Sumter County GaArchives Military Civil War - Connecticut Dead at Andersonville ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kevin Frye May 2003 "This material has been generously donated for free use to researchers by Kevin Frye & Sonny Hand Please visit his website for much more information and many photos of Andersonville Prison" Images of the entire Atwater list can be seen at: CONNECTICUT DEAD AT ANDERSONVILLE GRAVE NUMBER LAST NAME FIRST NAME RANK REGIMENT COMPANY DATE OF DEATHYear CAUSE OF DEATH 2380 Anderson A. Pvt. 14 K 23-Jun 1864 diarrhea c. 3461 Batchelder Benj. Pvt. 16 C 17-Jul 1864 diarrhea a. 3664 Baty John Pvt. 16 C 19-Jul 1864 diarrhea c. 7306 Brunkissell H. Pvt. 14 D 30-Aug 1864 dysentery 2833 Brennon M. Pvt. 14 B 8-Jul 1864 dysentery c. 3224 Burns John Pvt. 7 I 12-Jul 1864 diarrhea 10414 Blumley E. Pvt. 8 D 6-Oct 1864 scorbutus 545 Bigelow Wm. Pvt. 7 B 14-Apr 1864 diarrhea 11965 Ball H. A. Pvt. 3 B 11-Nov 1864 scorbutus 12089 Brookmeyer T. W. Pvt. 8 H 18-Nov 1864 scorbutus 12152 Burke H. Pvt. 16 D 24-Nov 1864 scorbutus 12209 Bone A. Pvt. 1 E 1-Dec 1864 scorbutus 10682 Burnham F. Cpl. 14 I 11-Oct 1864 dysentery c. 10690 Barlow O. L. Pvt. 16 E 11-Oct 1864 dysentery c. 10876 Bennett N. Pvt. 18 H 13-Oct 1864 scorbutus 5806 Brown C. H. Pvt. 1 H 15-Aug 1864 dysentery 5919 Boyce Wm. Pvt. 7 B 17-Aug 1864 dysentery 6083 Bishop B. H. Pvt. 1 cav I 18-Aug 1864 dysentery 6184 Bushnell Wm. Pvt. 14 D 19-Aug 1864 cerebritis 7763 Bailey F. Pvt. 16 E 4-Sep 1864 dysentery 2054 Brewer G. E. Pvt. 21 A 16-Jun 1864 diarrhea c. 5596 Burns B. Pvt. 6 G 14-Aug 1864 bronchitis 5632 Balcomb ? Pvt. 11 B 14-Aug 1864 diarrhea 5754 Beers James C. Pvt. 16 A 15-Aug 1864 dysentery 11636 Birdsell D. Pvt. 16 D 28-Oct 1864 scorbutus 4296 Blakeslee H. Pvt. 1 cav L 30-Jul 1864 anasarca 3900 Bishop A. Pvt. 18 A 24-Jul 1864 dysentery 1493 Besannon Peter Pvt. 14 B 2-Jun 1864 diarrhea 2720 Babcock R. Pvt. 30 A 1-Jul 1864 scorbutus 2818 Baldwin Thomas Pvt. 1 cav L 3-Jul 1864 pneumonia 2256 Bosworth A. M. Pvt. 16 D 21-Jun 1864 diarrhea c. 5132 Bougin John Pvt. 11 C 8-Aug 1864 dysentery 5152 Brooks Wm. D. Cpl. 16 F 9-Aug 1864 dysentery 5308 Bower John Pvt. 16 E 11-Aug 1864 scorbutus 5452 Bently F. Pvt. 6 H 12-Aug 1864 diarrhea 5464 Bently James Pvt. 1 cav I 12-Aug 1864 scorbutus 4830 Blackman A. Cpl. 2 artil C 6-Aug 1864 scorbutus 7742 Banning J. F. Pvt. 16 E 3-Sep 1864 dysentery 8018 Ballentine Robert Pvt. 16 A 6-Sep 1864 dysentery 12408 Bassett J. B. Pvt. 11 B 6-Jan 1865 scorbutus 12540 Bohine C. Pvt. 2 E 27-Jan 1865 rheumatism 12620 Bemis Charles Pvt. 7 K 8-Feb 1865 scorbutus 3707 Chapin J. L. Pvt. 16 A 21-Jul 1864 fever intermittent 3949 Cottrell P. Pvt. 7 C 25-Jul 1864 diarrhea c. 3941 Clarkson ? Pvt. 11 H 25-Jul 1864 scorbutus 4867 Culler M. Pvt. 7 E 31-Jul 1864 diarrhea 4449 Connor D. Pvt. 18 F 1-Aug 1864 scorbutus 4848 Carrier D. B. Pvt. 16 D 6-Aug 1864 diarrhea c. 6060 Cook W. H. Pvt. 1 cav G 18-Aug 1864 cerebritis 6153 Clark H. H. Pvt. 16 K 19-Aug 1864 cerebritis 6846 Clark W. Pvt. 6 A 25-Aug 1864 diarrhea 5799 Champlain H. Pvt. 10 F 15-Aug 1864 dysentery 836 Cane John Pvt. 9 H 2-Apr 1864 diarrhea 620 Christian A. M. Pvt. 1 A 19-Apr 1864 dysentery 775 Crawford James Pvt. 14 A 28-Apr 1864 diarrhea c. 7316 Chapman M. Pvt. 16 E 30-Aug 1864 scorbutus 7348 Cleary P. Pvt. 1 cav B 31-Aug 1864 scorbutus 7395 Campbell Robt. Pvt. 7 E 31-Aug 1864 diarrhea 7418 Culler M. Pvt. 16 K 31-Aug 1864 diarrhea a. 7685 Carver John G. Pvt. 16 B 3-Sep 1864 dysentery 7780 Cain Thomas Pvt. 14 G 4-Sep 1864 diarrhea 9984 Crossley B. Pvt. 8 G 29-Sep 1864 scorbutus 10272 Coltier W. Pvt. 16 B 3-Oct 1864 diarrhea 11175 Callahan J. Pvt. 11 I 19-Oct 1864 scorbutus 11361 Candee D. M. Pvt. 2 artil A 23-Oct 1864 scorbutus 25 Dowd F. Pvt. 7 I 8-Mar 1864 pneumonia 7325 Davis W. Pvt. 1 cav L 30-Aug 1864 dysentery 2813 Davis W. Pvt. 10 E 8-Jul 1864 anasarca 3614 Damery John Pvt. 6 A 20-Jul 1864 diarrhea 7597 Diebenthal H. Pvt. 11 C 2-Sep 1864 diarrhea 8568 Donoway J. Pvt. 1 cav A 12-Sep 1864 dysentery 8769 Dutton W. H. Pvt. 16 K 14-Sep 1864 dysentery 5446 Dugan Chas. Pvt. 16 K 12-Aug 1864 scorbutus 11339 Dean R. Pvt. 16 H 28-Oct 1864 scorbutus 11481 Demmings D. A. Pvt. 16 I 24-Oct 1864 scorbutus 11889 Downer S. Pvt. 18 C 7-Nov 1864 scorbutus 11991 Demming B. J. Pvt. 16 G 13-Nov 1864 diarrhea 8482 Emmonds A. Pvt. 16 K 17-Jul 1864 fever typhoid 4437 Easterly Thomas Pvt. 14 G 31-Jul 1864 diarrhea c. 4558 Earnest H. C. Pvt. 6 I 2-Aug 1864 gangrene 7346 Ensworth John Pvt. 16 C 31-Aug 1864 scorbutus 7603 Edwards O. J. Cpl. 8 G 2-Sep 1864 diarrhea 8368 Evans N. L. Pvt. 16 I 10-Sep 1864 scorbutus 11608 Emmett W. Pvt. 16 K 28-Oct 1864 scorbutus 12442 Eaton W. Pvt. 6 F 12-Jan 1865 diarrhea c. 186 Fluit C. W. Pvt. 14 G 27-Mar 1864 diarrhea 1277 Francell Otto Pvt. 6 C 22-May 1864 diarrhea 2612 Fry S. Pvt. 7 D 28-Jun 1864 diarrhea c. 4444 Fibbles H. Pvt. 16 G 1-Aug 1864 diarrhea 4465 