Talbot County GaArchives Marriages.....Hynes Dixon Raines - Norman T.C. McKay/Mackay April 27 1909 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carla Miles cmhistory@mchsi.com September 24, 2003, 9:37 pm The Talbotton New Era, April 1, 1909 The Talbotton New Era Thursday, April 1, 1909 Page 3 An Engagement Announcement The approaching marriage of Miss Hynes Dixon Raines to Rev. Norman T.C. McKay of Kendy, Ontario will be of great interest to a wide circle of friends throughout the New Era’s extended territory, from California to Cuba. Talbotton has always been justly proud of the prospective bride. She was reared here, but has spent much time in colleges and travel. She has studied and equipped herself with the educational advantages. By birth, rearing and culture she is prepared to fulfill her mission as a minister’s wife with grace and distinction. Sweetness of disposition and cheeriness of manner are her dominant characteristics. She is the daughter of Capt. and Mrs. W.J. Raines, is descended from a long line of wealthy and aristocratic ancestors on both sides. Rev. McKay is a noted Presbyterian divine of superior attainments. He possesses the strength, determination and thoroughness handed down from generations of Scottish ancestors. The romance began at Clifton Springs, N.Y. some years ago. Among the bride’s remembrances will be a silver tea service and spoons, handsome heirlooms of the family. The ceremony will take place Tuesday, April 27th in the presence of the closest relatives and friends, after which, the bridal party will leave for Toronto, Canada. The Talbotton New Era Thursday, May 6, 1909 Page 2 Announcements The following announcement came to the interested friends on exquisitely engraved cards, many good wishes wafted to the fair bride as she goes to her new home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins Jackson Raines announce the marriage of their daughter, Hynes Dixon, to Reverend T.C. McKay, on Tuesday, the twenty-seventh of April, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nine. The Talbotton New Era Thursday, May 6, 1909 Page 3 A Marriage At Montreat Montreat, April 28 – At the residence of Miss Alice Capps, Miss Hynes Dixon Raines was married yesterday at 12 o’clock noon to Rev. Norman Mackay of Keady, Ontario. The wedding was in every particular, an ideal one. Montreat may be more gorgeously beautiful when the encircling peaks are in the fullest green, the wilderness of rhododendron in flower, and the profusion of ferns have enrolled to the limit their lacy length, but not having seen Montreat until yesterday, it would be difficult to picture any nook of nature better deserving the name of an earthly paradise. The amphitheater of hills wore every shade of green from tenderest maple bud to darkest pine; the rushing mountain stream that dances and leaps over great moss- covered boulders held us fascinated for miles along its fern and laurel clad banks, and all through the morning, a veil of softest purple haze draped the valley adding its indescribable witchery to beautiful Montreat as we wended our way to the charming mountain cottage of Miss Capps. Arrived there we were ushered into a bright, cozy living room, where the decorations of dogwood made a bower of snow-white bloom. In this ideal bridal hall a few of Miss Raines’ close friends were gathered. The marriage rites were very impressive. Rev. Mr. Scanlon of Montreat officiating. The bride was more than usually handsome in a tailored traveling suit of dark brown. The groom is a dignified, scholarly looking gentleman, a Scotch Canadian, and a descendant of two famous clans, the Mackays and the McKenzies. The ceremony was followed by a delightful luncheon and a charmingly informal social half hour; after which the interesting couple left for their home in Canada. Besides the Montreat friends, Miss Capps, Mrs. and Miss Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Scanlon, the Misses Green, Mrs. Slicarer and Mr. DeWitt, there were present, Miss Julia Raines of Talbotton, Ga., sister of the bride, and Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Van Winkle, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Tighe and Mrs. W. W. Williamson of Ashville. – The Gazette News, Asheville, N.C. This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 4.5 Kb