Schley-Worth County GaArchives Military Records.....Marion B. Dunn July 12 1915 Civilwar - Pension Co. B, 46th Ga. Inf. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Harris Hill January 1, 2004, 11:17 am APPLICATION FOR SOLDIER'S PENSION UNDER ACT 1910 Questions for Applicants to Answer State of Georgia Schley Co. M. B. Dunn of said state and county, hereby applies for the pension provided by Act of 1910, to Confederate Soldiers, and submits his sworn statement, with his testimony to make out the same, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the questions propounded, answers as follows, to wit: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? Marion B. Dunn. Poulan, Ga., Worth Co. 2. How long and since when have you been a continuous resident citizen of this state? Life long resident. 3. Did you enlist in the army of the Confederate States or the Organized Militia of this state from 1861 to 1865? I enlisted in regular army. 4. When and where and in what company and regiment did you enlist? Charleston, S.C. in 1862. Co.B, 46th Ga. Regiment. 5. How long did you remain in the actual military service with said company and regiment? three Years. 6. When and where was your company and regiment surrendered or discharged from the service? May 1865 at Greensboro, N.C. 7. Were you actually present with your command when it was surrendered or discharged? Yes 8. If you were not actually present, state specifically and clearly where you were. I was present. a. Where was your command when you left it? Greensboro, N.C. b. When did you leave the command? May 1865 c. For what cause did you leave? Because of the surrender. d. By whose authority did you leave? By the authority of Com. Gillis. e. For how long was your leave granted? I stayed until the surrender. f. Why did you not return to your command after leave expired? I had nor leave. g. In what way were you prevented? I was there from the time I mustered in. h. What effort did you make to return? I didn't have to return I was already there. i. Were you captured during the war? No. j. If so, when and where? In what prison were you held and when were you released? In None. 9. What property of every description was owned, in use, possession and control of yourself and wife, and its cash value on the 4 Nov. 1908? House and lot $500.00. Money $500.00. Household & kitchen furniture $60.00. 10. What property ofany kind have you or your wife disposed of and for what purpose since 4 Nov. 1908.? To whom and foe what price? House and lot to I.M. Livingston $125.00. 11. What property of any description of any kind, and of any value now owned and in the use, possession and control of yourself and wife and its cash value? Notes $1425.00. 12. What annual or monthly income or earnings of yourself and wife and the source derived have you? None. 13. Are you drawing a pension of any amount from this state or the United States? No. 14. Have you ever applied for the Geogia Pension and had it refused and for what cause it was not allowed? Yes, but refused because of the valuation placed on my property. M.B. Dunn Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 12th day of July, 1915. C.R. Tondee, Ordinary of Schley County. QUESTIONS FOR WITNESS AS TO SERVICE State of Georgia Schley County T.J. Myers & J.T. Stewart of said state and county are hereby presented as witnesses in support of the application of Marion B. Dunn, for the pension provided by the Act of 1910, in said State, and after being sworn true answers to make to the following questions propounded answers as follows: 1. What was your name and where do youreside? T.J. Myers, Ellaville Ga. J.T. Stewart, Ellaville, Ga. 2. How long and since when have you known Marion B. Dunn, the applicant? since 1860. Every since beginning of the war. 3. Where does he now reside, and since when has he been a bona fide, continuing resident in this state and how do you know? In Ga. since the close of the war. 4. When, where and in what company and regiment did Marion B. Dunn enlist during war fro 1861 to 1865? Co. B, 46th Ga. 5. How did you obtain your information of this service? I was mustered in at the time in the same Co. 6. How long within your own personal knowledge did he perform actual military service with this company and regiment? I served with him seven months there. I was transferred to 5th Ga. (Co. G--Myers). Until the close of the war (Stewart). 7. When and where was his command surrendered or discharged? Don't know. 8. Were you personally present at the surrender? No sir (Myers). Yes sir (Stewart). 9. If not where were you and how came you there? I was at home, sir (Myers). I was there (Stewart). 