Fisher H. Pvt. 1 E 1-Aug 1864 dysentery 5123 Florence J. J. Cpl. 16 C 8-Aug 1864 dysentery 5382 Fuller H. S. Pvt. 24 H 11-Aug 1864 scorbutus 5913 Frisbie Levi Pvt. 1 cav G 17-Aug 1864 dysentery 5556 Fogg C. Sgt. 7 K 13-Aug 1864 dysentery 8028 Feely M. Pvt. 7 I 6-Sep 1864 scorbutus 9089 Filby A. Pvt. 14 C 18-Sep 1864 diarrhea c. 10255 Frederick John Pvt. 7 A 3-Oct 1864 scorbutus 12188 Fagan P. D. Pvt. 11 A 28-Nov 1864 dysentery 3028 Gordon John Pvt. 14 G 7-Jul 1864 diarrhea 4096 Gray Pat. Pvt. 9 H 27-Jul 1864 phthisis 4974 Grammon Jas. Pvt. 1 cav K 7-Aug 1864 scorbutus 4015 Gulterman J. m 1 E 26-Jul 1864 debilitas 5173 Gilmore J. Pvt. 16 C 9-Aug 1864 diarrhea 7057 Gallagher P. Pvt. 16 D 28-Aug 1864 diarrhea 7337 Gott G. music ian18 ? 30-Aug 1864 dysentery 7592 Goodrich J. W. Pvt. 16 C 2-Sep 1864 scorbutus 7646 Graigg W. Pvt. 16 B 3-Sep 1864 dysentery 9423 Guina H. M. Pvt. 11 G 21-Sep 1864 diarrhea 10300 Grady M. Pvt. 11 B 4-Oct 1864 scorbutus 10397 Gladstone Wm. Pvt. 6 K 6-Oct 1864 dysentery 49 Holt Thomas Pvt. 1 cav A 15-Mar 1864 pleuritis 2336 Hughes Ed. Pvt. 14 D 22-Jun 1864 diarrhea 3195 Hitchcock Wm. A. Pvt. 16 C 12-Jul 1864 diarrhea 3448 Hall Wm. G. Pvt. 1 K 17-Jul 1864 dysentery 3559 Holcomb D. Pvt. 14 D 18-Jul 1864 diarrhea 1350 Hilenthal Jas. Pvt. 14 C 25-May 1864 diarrhea 3033 Haskins Jas. Pvt. 16 D 8-Jul 1864 diarrhea c. 5029 Hollister A. Pvt. 1 cav L 8-Aug 1864 diarrhea 5162 Hally Thomas Pvt. 16 F 9-Aug 1864 diarrhea 5352 Hanson F. A. Pvt. 15 I 11-Aug 1864 anasarca 6695 Hodges Geo. Pvt. 1 cav H 24-Aug 1864 diarrhea c. 4937 Harwood G. Pvt. 15 A 7-Aug 1864 anasarca 6964 Hoyt E. S. Pvt. 17 B 27-Aug 1864 diarrhea 7012 Hull M. Pvt. 16 E 27-Aug 1864 scorbutus 7380 Holcomb A. A. Pvt. 16 E 31-Aug 1864 diarrhea 7642 Haly W. Pvt. 16 D 8-Sep 1864 dysentery 7757 Hubbard H. D. Pvt. 16 D 4-Sep 1864 gangrene 8148 Hubbard B. Pvt. 16 A 8-Sep 1864 dysentery 8403 Haywood ? Pvt. 18 E 11-Sep 1864 diarrhea c. 8613 Heath J. Sgt. 16 K 13-Sep 1864 scorbutus 9120 Hall B. Pvt. 16 G 18-Sep 1864 anasarca 9869 Heart W. Pvt. 11 F 20-Sep 1864 scorbutus 9981 Hurley R. A. Pvt. 16 I 29-Sep 1864 diarrhea 12086 Hibbard A. Pvt. 18 D 18-Nov 1864 scorbutus 12117 Hancock W. Pvt. 14 G 22-Nov 1864 dysentery 12163 Hudson Chas. Pvt. 11 C 26-Nov 1864 scorbutus 9340 Islay H. Pvt. 11 ? 4-Sep 1864 scorbutus 737 Jamieson Charles Pvt. 7 D 26-Apr 1864 diarrhea 5221 Johnson John Pvt. 16 E 10-Aug 1864 dysentery 7083 Johnson G. W. Pvt. 11 G 28-Aug 1864 dysentery 7365 Jamison John S. QMSgt . 