Talbot County GaArchives Marriages.....Harriet Ann Cozart - Josiah Gates August 26 1908 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carla Miles cmhistory@mchsi.com September 12, 2003, 2:56 pm The Talbotton New Era, August 27, 1908 The Talbotton New Era Thursday, August 27, 1908 Page 3 Wedding Bells and Orange Blossoms The home of Rev. and Mrs. J. Harrison was the scene of a – and impressive wedding, on Wednesday at high noon, when Miss Harriet Ann Cozart was united in marriage to Col. Josiah Gates of Manatee, Fla. The parlor was a fairy work, its decorations of feathery ferns, trailing vines and modest begonias blushing in a wealth of -- shell tinted blossoms. No – nook, fashioned by nature, could have been more refreshing and invited in this cool, airy room adorned by the friends, who delighted to scatter flowers and fragrance in the pathway of the gentle bride. At the appointed hour the immediate relatives and friends assembled in a semi-circular group and then came the fair bride on the arm of the groom. As they took their stand in front of a bank of ferns and golden connas Rev. Harrison stepped forward and in his happiest vein performed the Methodist ceremony, uniting two hearts and lives whose Christian influence will go out in ever widening circles as they walk hand in hand down life’s pathway together. The bride was dainty and fair in a lingerie princesse. The front was an exquisite alternation of thread lace and pin tucks, extending in a full-length panel from neck to hem of the skirt. She wore a wreath of orange blossoms and had no other ornaments. She is a lady of rare charms of mind and heart, extensively traveled and wonderfully gifted. Her artistic tastes have been the pleasure and admiration of all who knew her. She has been a benediction upon the homes and hearts wherein she dwelt, and it was a seeming joy that she could enter the holy estate of matrimony at the home of the dear friends to whom she had been such a sunbeam and such a blessing. Every member of the family deemed it his chief pleasure to contribute the fairest flowers of courtesy to this sacred occasion. Col. Josiah Gates, the noble groom, is esteemed and beloved wherever he is known. He is a life-long resident of Manatee and dwells now in the adjoining lot from where he was born and reared. He is prominent in church and social circles and has extensive business interests. As senior member of the Manatee Realty Company he has wide acquaintances throughout the United States. He owns several orange groves and deals largely in fruits and vegetables. As one looked upon this noble couple, they felt the charm and beauty rise in infinite completeness of those lines: “Thrice blessed, whose lives are faithful prayers, Whose love in higher love endures, No souls possess themselves so pure, Nor is there blessedness like this.” After congratulations a dainty lunch was served al-fresco. The bride donned a going-away gown of brown invisible plaid hand braided in artistic designs. Many loving gifts were tokens of the sincere esteem and appreciation of loyal friends. Col. and Mrs. W.A. Wimbush of Atlanta remembered with lavish hand and loving heart. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Towns Smith, in every way, proved their devotion and tender interest. Miss Evelyn Cowdrey, of Columbus, gave a gold plate. Other gifts attested the popularity of this couple. As the carriage drove to the station, rice and flowers showered them from the friends who “stay behind”, “each grain a pearl, each pearl a prayer.” They left over the AB&A Railway for Manatee, Fla., where they will make their home. Lynda Lee Bryan This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 4.0 Kb