Talbot County GaArchives Obituaries.....Spinks, Martha January 1912 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carla Miles http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00010.html#0002476 October 5, 2009, 1:25 pm The Talbotton New Era, January 18, 1912 The Talbotton New Era Thursday, January 18, 1912 Page Seven Poplar and Prattsburg Miss Martha Spinks, one of the oldest and first settlers of this section, reaching the age of 90 years was buried a few days ago near the Chapel. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/talbot/obits/s/spinks12643ob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 0.9 Kb