not be inconvenienced. ______________________________________________________________________ Robert Davis Spoke On Civil War Research Those of you who missed the July meeting did not get to hear the talk of Robert S. Davis, Jr. about “Researching Your Confederate Ancestor”. As could be expected, the professor from Wallace State Community College was equal to the task of laying out all the sources and methods of undertaking research on the 1860s conflict. He passed out an invaluable eight-page booklet which you will want. We will try to save a copy so that additional photocopies can be made for anyone wanting one. Mr. Davis went into some detail regarding the importance of obtaining the compiled service records of the Civil War Soldier. An interesting comment which he made was that, from the standpoint of the Confederate Soldier, the compiled service records were more complete and better organized than the Union Soldier records. The reason he gave for this was that the Union records were worked first before they really knew what they were doing. The Confederate records were held until the Union records were completed before they were worked. The consequence was that they knew how to go about it when they began working on the Confederate records. Mr. Davis’ talk was probably the most knowledgeable on researching the Civil War which we have been fortunate to receive. The Civil War, or the War Between the States, if you prefer, did one thing that benefits the genealogist: It created a great deal of records from which a genealogist can hopefully find his ancestral footprints. ______________________________________________________________ Civil War Research The battles and travel of a Confederate unit can be determined to a large degree by studying the individual accounts as indicated for the company in the “Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia” which was compiled by Lillian Henderson for the State of Georgia while she was Director of the Confederate Pension and Record Department. Volumes 1 to 6 are on the shelves as the Nancy Guinn Memorial Library at: GA R 973.7458 along with an index in a separate volume. The soldiers from the Conyers area enlisted primarily in the Newton Rifles and are shown in the muster roll of Company B 18th Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infrantry of the Army of Northern Virginia. Although some individuals from the Conyers vicinity may have enlisted in other units, this unit was the one which held the biggest number of men from the area. The Company is listed in Volume two from page 624 through page 635. The first name is that of Joseph A. Stewart who was elected Captain on April 30, 1861. His record shows him wounded at Chancellorsville, Va. on May 3, 1863. We know, therefore, that the company was in the battle of Chancellorsville on May 3, 1863. The battles in which the company participated before this and subsequent to it can be noted by studying each man’s record for mention of wounds received or record of being captured. Deaths are noted as well. Many of the men served throughout the war and were present at the end when Lee surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865. A history for the company can be devised from the individual records by following the dates of the events as they happened. If you are so inclined, you can pinpoint the locations of the battles and the camps in “The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War” which is in the library at: R 973.7 UNI. This is shelved just outside the special collections room. Incidentally, this book was donated to the Nancy Guinn Library by the Dekalb-Rockdale-Newton Regional Library Board in memory of A. R. Barksdale. _________________________________________________________________ Researching Welch Names Those of you who may want to research Welch ancestors beyond the immigrant ancestor should be aware of a potential problem. The Welch used double names such as James James or Thomas Thomas. Try to create an index when you have to deal with this. You can see what you are faced with. Tracing a single family can be a major problem. Then there is the “ap” thing. Ap was used to denote son of as in Hugh ap Thomas. This means Hugh son of Thomas. Thomas is a given name not a surname. Use of only given names can stretch back several generations. You may find Hugh ap Thomas ap John ap James ap David ap Evan. The real problem begins when the surname is adopted. It may change entirely from that which you would expect. The sons of John ap Thomas may take the surname of Jones (from the given name John) rather than the surname Thomas. This is a rare example not found too often. Fortunately, once in America, these practices were dropped from use. It is usually only a problem with the immigrant generation. There is no other similar practice anywhere in the world. Thanks for that. ___________________________________________________________________ Calendar Change In 1700s One of the problems in researching records in the 1700s is the change in the calendar that was instituted in 1752. Until that time in America, the Julian Calendar was in use. Although the Gregorian Calendar was adopted in 1582, it was 1752 before the change was universally accepted. If you see a date that has two years, i.e. 1722/1723, the double year indicates that old calendar was in use. Under the old Julian Calendar, the first month of the year was March. The year began on March 25th. March was the first month and February was the 12th. This is a problem when an event occurred in the months of January, February or up to March 25th, for then the date is given as 1748/1749 for example. Some records may have the month written as numbers, i.e. 19th da 6th mo 1748 for August 19, 1748. Why 6th month? Under the old Julian Calendar, August was the 6th month and not the 8th as is accepted now. ___________________________________________________________________ Odom Library Family Tree Publication The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library which is located in Moultrie, Georgia, publishes a newspaper called “The Family Tree”. It covers the world of Scottish genealogy. The library itself is a depository for Scottish genealogy recognized around the world. The publication comes out bimonthly. It is supported by advertising and contributions. The advertising rates are kept low to allow small businesses access to the medium. The newspaper is distributed free of charge; however, due to rising postage, contributions are increasingly important to keep the paper afloat. Contributors are called “Postage Heroes”. You can become a “Postage Hero” and a subscriber by sending $6.00 to The Family Tree, P. O. Box 2828, Mourtrie, Ga. 31776-2828. The Odom Library also has an on-line version. You can subscribe to it at: If you do subscribe to the on-line version, you do not want to also be on the printed version mail list. If you are already on the mail list, you should send your name and address so that it can be deleted from the list. Ed: We haven't seen a printed copy in quite a while. You may only be able to access this publication on-line at this time. They were having problems funding the printing as noted in the paper itself. __________________________________________________________________ Planning For Your Records Disposal The following item was printed in the Moultry County Historical and Genealogical Society Quarterly, October, 2003. It would be prudent to discuss this with your attorney or estate planning agent in advance. You will have to make changes to fit your particular needs, but this is a good beginning. A Genealogical Codicil to my Last Will & Testament: To my Spouse, Children or Guardian: Upon my demise it is requested that you DO NOT dispose of any or all of my genealogical records, books, files, notebooks or computer programs for a period of two years. During this time period, please attempt to identify one or more persons who would be willing to take custody of the said materials and the responsibility of maintaining and continuing the family histories. In the event you do not find anyone to accept these materials, please contact the various genealogical organizations that I have been a member of and determine if they will accept some parts or all of my genealogical materials. Please remember that my genealogical endeavors consumed a great deal of time, travel and requests. Signed and dated by: Witnessed and dated by: Witnessed and dated by: Thanks to Questing Heirs Genealogical Society Newsletter, Questing Heirs Genealogical Society, Inc., P. O. Box 15102, Long Beach, CA 90815-0102. (Ed. It might be just as prudent to place photocopies of the important parts of your research with your organization of affiliation which will allow them to be used by other researchers.) ____________________________________________________________________ JEANS & GENES is a publication of the Rockdale County Genealogical Society. % Nancy Guinn Library, 864 Green St. SW, Conyers, Ga. 30012 President: Bill Freese V. President: Judy Bond Treasurer: Jackie Smith Secretary: Bertha Little Program Cochairman: Gerre Byrd Norma Owens Newsletter Editor: Marion T. Farmer 1500 A. Pine Log Rd NE Conyers, GA. 30012 _______________________________________________ Additional comments: This back issue of the Rockdale County Genealogical Society newsletter has been copied with permission from the personal website of editor, Marion Farmer, as his website is nearing capacity. For simplicity the few photos or graphics have not been included here. Websites previously linked from Marion’s site will not be operative here. Sites that are still active may be found by entering their listed URLs. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 13.6 Kb