Stewart County GaArchives Military Records.....Wesley N. Massey, widow's claim by Mrs. G.O. Pilcher October 15 1910 Civilwar - Pension Co. G, 5th Ga. Inf. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Harris Hill November 8, 2003, 8:11 am Application for Pension by a Widow Under Act of 1910—Questions for Applicant. STATE OF GEORGIA Schley County. Personally before me comes Mrs. G.O. Pilcher of said state and county, and after being duly sworn, on oath says that she desires to apply for a pension allowed under the Act of ____ 1910, and submit testimony to make out the same, true answers makes to the following questions to wit: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? Mrs. G.O. Pilcher, Schley Co. Ga. 2. How long and since when have you been a continuing resident in the State of Georgia? For seventy-nine years and since 1831. 3. When, where and to whom were you married? 1851, Macon, Ga., to W.N. (Wesley) Massey. 4. When, where and in what Company and Regiment did your husband enlist as a soldier in Confederate Army of Georgia Militia? Ellaville, Ga., Schley Guards, Fifth Ga. Regiment. 5. When and where did the commands of your husband surrender or discharge from the army? 1865, Greensboro, NC, April 2nd(?) 6. Was your husband personally present at the time of the surrender of discharge of this command? He was not. 7. If he was not present state clearly where he was? Dead. 8. Questions 8a thru g, not applicable. 8h. Was he captured by the enemy at any time? He was not. 8i. Not applicable 8j. When and where did your husband die? Marietta, Ga., 1862 8k. Were you residing together when he died? We were but he died while in service. 8l. If not, how long had you resided apart? We were man & wife, apart on account of service. 9. What property of any description did you own, hold or control for your use and its cash value, Nov. 4, 1908. left blank 10. What property of any kind have you sold or given away since Nov.4, 1908? What was received for it and what did you do with the proceeds thereof? Have sold no property. 11. What property of any description of any value have you now? 100 acres of land. Give cash value? 500 dollars. (Note: there is a typewritten note on the cover page of the pension as follows: “Pension office 12/14/10. This department cannot accept the valuation of property based on tax valuation or approximately thereto. As a rule, the actual salable cash value will exceed the tax valuation from one half to one third in value. Apply this rule to applicant’s tax valuation, and you will be close on to the actual cash value of the property. J.W. Lindsay, Com. of Pensions.” 12. What are your annual earnings or income and their value? I am not able to earn anything. 13. Have you heretofore been paid a pension by the state? I have not. Mrs. G.O. Pilcher (her mark) Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 15th day of Oct. 1910. P.E. Taylor, Ordinary of Schley County. Witnessed by M.E. Collum. Questions for the Witness as to Service of Husband and Marriage STATE OF GEORGIA, Schley County. Personally before me comes T.J. Hixon who after being duly swoen true answers to make, to the following questions, answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? T.J. Hixon, Schley County. 2. How long and since when have you known Mrs. G.O. Pilcher, applicant. 3. How long and since when has she continuously resided in this state? 60 years, ever since I knew her. 4. When and to whom was she married? W.N. Massey How do you know? They lived together. 5. How long and since when did you know W.N. Massey, her husband? For 60 years. 6. When and where did W.N. Massey, the husband of the applicant die? Marrietta, Ga. 7. Where the applicant and her husband living together as husband and wife at the date of his death? Yes 8. If not, how long did they live apart before his death? n/a 9. When, where and in what company and regiment did W.N. Massey enlist? 11 May 1861, Ellaville, Ga., Co. G, 5th Ga., Schley Guard. 10. Were you a member of the same company? I was. 11. How long within your personal knowledge did he perform actual military service with his company and regiment? 1861 to 1862 12. When, and where did his Command surrender, and was discharged? 1865 at Greensboro, NC, 26th April. 13. Were you personally present when it was surrendered? Was not. If not where were you? Schley Co., Ga. And how came you there? I was wounded on furlough. 14. Was the husband of applicant personally present at surrender? No. If not where was he? Dead. 15. For what cause, if you know of your own knowledge was he prevented from returning to his Command? Dead. 16. What effort did he make to return to his Command and how do you know this? Of your own knowledge or how? Dead. T.J. Hixon Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 11 day of Oct. 1910. P.E. Taylor, Ordinary of Schley County. AFFADAVIT OF TWO FREEHOLDERS STATE OF GEORGIA, Schley County Personally before me comes T.J. Hixon & W/L/ Reid who on oath says that they are freeholders of said county and that they know Mrs. G.O. Pilcher, widow of W.N. Massey, of said county and know what property she owned on 4th Nov. 1908, and it’s cash value to be set out by Schedule (A) as follows: none Personal property 0 Notes and accounts due 0 Total 0 Schedule (B) We know the property sold or given away since Nov. 4th 1908. it’s cash value to be as follows: Personal property 0 Money, Note and accounts 0 Schedule (C) We also know that she has now in her possession, use and control to wit: 100 acres of land worth $500.00 Horses and mules 0 Cows and hogs 0 Other property 0 Income and earnings $60.00 Total value of all property and effects $560.00 T.J. Hixon W.L. Reid Sworn and subscribed before me this the 11th day of October 1910. P.E. Taylor, Ordinary of Schley County. Third District Agricultural & Mechanical School Americus (struck out and replaced with Putnam), Georgia Nov. 11, 1911 Hon. J.W. Lindsay Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir: Will you please send me the affidavit attached to Mrs. G.O. Pilcher’s application for a pension, signed by E.J. Hart, J.W. Dozier, J.V. Pilcher and S.M. Murphy, sent you by our Ordinary, Mr. E.B. Barrow from Ellaville. We want to use the affidavit in a case in court to be tried next Wednesday Nov 15th. I will return the affidavit as soon as we get through with it . Thanking you for same with highest regards, I am your friend. M.E. Collum Third District Agricultural and Mechanical School Office of Principal Americus (struck & replaced w/Putnam), Ga. Mr. J.W. Lindsay Atlanta, Ga. Enclosed please find the affidavit signed by J.W. Dozier, J.V. Pilcher, S.M. Murphy and E.J. Hart as to the value of Mrs. G.O. Pilchers 100 acres of land attached to her application for pension. I want you to accept my sincere thanks for sending me the affidavit asked for. I want to assure you if the time ever presents itself that I can do you a favor, I always stand ready to do so. With highest regards and best wishes, I am your friend. M.E. Collum. Georgia Schley County Personally appeared J.W. Dozier, J.V. Pilcher, S.M. Murphy and E.J. Hart, all freeholders of said state and county, and on oath says, that the one hundered acres of land now in the possession and control of Mrs. G.O. Pilcher, applicant for pension, is not worth, at its most liberal valuation, the price six hundred and fifty dollars. That we and each of us have known the land in question for the past 20 years, that we also know the general value of lands in the same neighborhood where this land lies, and that a valuation of $650.00 on said land is a liberal valuation. S.M. Murphy J.V. Pilcher J.W. Dozier E.J. Hart Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 9th day of October 1911. E.B. Barrow, Ordinary. Georgia Schley County I, E.B. Barrow, Ordinary of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing subscribing affiants are personally known to me and that they are citizens of said county, and that they are personally known to me to be men of trustworthy character, and that their affidavits are entitled to full weight and credit. Given under my hand and seal this the 9th day of October, 1911. E.B. Barrow, Ordy. (Note: There is a recorded marriage of a Mrs. B. Massey to Vincent Pilcher in Schley County bk. B, pg. 86, on 7 Nov. 1878) This file has been created by a form at File size: 8.8 Kb