TAYLOR COUNTY GEORGIA 1880 Federal Census - Reynolds (Town of) District GMD #741
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Transcribed by Virginia Crilley crilley@eramp.net
mr = married
s = single
w = white
b = black
m = mulatto
Unless stated, all born in GA, as well as their parents.
person born in GA; father born in SC; mother born in NC
(Eastern Side of County covering Land District 1 and 14. Probably originally Crawford County prior to 1852)
Census Enumerator Charles J. Grace
====Page 51A 21st day of June 1880 ====
1 1 1 MARSHALL, Chesley B. w m 51 Depot Agent
2 Thomas B. w m 17 (son) Telegraph Operator
3 Hoke w m 15 son Telegraph Operator
4 Elbert w m 12 son Telegraph Operator
5 2 2 MORRIS, Henry b m 45 farm laborer
6 Lou b f 34 wife cook
7 Hattie w f 18 dau farm laborer
8 Mattie b f 13 dau at home
9 Henry b m 10 son at home
10 Walter b m 7 son at home
11 Earnest b m 3 son at home
12 Georgia A w f 1 dau at home
13 3 3 CALHOUN, Albert L w m 52 Dry Goods & Grocery Merchant
14 Mary A.E. w f 52 wife keeps house
15 Mary E w f 19 dau at home
16 Camilla w f 13 dau at home
17 Benjamin w m 8 son at home
18 Otis w m 7 son at home
Emily w f 4 dau at home (not on census, but Essie Childs includes)
19 4 4 RUFFIN, J.J. w m 65 Dealer in Dry Goods and Groceries NC NC NC
20 Sarah w f 62 wife keeps house GA GA GA
21 WATERS, Mary w f 20 at home
James Johnson son of James and Margaret Veal Ruffin.
Sarah dau of Drury and Elizabeth Smith Averett
Researcher: Virginia Crilley crilley@eramp.net
22 5 5 GRIGGS, Sarah J. w f 39 keeps house GA GA FL
23 Savannah w f 16 dau at home
24 6 6 SHIRLEY, Rhody w f 55 keeps house
25 7 7 MEYER (McGEE), Henry w m 35 Dealer in Dry Goods Bavaria Bavaria Bavaria
26 Hannah w f 38 wife keeps house Bavaria Bavaria Bavaria
27 Leo w m 13 son Clerk in store NH Bavaria Bavaria
28 Matilda w f 11 Adopted daughter at home Europe Europe Europe
29 8 8 TAYLOR, Levi H w m 26 Grocer
30 Mattie S w f 22 wife keeps house
31 Levey w m 10/12 Aug son at home
32 William w m 13 brother attending school
33 9 9 HAMMOND, Elisha N w m 45 Grocer NC NC NC
34 10 10 CARY, Isaac F. w m 36 Minister of Gospel GA RI Penn
35 Sarah E w f 34 wife keeps house GA NC NC
36 Bettie Lou w f 6 dau at home
37 Robert F w m 4 son at home
38 Jesse H w m 2 son at home
39 Thomas M w m 2 son at home
40 REDDICK, Esther L w f 37 sister-in-law at home GA NC NC
41 11 11 OGBURN, James L. w m 30 1 Dealer in Gen Merchandise
42 SCANDRETT, Robert H w m 18 Clerk in Grocery GA Ireland GA
43 12` 12 JOHNSON, Matthew M w m 21 Dealer in Gem Merchandise
44 13 13 PARRIS, Jackson R w m 60 retired Dentist
45 Dorothy w f 48 wife keeps house
46 Reddin C w m 37 son Clerking
47 Andrew w m 23 son Clerking
48 Nettie w f 22 dau at home
49 Lee w m 17 son Clerking
50 MILTON, Mazourie w f 16 Orphan at home
====Page 51B 21st-22nd day of June 1880 ====
1 14 14 PARRIS, Fletcher F. w m 30 dealer in gen merchandise
2 Sarah C. w f 40 wife keeps house
3 THOMAS, Henry w m 10 orphan Attending school
4 15 15 CORBIN, John b m 35 servant
5 Sibry b f 30 wife cook