1 cav staff 31-Aug 1864 diarrhea c. 7570 Jones John J. Pvt. 16 B 2-Sep 1864 diarrhea 7961 Jones James R. Pvt. 6 G 6-Sep 1864 diarrhea 8502 Johnson F. Pvt. 1 D 12-Sep 1864 gangrene 11970 Johnson C. S. Pvt. 16 E 12-Nov 1864 scorbutus 12340 Johnson W. Pvt. 16 E 26-Dec 1864 scorbutus 1590 Kingsbury C. Pvt. 14 K 3-Jun 1864 pneumonia 5186 Klineland L. Pvt. 11 C 9-Aug 1864 scorbutus 6374 Kempton B. F. Pvt. 8 G 21-Aug 1864 diarrhea c. 6705 Kershoff B. Pvt. 6 H 25-Aug 1864 diarrhea a. 6748 Kelley F. Pvt. 14 I 25-Aug 1864 rheumatism 7749 Kalty J. Pvt. 1 cav L 3-Sep 1864 diarrhea a. 8065 Kimball H. H. Pvt. 7 H 7-Sep 1864 diarrhea 8866 Kohlenburg C. Pvt. 7 D 15-Sep 1864 scorbutus 10233 Kearn T. Pvt. 16 A 2-Oct 1864 diarrhea a. 3401 Lendon H. Pvt. 16 D 16-Jul 1864 diarrhea c. 5893 Lastry J. Pvt. 10 I 16-Aug 1864 diarrhea c. 5499 Lewis J. Pvt. 8 E 12-Aug 1864 diarrhea c. 6124 Leonard W. Pvt. 14 H 19-Aug 1864 diarrhea a. 7912 Levanaugh Wm. O. Sgt. 16 C 5-Sep 1864 dysentery 7956 Linker C. Pvt. 8 G 6-Sep 1864 diarrhea a. 9219 Lewis G. H. Pvt. 7 G 19-Sep 1864 scorbutus 10228 Lee ? farri er 1 cav F 2-Oct 1864 diarrhea c. 74 Mills W. J. Pvt. 6 D 20-Mar 1864 rheumatism 119 McCaulley Jas. Pvt. 14 D 20-Mar 1864 diarrhea 2295 Miller Charles Pvt. 14 I 21-Jun 1864 diarrhea a. 3516 McCord P. Pvt. 16 G 18-Jul 1864 fever typhoid 3644 Miller A. Pvt. 14 D 19-Jul 1864 scorbutus 3410 Mould James Pvt. 11 E 16-Jul 1864 fever typhoid 3932 McGinnis J. W. Pvt. 15 E 17-Aug 1864 enteritis 4079 Miller D. Pvt. 1 cav E 27-Jul 1864 diarrhea 4417 Messenger A. Pvt. 16 G 31-Jul 1864 diarrhea 4492 McLean Wm. Pvt. 11 F 1-Aug 1864 scorbutus 4595 Marshall B. Pvt. 8 H 3-Aug 1864 diarrhea 5238 Mickallis F. Pvt. 16 F 10-Aug 1864 diarrhea a. 5328 Miller H. Pvt. 16 A 11-Aug 1864 dysentery 6342 Malone John Pvt. 16 B 22-Aug 1864 diarrhea 6426 Messey M. Pvt. 7 E 22-Aug 1864 scorbutus 6451 McGee Thomas Pvt. 11 D 22-Aug 1864 dysentery 6570 McDavid Jas. Pvt. 1 K 23-Aug 1864 ictus solis 6800 Meal John Pvt. 11 D 25-Aug 1864 dysentery 6902 Mape George Pvt. 11 B 25-Aug 1864 diarrhea a. 6240 Marshall L. Pvt. 8 H 20-Jul 1864 scorbutus 7547 Moore A. P. Cpl. 1 cav H 2-Sep 1864 diarrhea c. 7852 Miller F. D. Pvt. 16 B 5-Sep 1864 debilitas 8150 Modger A. Pvt. 10 I 8-Sep 1864 wounds 8446 Mathews S. J. Pvt. 16 K 11-Sep 1864 scorbutus 8501 Meyers L. Pvt. 1 cav ? 12-Sep 1864 scorbutus 9170 Merts C. Pvt. 11 C 18-Sep 1864 scorbutus 9321 Milor W. Sgt. 14 F 20-Sep 1864 diarrhea 10595 McCreieth A. Pvt. 14 H 10-Oct 1864 scorbutus 10914 McKeon J. Pvt. 7 H 14-Oct 1864 scorbutus 11487 Murphy W. Pvt. 16 C 26-Oct 1864 scorbutus 11538 McDowell J. Pvt. 11 D 27-Oct 1864 dysentery 12134 Montjoy T. Pvt. 5 C 23-Nov 1864 diarrhea 5044 Nichols C. Pvt. 16 G 8-Aug 1864 dysentery 6222 Northrop John Pvt. 7 D 20-Aug 1864 cerebritis 7331 North S. S. Sgt. 1 cav D 30-Aug 1864 fever congestive 10895 Nichols M. Pvt. 7 I 14-Oct 1864 scorbutus 4565 Orton H. C. Pvt. 6 I 9-Aug 1864 rheumatism 7511 Olena R. Pvt. 1 cav E 1-Sep 1864 scorbutus 8276 Orr A. Pvt. 14 H 14-Sep 1864 scorbutus 2960 Pendalton W. Pvt. 14 C 6-Jul 1864 scorbutus 3868 Pompey C. Pvt. 14 B 24-Jul 1864 diarrhea 4356 Parker S. B. Pvt. 10 B 31-Jul 1864 diarrhea a. 3803 Phelps S. G. Pvt. 1 H 22-Jul 1864 fever typhoid 4934 Pimble A. Pvt. 16 I 7-Aug 1864 diarrhea c. 5002 Plum James Pvt. 11 G 8-Aug 1864 debilitas 5386 Patchey J. Pvt. 1 cav I 12-Aug 1864 diarrhea 7487 Post C. Cpl. 16 K 1-Sep 1864 diarrhea a. 7688 Potache A. Pvt. 7 G 3-Sep 1864 diarrhea a. 9248 Phillips J. I. Pvt. 8 B 19-Sep 1864 scorbutus 9444 Padfrey Sylvanus Pvt. 8 H 21-Sep 1864 diarrhea 9538 Painter N. P. Pvt. 7 C 22-Sep 1864 scorbutus 10676 Puritan O. Pvt. 1 cav L 11-Oct 1864 scorbutus 11616 Peir A. Pvt. 7 D 28-Oct 1864 wounds 2804 Ruther J. Cpl. 1 cav E 3-Jul 1864 pneumonia 2871 Reed H. H. Pvt. 2 artil H 4-Jul 1864 diarrhea 3674 Risley E. Cpl. 10 B 20-Jul 1864 diarrhea 4636 Reins Wm. Pvt. 11 I 3-Aug 1864 diarrhea 5902 Ross D. Pvt. 10 K 16-Aug 1864 diarrhea c. 6400 Robinson H. Pvt. 21 K 21-Aug 1864 scorbutus 6796 Ringwood R. Pvt. 14 J 25-Aug 1864 diarrhea 8078 Reed John Pvt. 7 B 7-Sep 1864 diarrhea a. 8170 Richardson C. S. Pvt. 16 E 9-Sep 1864 scorbutus 8345 Ray A. Pvt. 11 G 10-Sep 1864 scorbutus 7310 Reed Robt. K. Pvt. 7 A 30-Aug 1864 diarrhea 8662 Roper H. Pvt. 16 G 13-Sep 1864 anasarca 10029 Robinson J. W. Pvt. 18 D 29-Sep 1864 diarrhea 10196 Richardson D. T. Pvt. 16 G 2-Oct 1864 scorbutus 10416 Reynolds E. Pvt. 1 E 6-Oct 1864 diarrhea 12031 Rathbone B. Pvt. 2 A 15-Nov 1864 scorbutus 4 Stone H. I. Pvt. 1 cav A 3-Mar 1864 dysentery 234 Smith Horace Pvt. 7 D 29-Mar 1864 dysentery 2405 Seward G. H. Pvt. 14 A 24-Jun 1864 dysentery c. 2474 Stevens E. W. Pvt. 1 cav L 25-Jun 1864 fever typhus 3010 Scott W. Pvt. 14 D 7-Jul 1864 scorbutus 3026 Sutcliff B. Pvt. 21 G 27-Jul 1864 diarrhea c. 3041 Stuart J. Pvt. 7 ? 8-Jul 1864 ? 3522 Smith J. Pvt. 14 I 18-Jul 1864 diarrhea c. 3598 Sherwood D. Pvt. 1 D 18-Jul 1864 diarrhea a. 4212 Smith C. E. Cpl. 1 cav L 27-Jul 1864 diarrhea 4316 Straubell L. Pvt. 11 C 30-Jul 1864 diarrhea c. 4555 Straum James Pvt. 2 artil D 2-Aug 1864 diarrhea 4722 Sullivan M. Pvt. 16 D 4-Aug 1864 diarrhea 4892 Steele Sam Pvt. 14 C 6-Aug 1864 diarrhea c. 5385 Shults C. T. Pvt. 14 I 12-Aug 1864 dysentery 5563 Stino P. Pvt. 16 K 13-Aug 1864 diarrhea 5712 Stecle Sam Pvt. 16 C 15-Aug 1864 diarrhea 5725 Smith S. Pvt. 7 B 15-Aug 1864 scorbutus 6734 Steele James M. Pvt. 16 F 25-Aug 1864 diarrhea 7070 Stephens B. H. Pvt. 14 ? 28-Aug 1864 diarrhea 7975 Smith Henry Pvt. 5 H 6-Sep 1864 scorbutus 8088 Short L. C. Pvt. 18 K 7-Sep 1864 scorbutus 8235 Smally L. Pvt. 16 E 9-Sep 1864 scorbutus 9304 Starkweather E. M. Pvt. 1 cav L 20-Sep 1864 dysentery 9435 Sutliff J. Pvt. 16 C 21-Sep 1864 diarrhea 9648 See L. Pvt. 1 G 24-Sep 1864 gangrene 9987 Sling D. Pvt. 7 F 29-Sep 1864 diarrhea 10138 Schubert K. Pvt. 16 K 1-Oct 1864 diarrhea 10247 Sparring T. Pvt. 7 K 3-Oct 1864 diarrhea 10476 Steele H. Pvt. 16 F 7-Oct 1864 dysentery 10787 Stauff J. Pvt. 1 cav L 12-Oct 1864 diarrhea 12005 Swift J. Pvt. 1 K 14-Nov 1864 diarrhea 12288 Smith J. T. Pvt. 7 D 13-Dec 1864 scorbutus 541 Taylor Moses Pvt. 14 E 14-Apr 1864 bronchitis 4443 Thompson Wm. T. Pvt. 14 I 1-Aug 1864 diarrhea 5427 Thompson F. Pvt. 14 A 12-Aug 1864 diarrhea c. 5479 Tibbels Wm. Pvt. 16 G 12-Aug 1864 diarrhea 7723 Treadway J. H. Cpl. 15 E 8-Aug 1864 diarrhea a. 10035 Tisdale Ed. F. Pvt. 1 cav B 29-Sep 1864 scorbutus 10142 Taylor J. Pvt. 14 I 1-Oct 1864 scorbutus 11089 Turner H. Pvt. 11 A 18-Oct 1864 scorbutus 3107 Valter H. Pvt. 14 A 10-Jul 1864 anasarca 401 Winship J. H. Pvt. 18 C 6-Apr 1864 dysentery 2158 Weldon Henry Pvt. 7 E 19-Jun 1864 diarrhea a. 2601 Warner E. Pvt. 1 cav E 28-Jun 1864 diarrhea 5543 Wikert Henry Pvt. 14 C 13-Aug 1864 dysentery 5222 Wright C. Pvt. 16 B 10-Aug 1864 dysentery 4649 Wheely James Pvt. 10 G 3-Aug 1864 diarrhea 5675 Wenchell John L. Pvt. 16 E 14-Aug 1864 gangrene 6138 Way H. C. Pvt. 16 K 19-Aug 1864 diarrhea 6918 Wiggleworth M. L. Pvt. 2 artil H 26-Aug 1864 scorbutus 8024 West Chas. H. Pvt. 16 I 6-Sep 1864 fever typhus 9028 Williams H. D. Cpl. 16 F 17-Sep 1864 scorbutus 9265 Wheeler J. Pvt. 1 cav M 19-Sep 1864 scorbutus 9512 Ward Gilbert Sgt. 11 ? 22-Sep 1864 dysentery 10033 Weins John Pvt. 6 K 29-Sep 1864 diptheria 12600 Ward G. W. Pvt. 18 C 6-Feb 1865 scorbutus 6394 Young C. S. Cpl. 16 C 21-Aug 1864 pneumonia