Schley-Talbot-Worth County GaArchives Military Records.....Matilda Murphy widow of Mike Murphy March 19 1901 Civilwar - Pension Co. A, 27th Ga. Inf. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Harris Hill January 12, 2004, 8:48 am QUESTIONS FOR APPLICANT State of Georgia Schley County Mrs. Matilda Murphy of said state and county, desiring to avail herself of the pension allowed to Indigent Widows of Confederate Soldiers, under Act of General Assembly, passed _______ 1900, hereby submits her proofs, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? Mrs. Matilda Murphy. Schley County, Georgia. 2. How long and since when have you been a resident of this state? All my life. 3. When and where were you born? 1831, Jany. Merriwether County, Georgia. 4. When and where was your husband born--state his full name, and when you and he married? 1825, Talbot (looks like) County, Georgia. Michael Murphy, married 1846, merriwether County, Georgia. 5. When, where and in what company and regiment did your husband enlist or serve during the war between the states? 1862; Co. A, 27th Ga. Volunteers. 6. How long did your husband serve in said company and regiment? From 1862 til close of war. 7. When and where did your husband's company and regiment surrender and was discharged? In 1865, May at Greensboro, North Carolina. 8. Was your husband present at the time and place when his company and regiment surrendered? My best recollection is he was there. 9. If not with his command at surrender, state clearly and specifically where he was, when he left command, for what cause and by what authority? To my best recollection he was with his command when it surrendered. 10. When and where did your husband die? In Talbot County, Georgia in the year 1887. 11. Which of the following grounds do you base your application for pension, viz: First--Age and Poverty; Second--Infirmity and poverty, or Third-- Blindness and poverty? Infirmity and poverty. 12. If upon the first ground, state how long have you been in such a condition that you cannot earn your support. If upon the second, give a full and complete history of the infirmity and its extent. If upon the third, state whether you are totally blind, and when and where you lost your sight? Old and infirm, am 70 years old, unable to do anything for a support. 13. What has been your occupation since your husband's death? Have not had any occupation, unable to work. 14. How much can you earn gross, by your own exertion or labor? Nothing. 15. What property, real or personal, or income do you have or possess, and its gross value? I own no property. 16. What property, real or personal, did you possessat death of husband or he left you, and of the year 1899-1900, and what disposition, if any, by sale or gift, have you made of the same? Did not leave any property. 17. In what counties did you reside in 1899 and 1900, and what property did you return for taxation? In Schley county, Georgia. 18. How have you been supported since death of husband, and especially in 1899 and 1900? By help from my friends. 19. How much did your support cost for each of those years and how much did you contribute by your own labor or income? $50.00, contributed nothing. 20. What was your employment during 1899 and 1900--how much did you receive for each year? I could not do anything. Not able, Nothing. 21. Have you a family? If so, who comprises such family? Give their means of support? Have they any lands or other property? No family; own no property. 22. Have you ever made an application for pension before? No. 23. How many applications have you made for a pension, and under what class? This is the first application. Matilda Murphy (her mark) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of March 1901. Phil E. Taylor, Ordinary of Schley County. QUESTIONS FOR WITNESS State of Georgia Worth County J.F. Willis of said state and county, having been presented as a witness in support of the application of Mrs. Matilda Murphy for a pension under the Act of _________ 1900, and after having been duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? J.F. Willis & reside in Worth County, Ga. 2. Are you acquainted with the applicant, Mrs. Matilda Murphy? If so, how long have you known her? Have known her 75 years. 3. Where does she reside, and how long and since when has she been a resident of this state? Resides now in Schley Co., Ga. & has resided in the state all her life. 4. When and where was she born? I'm not certain but think she was born in Talbot County. 5. Were you ever acquainted with her husband? Yes, was with him in the army. 6. Where did he reside in 1861? Talbot Co., Ga. 7. When and to whom was he married? Don't remember when but was married to Matilda Murphy. 8. When and where was he born? My information is he was born in Talbot Co., Ga. 9. How long have you known him? 45 years. 10. When and where did Mike Murphy enlist in the war between the states, and in what company and regiment did he enlist and how do you know this? In 1862, he came to our Co., don't remember the date. Enlisted in Co. "A," 27th Regiment Ga. Volunteers. 11. Were you a member of the same company and regiment? Yes. 12. How long did he perform regular military duty? From 1862 to surrender or till close of war. 13. When and where was his company and regiment surrendered and discharged from service? In May 1865 at Greensboro, North Carolina. 14. Were you with the command when it surrendered? I was. 15. Was Mike Murphy, the husband of applicant present? My best recollection is that he was. 16. If not present, where was he? My best recollection is that he was there. 17. When and where did he leave his command? At Greensboro, N.C. For what cause? Regiment surrendered & discharged from service. By whose authority he left? The officer in command. How do you know all this? I was present when the regiment was disbanded. 18. When and where did Mike Murphy die? My best recollection is he died in 1887, in Talbot Co., Ga. 19. Where did he reside at his death and how long had he been a resident of Georgia at his death? In Talbot Co., has resided in Ga. all his life. 20. Do you of your own knowledge know that applicant is the lawful widow of Mike Murphy? I do. 21. Has she remained unmarried since her soldier husband's death, and is now his widow? Yes. 22. What property, effects or income has the applicant, if any, and how do you know this of your own knowledge? Nothing. 23. What property, effects or income did applicant possess in 1899 and 1900 and what disposition did she make of it? She has nothing. Owns no property in years 1899 and 1900. 24. Has applicant conveyed any property in last two years or given any away, if so, what was it and to whom? Had none to give away. 25. What is applicant's physical condition and her chances and ability to earn a support? Her physical condition is very bad, & she is unable to labor at all. 26. Is applicant able to earn a support of any sort, if not, why? She is not because she is very old. My recollection is she is about 75 years old & very feeble. 27. How was she supported for 1899 and 1900? By her son-in-law. 28. How much did applicant contribute to her support for last two years? Nothing. 29. Give a full and complete statement of applicant's physical condition? She was in bed when I saw her last. Don't no (know) the nature of her afflictions. 30. What interest have you in the recovery of this pension by the applicant? None. J.F. Willis Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of March 1901. C.G. Gipton, C.C. of Ordinary, Worth County. AFFIDAVITS OF PHYSICIANS. State of Georgia Schley County Personally before me comes Drs. J.N. Cheney and W.D. Sears, both known to me to be reputable physicians of said county, who, being severally sworn, say on oath that they have examined carefully Mrs. Matilda Murphy, applicant for a pension under Act of 1900, and after such personal examination say that her physical condition is this: She is 70 years old, very feeble, pal????. She has been ????ble for twelve years, very thin & emaciated, unable to get about very well. and we have no interest in said pension if allowed. J.N. Cheney, MD W.D. Sears, MD Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of March, 1901. P.E. Taylor, Ordinary Schley County. (Notes: Subsequent re-filings give the date of death for Mike Murphy as 3 Feb 1890 in Talbot Co., another indicates 11 November 1891. These later applications state they were married in October of 1838. The last application for Matilda Murphy is dated 12 Jan 1907.) This file has been created by a form at File size: 9.3 Kb