6 John b m 10 son at home
7 Josiah b m 7 son at home
8 Drew b m 5 son at home
9 Daisy b f 2 dau at home
10 16 16 MITCHELL, Ronu b m 38 blacksmith
11 Amanda b f 31 wife keeps house SC SC SC
12 William b m 12 son farm laborer GA GA SC
13 Oscar b m 3 son at home GA GA SC
14 Georgia b f 16 dau farm laborer
15 Minnie b f 10 dau at home
16 Eddie b m 9/12 Aug grandson at home
17 17 17 ADAMS, James H. w m 37 Commission Merchant GA SC GA
18 Martha J w f 36 wife keeps house
19 Enoch S. w m 13 son farm laborer
20 Dora E W f 11 dau at home
21 Sarah R w f 9 dau at home
22 James m w m 7 son at home
23 18 18 WINDHAM, Thomas J w m 45 farmer
24 Francis w f 36 wife keeps house AL GA GA
25 Julia E w f 19 dau teaching school GA GA AL
26 Emma J w f 17 dau at home
27 Charles A w m 14 son farm laborer
28 Minnie L w f 10 dau at home
29 Sallie H w f 8 dau at home
30 Ida E w f 6 dau at home
31 Claude w m 4 son at home
32 Hugh w m 6/12 Dec son at home
33 McDOWELL, Francis E w f 67 mother-in-law Taching school GA NC NC
34 19 19 SCARBOROUGH, Rebecca 40 divorced keeps house GA SC SC
35 STUCKEY, Ann P. w f 73 mother at home SC NC NC
(1860-1870 names Sarah Stuckey as mother of Rebecca. wife of Wm)
36 20 20 INGRAM, Sarah w f 76 keeps house (wid/Bryant) SC NC SC
37 Mary A w f 53 dau at home SC NC SC
38 21 21 MATHEWS, James b m 34 farm laborer
39 Ann b f 40 wife keeps house
40 22 22 MATHEWS, Wright b m 28 farm laborer
41 Lou b f 23 wife keeps house
42 Perry b m 1 son at home
43 George M b m 1/12 Apr son at home
44 23 23 HODGES, Henry w m 59 farmer GA SC GA
45 Francis A. w f 45 wife keeps house
46 Georgia A w f 22 dau at home
47 Ida A w f 16 dau at home
48 Willie H w m 15 son farm laborer
49 Eugene w m 13 son farm laborer
50 George W w m 10 son attending school
(Bottom of page says "continuation of this family see page 60)
1 23 23 HODGES, Eula P w f 6 dau at home
2 Leroy w m 2 son
3 Elizabeth w f 48 sister
4 Pennie w f 40 niece
(This was microfilmed out of order, so I've completed the Hodges family here, and the rest of the page is numbered 63A. This is headed Town of Reynolds.
====Page 63A 22nd day of June 1880 ====
Reynolds - 741 Dist G.M. C.J. Grace
(See page 37 for head of this family)
5 24 24 CHRISTOPHER, William H w m 61 Medical Doctor GA VA FA
6 Mary A w f 59 wife keeps house GA GA VA
7 Martha E w f 29 dau at home
8 Anna V w f 20 dau at home
9 Oscar E w m 13 son attending school
10 CALHOUN, John C w m 29 son in law Dealer in Gen Merchandise
11 Dora w f 24 wife keeps house
12 Henry L w m 1 son at home
13 25 25 GODDARD, Edward H. w m 38 dealer in Gen merch GA Mass Con
14 Julia E w f 30 wife GA Con VA
15 Ida E w f 9 dau at home
16 Lottie S w f 7 dau at home
17 CALHOUN, Lafayett w m 18 Boarder. Clerk in store
18 WOODARD, Stephen N w m 21 Boarder. Teacher
19 SEARCY, Fannie Mu f 23 cook
20 26 26 CARSON, Joseph P w m 41 farmer GA SC GA
21 Charlotte K w f 37 wife keeps house VA VA KY
22 Ofelia G (Ophelia) w f 15 dau attending school
23 Raines w m 13 son attending school
24 Beula w f 9 dau " "
25 Briggs w m 8 son " "
26 Keith w m 3 son at home
