Spalding-Pike County GaArchives History .....Corporations 1874 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Robert & Linda Ellis September 3, 2006, 12:22 pm Book Title: Acts Of The General Assembly ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, PASSED AT THE REGULAR JANUARY SESSION. 1874. PART II.--LOCAL AND PRIVATE LAWS. TITLE III. CORPORATIONS. CHAPTER I. BANKS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES. CHAPTER II. MANUFACTURING AND MINING COMPANIES. 1874 Vol. 1 -- Page: 267 Sequential Number: 215 Law Number: No. CCXV. Origin: (O. No. 244.) Full Title, and have all the powers usually granted to a body politic or corporate engaged in like business. : An Act to incorporate the Flat Creck Manufacturing Company, and for other purposes. § 43. SECTION I. Be it enacted, etc., That Wm. M. Blanton and Wm. P. Blanton, and their associates, successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby, incorporated, under the name and style of the Flat Creek Manufacturing Company, with power to [Illegible Text] and maintain, on lots of land numbers seventy- two and seventy-three, first district of originally Monroe, but now Spalding county, a cotton factory and cotton gin, grist mills with all necessary buildings, machinery and dams, and other constructions necessary to carry out the purpose of this Act, with general power to conduct the same as a body corporate, and as such to do and perform all acts and things they may deem necessary to the successful management of their business, not inconsistent with the laws and Constitution of this State, and of the United States, and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have a common seal, and use and change the same at pleasure File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb