Taylor County GaArchives Church Records.....New Hope Primitive Baptist Church Copyright Date 1829-1835 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lisa Windham wwindham@worldnet.att.net June 1, 2004, 8:12 pm The records of New Hope Church, having been destroyed by fire, we are indebted to Sister Atholyn Saylor of Bethel Church, Butler, Ga. For the following record of the one hundredth centennial of our church, which partially restores the records of the church. . . Georgia, Marion Co. - Sept. 13, 1829 Bros. William Underwood, Thomas Bloodsworth, Thomas Pickard, Powell Benton and sisters Martha Underwood, Frances Bloodsworth, Elizabeth Newsome, Simmy Hill. The above named members of the Baptist Church of Christ met at the house of William Mitchell, having called for help as a presbytery to constitute themselves into a church on the above day and date according to an appointment The brethren Bell, Norris, and Bateman met, and finding them orthodox, constituted them into a body in the Apostolic Order. This done and assigned the date above written. Elder Benjamin Bateman Presbytery Elder Henry Bell Elder Isaac Norris Mitchell Meeting house: After sermon by Bro. Powell, the church set in conference, received by letter Bro. Solomon Bloodworth. Committee appointment by the church to select a place for the meeting house. Committee: Thomas Bloodsworth, Joshua Newsome, John Moulton, Solomon Bloodsworth, William Underwood. Underwood, Clerk Oct. 10, 1829 - Mitchell Meeting House After public worship, the church came into conference, Bro. Hiram Powell, Mod. Conference being opened by prayer. 1. Open a door for the reception of members into the church by any way the Gospel directs, when came forward Bro. Solomon Bloodsworth and sister Lucy Bloodworth, his wife, by letter, and were received. 2. Appoint a committee to look out for a place for a permanent seat for the meeting house and report to next conference. Nov. 7, 1829 - Mitchell Meeting House After public worship, the church came into conference, Bro. Thomas Bloodworth, Mod. 1. Open the door for the receiption of members by any way the Gospel directs, when came forward Sister Frances Moulton by letter and was received. 2. Inquiry for reference. 3. Took up the reference with regard to the selection of a place to build a meeting house. The committee appointed to look out for a place reports they have done so, and think that at a spring near Mr. Posey’s is a proper place. The church agreed to approbate (?) the report. . . Solomon Bloodworth, Clerk 1834 . . . At this meeting, there were three additions and at the same meeting the church made choice of two deacons, Bros. Amos Adams and John Moulton. . . Sam Givens, Clerk Sept. 5, 1835 The church appointed a messenger to the association. Also at the same time made choice of a preacher, and Bro. Bowden was called and agreed to serve. Jan. 2, 1836 Sireno Haynes Dwight was selected and began his service as church clerk, and on this date with Bro. Bowden, Mod. They held their quarterly communion meeting. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 3.4 Kb