27 Joseph w m 1 son at home
28 CHRISTOPHER, Eliza b f 13 servant Nurse
29 27 27 CHRISTOPHER, Josy A b f 29 cook GA GA VA
30 Sallie b f 17 dau cook
31 Eddy b f 10 dau at home
32 Dora b f t dau at home
33 Homer b m 5 son at home
34 Marsellas b m 4 son " "
35 Adolphus b m 2 son
36 Liun b m 5/12 Dec son
37 James 5/12 Dec grandson
38 28 28 McCLENDON Robert b m 26 farm laborer
39 Allice b f 30 wife Washer & Ironer
40 Thomas b m 6 son at home
41 29 29 GREER, Wiley b m 22 farm laborer
42 Delilia b f 29 wife keeps house GA VA GA
43 Robert b m 12 son farm laborer
44 William b m 7 son at home
45 James b m 5 son at home
46 30 30 SLAPPY, Wesley b m 58 farmer GA VA VA
47 Harriett mu f 35 wife Washer & Ironer
48 Charles b m 7 son at home
49 Mary b f 6 dau at home
50 31 31 Sailor, Mingo b m 40
====Page 63B 22nd day of June 1880 ====
Town of Reynolds - 741 Dist G.M. C.J. Grace
(family continued)
1 31 31 SAILOR, Maggie b f 25 wife GA SC SC
2 Oscar b m 3 son at home
3 32 32 MINFIELD, Franklin Mu m 42 works on Railroad
4 Anny Mu f 40 wife keeps house LA GA GA
5 William Mu m 12 son farm laborer AL AL LA
6 Mary E Mu f 9 dau at home AL AL LA
7 Albert Mu m 5 son at home AL AL LA
8 Florence Mu f 7/12 Dec dau at home
9 33 33 TOOK, Green b m 35 farm laborer
10 Nancy Mu f 30 wife washer & ironer
11 Thomas b m 14 son farm laborer
12 William b m 12 son farm laborer
13 34 34 UNDERWOOD, Isaiah w m 34 house carpenter
14 Cora C w f 33 wife dress maker
15 Mary S w f 13 dau attending school
16 William H w m 12 son attending school
17 Martha E w f 10 dau attending school
18 Mary A w f 57 mother-in-law at home GA NC NC
19 35 35 INGRAM, Joseph B w m 24 farm laborer GA SC GA
20 Mary C w f 21 wife keeps house
21 Elizabeth w f 2 dau at home
22 Ella C w f 10/12 July dau at home
23 36 36 COLEMAN, Alfred w m 59 Dealer-gen merch SC VA NC
24 Dorinda E w f 60 wife keeps house GA VA VA
25 Henry T w m 30 son Dealer-gen merch GA SC GA
26 DENNARD, America w f 80 sister-in-law VA VA VA
27 37 37 COOK, Mack b m 40 farm laborer
28 Antonette b f 22 wife keeps house GA VA VA
29 Emma b f 15 dau at home
30 Minnie b f 4 dau at home
31 Beatrice b f 2 dau at home
32 Benjamin b m 21 son at home
33 38 38 McCOY, Mathews Mu m 35 works on Rail Road
34 Georgia mu f 26 wife washer & ironer TN TN TN
35 Anna L mu f 10 dau at home
36 John J mu m 7 son at home
37 James B mu m 2 son at home
38 Ruela mu f 8/12 Sept dau
39 TOWNS, Clarcay b f 50 farm laborer
40 Octin b m 7 at home
41 39 39 TURNER, Elizabeth w f 32 keeps house
42 Mary w f 18 dau at home
43 Ollie A w f 2 granddaughter
44 40 40 MERRITT, Martha w f 45 keeps house
45 Sarah J w f 23 dau at home
46 Allice w f 9 dau at home GA AL GA
47 Mary S w f 1 granddau
48 41 41 JONES, George b m 63 farm laborer VA VA VA
49 Riva b f 43 wife NC NC NC
50 Jinett b f 24 daug
====Page 64A 22rd day of June 1880 ====
Town of Reynolds - 741 Dist G.M. C.J. Grace
(family continued)
1 41 41 JONES, Fannie b f 16 dau farm laborer GA GA NC
2 Louisa b f 6 granddaughter at home
3 HARRELL, Jacob b m 50 Boarder Well Digger GA NC GA
4 42 42 NELSON, Robert b m 29 GA GA SC
5 Cely b f 20 wife farm laborer
6 Misti b f 1 dau at home
7 43 43 GRAY, Husel b m 42 farm laborer SC SC VA
8 Jane b f 38 wife SC SC SC
9 Mazouri b f 12 orphan
10 Fidelity b m 10 orphan
11 44 44 OLIVER, Ann w f 30 Sewing Machine Agt GA GA MS
12 Ernest w m 5 son at home
13 Otis w m 3 son at home
14 George w m 1 son at home
15 Roberta b f 25 sister-in-law keeps house
16 45 45 MURRY, Mahaley B f 34 widow keeps house NC NC NC
17 Jane b f 21 dau farm laborer GA SC NC
18 Laura b f 17 dau " "
19 Robert b m 14 son " "
20 Willis b m 9 son at home
21 Oscar b m 4 grandson at home
22 46 46 ANDERSON, Alexander mu m 33 farm laborer NC NC GA
23 Catherine b f 24 wife keeps house GA VA VA
24 Emma b f 8 dau at home GA NC GA
25 Ebba b f 7 dau at home
26 Mansem b m 10 son at home
27 47 47 DANIEL, Amanda w f 42 keeps house GA AL GA
28 Chesley M w m 20 son at home
29 WILSON, Corsvant w f 5 granddaughter (d/o J.D. & Louisa L. Daniel Wilson)
30 NEWSOME, George W. w m 46 Boarder
31 MERRITT, Cealey b f 42 servant laborer
32 48 48 TOWNS, Isam b m 40 laborer
33 Emily b f 34 wife Washer & ironer VA VA VA
34 John b m 13 son farm laborer
35 Charles b m 10 son farm laborer
36 Augustus b m 8 son at home
37 Adlline J w f 4 dau at home
38 Fannie b f 1 dau at home
39 49 49 HODGES, George W W m 56 farmer GA SC GA
40 Martha M w f 44 wife keeps house
41 PUGH, John b m 16 servant farm laborer
42 50 50 CASTELOW, Henry S w m 75 Blacksmith NC NC NC
43 Sarah w f 70 wife keeps house VA VA VA
44 GRIFFIN, Margaret E w f 33 dau Dress maker GA NC VA
45 Lena w f 14 granddaughter at home
46 51 51 SMITH, Dr. James R w m 62 Medical Doctor SC SC SC
47 Fannie B w f 43 wife keeps house GA GA GA
48 PEARSON, Samuel K w m 13 stepson attending school GA NC GA
49 George C w m 11 stepson attending school GA NC GA
50 Bedell w m 9 stepson attending school GA NC GA
====Page 64B 22rd day of June 1880 ====
Town of Reynolds
1 52 52 MULLINS, Nelli b f 42 widow Washer & Ironer
2 53 53 LONG, Louisa w f 63 widow keeps house (Wm Long 1837 Crawford)
3 Mattie wf 26 dau at home
4 John H w m 23 son farm laborer
5 SHERMAN, John b m 19 Servant farm laborer
6 54 54 MATHEWS, Carrie b f 29
7 Bettie b f 9 dau at home
8 Lizzie b f 7 dau at home
9 55 55 KENDRICK, John w m 25 works in Rail Road
10 Martha A w f 18 wife keeps house
11 56 56 WADDELL, Wiliam w m 56 retired Bondsman and JP
12 57 57 CALHOUN, James H w m 33 overseer on Rail Road
13 Mary J w f 24 wife keeps house
14 Robert L w m 4 son at home
15 58 58 FAULENBERRY, John J brother-in-law w m 18 Farm Laborer
16 HAMPTON, Wade w m 23 boarder works on railroad
17 CALHOUN, Franklin P w m 25 Bridge Watchman on Railroad
18 Allice L w f 20 wife keeps house
19 Freddie w m 3 son at home
20 59 59 CHRISTOPHER, Nutt b m 35 works on railroad
21 Lucy b f 28 wife keeps house
22 Sarah b f 6 dau at home
23 60 60 TURNER, Theodore b m 24 works R.R.
24 Dealbia b f 22 wife keeps house
25 61 61 NEWSOME, Thomas b m 22 works Rail Road
SNELGROVE, George W w m 38 house carpenter
Mary w f 40 wife keeps house
GRANT, Carl F w m 40 shoe maker