10. Was the applicant personally present with his command at surrender? Don't know. 11. If not where was he and how came him there? Don't know. 12. When did he leave his command? Don't know. Where was his command when he left? Don't know (Myers). In N.C. (Stewart). For what cause did he leave? Don't know. By whose authority did he leave? Don't know. How do you know all that you have stated to be true? If of your own knowledge, tell clearly and specifically. Of my own personal knowledge (Myers). Of my own person(al) knowledge (Stewart). 13. In what way was he prevented from returning to his command? no answer. 14. What effort did he make to return to his command and how do you know? no answer. 15. Was applicant captured as a prisoner? No. If so, when and where? n/a In what prison was he held? None. T.J. Myers J.T. Stewart Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 12th day of July, 1915. C.R. Tondee, Ordinary of Schley County. AFFIDAVIT OF TWO FREEHOLDERS State of Georgia Schley County Personally before me comes J.H. Holloway and Arthur Hill who on oath says that they are freeholders residing in said couny and we know M.B. Dunn, the applicant for pension and we know the property that is now in use, possession and control of himself and wife and its cash value to wit: One house & lot in the town of Ellaville. 1. What property, if any, has been sold or given away by the applicant or his wife since 4 Nov. 1908? One house and lot in the town of Ellaville, Ga. 2. When and to whom was it sold or given to? I.M. Livingston--1914. 3. What was the price paid or stated to be paid? 12??.00 4. What relation is the party to applicant? None. 5. What disposition was made of the proceeds of the sale? Notes were given & held the same. 6. Was the disposition of this property made in good faith and full value? It was. or was it made to obtain a pension? No. J.H. Holloway Arthur Hill Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 12th day of July 1915. C.R. Tondee, Ordinary of Schley County. ORDINARY'S CERTIFICATE State of Georgia Schley County. I, C.R. Tondee, Ordinary of said county, certify that I know the applicant M.B. Dunn, for pensionis the person he represents himself to be and resides in Worth County. That I also know T.J. Myers & J.T. Stewart, the witnesses swearing to the service and J.H. Holloway and Arthur Hill who are freeholders, that they are all residents of said county and were duly sworn by me before signing the foregoing affidavit and they are all truhful and trustworthy and their statements are entitled to full faith and credit. That the tax returns of M.B. Dunn shows that he and wife value for tax is in 1908 $1000, for 1909 $1303.50, for 1910 $1570.00, for 1911 $2090.00, for 1912 $2095.00, for 1913 $2070.00. Sworn under my hand and official seal of office this 12th day of July 1915. C.R. Tondee, Ordinary of Schley County. M.B. Dunn resides in Worth Co., Ga. at this time but pays his tax in this Co. C.R. Tondee, Ordinary. LETTER FROM THE PENSION OFFICE Jno. W. Lindsay Commissioner of Pensions Atlanta, Ga. Sept. 2d 1915. Hon. C.R. Tondee Ellaville, Ga. Dear Judge: You forwarded to me on July 13th application of Mr. M.B. Dunn, company "B" 45th (46th) Ga. Infy. (P)rior to that Mr. Dunn had made an application which was returned for amendment, which has not been done. Will you kindly look through the files of your office and get that application and send to me, because it is necessary for this application to come back, as it is the basis on which Mr. Dunn made his application. It should have been amended as directed by note on the back and return(ed) to this office instead of making a new application. So let me have it at once. Yours truly, J.W. Lindsay Handwritten reply on bottom of page: Hon. J.W. Lindsay Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir: After a careful examination of files of this office, have been unable to find the application referred to above. Yours truly, C.R. Tondee, Ordinary. Add'l Info: Marion B. Dunn and his wife Mary F. Royal Dunn are buried at Ellaville Cemetery. They were married in Schley Co. 13 Sep. 1858. They had five daughters, two of which after they married resided in Worth County and there in lies the proabable cause for Marion B. Dunn's move to Worth Co. The daughters were referred to as the Mesdames Spurlock and Gunter in the obit for Mary Dunn. He was a former Treasurer for Schley County. Ellaville Cemetery Dunn, Mary F. 6-23-1832 6-13-1907 (Note: Obit on file, see Schley Newspaper Archives) Dunn, M.B. 1-11-1886 11-08-1923 This file has been created by a form at File size: 9.8 Kb