TAYLOR COUNTY, GA - NEWSPAPERS Murder of M.C. McDaniel Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Carla Miles cmhistory@mchsi.com Georgia Table of Contents: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm The Butler Herald August 10, 1909 Page Three Fatal Difficulty Between Farmers M.C. McDaniel Slain by Jack Peacock Business Transaction Cause Of Trouble Peacock Surrenders To Sheriff and Is Now in Jail at Butler Tuesday last about noon Messrs. M.C. McDaniel and A.J. Peacock, better known as Jack Peacock, two prominent Taylor County farmers engaged in a difficulty in which the former gentleman lost his life. The news of the deplorable affair was a distinct shock to the friends of both men throughout the county. At the time of the trouble these gentlemen were assisting Mr. J.T. Peacock, father of Jack Peacock in building a wire fence, when some unpleasant words it is claimed, arose between the senior Peacock and Mr. McDaniel. A.J. Peacock interceded for his father. Blows were passed between young Peacock and McDaniel, the former using a posthole digger while the latter held in his hand a claw hammer. Mr. McDaniel was struck only one blow over the left eye with the weapon used by Mr. Peacock. This blow was a fatal one, however, which knocked Mr. McDaniel to the ground in an unconscious condition. The Butler physicians were summoned but before aid reached him Mr. McDaniel was dead. Mrs. McDaniel, wife of the man slain, was present, as was also their son, Robert, and Mr. J.T. Peacock and another of his sons, all of whom were witnesses to the sad tragedy. Coroner Childree was summoned who empanelled a jury and held an inquest over the body of Mr. McDaniel Tuesday night. The testimony of the witnesses differed widely as to the cause of the killing and the manner in which Mr. McDaniel was slain. In the opinion of the jury Mr. Peacock was not justified in killing Mr. McDaniel. After the finding of the coroner's jury Mr. Peacock surrendered to Sheriff Beeland who was present at the inquest and was brought to Butler and placed in the jail Tuesday night. No preliminary trial was held but the matter was left over the action of the grand jury, which is in session this week. Messrs. J.T. Peacock and M.C. McDaniel were brother- in-laws and the families had been neighbors and the best of friends for many years. Mr. McDaniel was about 60 years of age and leaves a large family, while Mr. Peacock is a young man about 25 years of age and has a wife and one child. The friends of both families throughout the county sympathize with them in their distress.