Settlement of Eliakem Rhodes Estate 09 Jan 1865 Taylor County, GA Final Returns of A M Rhodes (sic) A M Rhodes administrator Beginning of administrative time 1863 May 1 To amt Paid H S Rhodes vouch 1 1847.10 1 " " Elizabeth Rhodes " 2 2302.88 1 " " Cynthia Whatley " 3 1847.10 1 " " Marina Rawls " 4 1847.10 Aug 4 " " D H Williams Milen " 5 1847.10 1864 May 25 To amt pd Marina Rawls " 6 160.95 " " " " " H S Rhodes " 7 160.95 Oct 5 " " " C Whatley " 8 160.95 " " " " " D W Williams trustee " 9 160.95 " " " " " Elizabeth Rhodes " 10 202.19 " 22 " " " J J Huff " 11 55.00 Before me Personally came A M Rhodes who being sworn says the above foregoings is a just and true return sworn to and subscribed before me Jan 9th 1865 A M Rhodes J J Huff Ordry Georgia } Received of A M Rhodes Amn of Elikem Rhodes dcd Taylor County } Eighteen Hundred and forty seven 10/100 as part of my distributive share of the Estate of said deceased which includes whol amt advanced to me by said deceased his lifetime May 1 1863 H S Rhodes Attest D W Willis Georgia } Received of A M Rhodes adm of Eliakim Rhodes Deceased Taylor County } twenty three Hundred and Eight 88/100 dollars as past part of my distributive share of the Estate of said decd May 1 1863 her Elizabeth x Rhodes Attest D W Willis mark Georgia } Received of A M Rhodes adm of Eliakim Rhodes Taylor County } Deseased, Eighteen Hundred forty seven 10/1000 dollars as part of my distributive share of the Estate of said Deseased this amt including whole amt advanced to me by said decd in his life time May first 1863 Syntha Whatley Attest D W Willis Georgia } Recd of A M Rhodes adm of Eliakem Rhodes decd Taylor County } Eighteen Hundred forty seven 10/100 dollars as part of the distributive share of Marina Rhodes in the Estate of said decd which includes whole amt advanced to her in the liftime of said Desease May 1, 1863 Attest D W Willis H S Rhodes trustee her Marina x Rhodes mark Georgia } Recd of A M Rhodes trustee for my wife Joice Williams Taylor County } and her children one Thousand and Eighty 80/100 dollars in cash one cow and calf for which said Rhodes paid out of the trust fund of the said ____ ____ twenty one Hundred dollars the same being all that said Rhodes had on hand as trustee as aforesaid the amt of funds or property _______ this mentioned to His honor E H Moorill (?) Judge of the Superior Court of said county for trusteeship in place of said Rhodes was settled by mistake to be in said Rhodes hands the same being in fact ____ from in my hands as trustee for my said wife & children under a person aforesaid these found came to said Rhodes as trustee as aforesaid the money from aforesaid fund the Estate of Eliakem Rhodes decd for the Benefit of said ca_____ trusty and this is a receipt to said Absalam to Be used by him in his returns as adm of said Ded witness my hand and seal this Aug 4th 1863 Attest D W Willis his Daniel x H Williams Mark As trustee for Joice Williams Georgia } Received of A M Rhodes adm of Eliakim Rhodes Taylor County }deceased one hundred and sixty 95/100 dollars as the Ballance of my distributive share of the Estate of said deseased on final settlement Witness my hand and seal this March 25 1864 Signed sealed and dilivered in the Presence of Willis McClendon H S Rhodes trustee her Marina x Rawls mark Georgia } Recd of A M Rhodes adm of Eliakim Rhodes Deseased Taylor County } one hundred and sixty 95/100 dollars as the Ballance of my distributive share of the Estate of said deseased on final settlement Witness my hand and seal March 25th 1864 H S Rhodes SEAL Signed Sealed and delivered in Presence of Willis McClendon Georgia } Recd of A M Rhodes adm of Eliakem Rhodes deseased Taylor County } one Hundred and sixty 95/100 dollars as the Ballance of my distributive share of the Estate of said deseased on final settlement Witness my hand and seal October 4, 1864 Syntha Whatley SEAL Signed Ssealed and delivered in presence Of John A Rhodes Georgia } Recd of A M Rhodes adm of Eliakem Rhodes Dcd one Taylor County } hundred and sixty 95/100 dollars as the Ballance of the distributive share of my wife Joice Williams of the Estate of said deseased on final settlement Witness my hand seal October 5 1864 Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence Of John A Childs his D H x Williams mark Trustee Joice Williams Three children Georgia } Recd of A M Rhodes admr of Eliakem Rhodes dcd Taylor County } two Hundred 19/100 as the Ballance of my Distributive share of the Estate of said deseased on final settlement Witness my hand seal this October 5th 1864 Signed sealed and her Delivered in presence Elizabeth x Rhodes SEAL Of John A Childs mark Recd of A M Rhodes admr of Eliakem deseased fifty five dollars for advertising and granting letters of _______ securing and sending returns and &c this Oct 22nd 1864 J J Huff Ordinary ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. 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