Rockdale County GaArchives Obituaries.....STANSELL, Mr. T. A. F. May 1892 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Phyllis Thompson September 14, 2008, 4:33 pm Hales Weekly, May 14, 1892 A TRIBUTE It is a privilege and a sad pleasure to place the following tribute to the memory of a departed friend, Mr. T. A. F. STANSELL, whose recent death robbed our community of an honest and respected citizen and a true and upright Christian man. The death of a man so prominent and useful to his town and county is indeed an irreparable loss, and is received with manifest sorrow and regret by al his fellow-citizens. His gentle manner and his unobtrusive life, his devotion to duty and principle, his unfaltering belief in the religion of Christ, led all at once to have a warm feeling of love and friendship for him. There was something about him which impressed all who came in contact with him, that here was a man of conviction and force, a man of resolve and earnestness, a man of lofty conception of duty, and courage to essay its performance, a man who could not be swayed or severed from the line of right action. In a quiet unassuming way, peculiar to himself, he accomplished much good for his people, by the gentle, though powerful influence, of a right life. He was a man of high sense of honor, a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. He was courteous to all, and never, even in the hour of his death, did he forget to extend to those who attended at his bedside the respect and consideration which in his health was his custom to give. Frank and outspoken, free from concealment or deception of any kind, he never for a moment left anyone in doubt as to his position on any question. “His life was gentle and the elements So mixed to him, that nature might stand up And say to all the world “This was a man.” “True greatness consists in doing one’s duty. In whatever station of life that duty might be, he who performs it well has done all that man or God requires.” Measured by his standard our departed friend was truly great, for no man more earnestly sought to know his duty or more faithfully performed it than he. Without pretention, he was industrious and earnest; firm, without obstinacy, scrupulously honest and conscientious about all things, without self- righteousness ness; faithful to his friends and true to his convictions. He was a devoted member of the Christian Church, ever active and zealous in the performance of all his Christian duties. He was a gentle, loving and indulgent father and husband, and was never so contented and happy as when providing for the comfort and pleasure of his family. A good man has gone to his rest and the world is poorer for his loss, though richer and better because he once lived. To those who knew him no words can add anything to the great incense that envelops his memory, or decrease the respect which his life and character won from all. To his bereaved wife and daughters the hearts of all our people go out in them ______ _______ ______. A FRIEND. May 5th, 1892 Additional Comments: *Note* The last few words are illegible. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb