Telfair County GaArchives Military Records.....Jones, Isaac Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Poquette June 24, 2006, 8:45 pm Pension Application Of Isaac Jones, Natl Archives Microseries M804, Roll 1439, Application #S31777 ISAAC JONES, a resident of Telfair County, Georgia, aged 74 years: “That in the year 1777 during the Revolutionary War he was drafted in the said state of Virginia into the service of the militia thereof for the term of three months and served under Captain THOMAS BALDWIN from some time (the precise day not recollected) in September in the year last aforesaid until the 4th day of March 1778 when he received his discharge from the said Captain BALDWIN which has been lost or destroyed. That while in said service under said Captain BALDWIN, he was marched from said Frederick County to Fort Pitt on the Ohio River, where they joined Colonel JOHNSON and General HAND and from thence marched down the Ohio River to Fort Wheeling where he completed his service for the three months for which he was drafted as aforesaid, and a part of the troops called in the service were discharged, but the company in which he, the declarant served was (he still continuing in the service in said company) marched from thence up to Beach Bottom Fort to protect the frontiers against the Shawnee tribe of Indians and continued there until discharged as aforesaid, all of which service he, the declarant, performed as a foot or militia soldier.” “That during the summer of the year 1778, he removed from the said county of Frederick, state of Virginia into Guilford County, State of North Carolina. That in the said County of Guilford, in the year 1779, he was drafted into the service of the militia of the state of North Carolina for the term of three months and served under Captain WILLIAM WILSON as a foot soldier for the term of three months when he received his discharge from the said Captain WILSON which has also been lost or destroyed.” “That while in the said service under the said Captain WILSON, he was marched from the Courthouse in the said County of Guilford to the town of Salisbury where they joined General RUTHERFORD and from thence marched down the Yadkin to Rocky River where he was in a slight skirmish with the Tories embodied on said Rocky River at a place called Colson’s old Plantation [possibly July 21, 1780], whom they were drafted to dislodge or break up and from thence to the Courthouse in the said County of Guilford where he received from the said Captain WILSON his discharge last mentioned. The name of the colonel under which this last service was performed was Colonel NEWNAN.” “That in the same County of Guilford in the year 1780, he was again drafted into the service of the militia of the state of North Carolina for the further term of three months and served under Captain PETER O’NEAL as a foot or militia soldier for the said term of three months. That while in said service under the said Captain O’NEAL he was marched from the Courthouse in the said County of Guilford toward the town of Salisbury until they joined Colonel ROBERT PORTERFIELD and General GATES, who was on his way from the north and from thence marched by Cheraw, state of South Carolina, toward Camden in the same state of South Carolina until they met the British Army at or near Camden aforesaid in which engagement he was [per Heitman, August 16, 1780], and from thence returned home to Guilford County, state of North Carolina, but the American Army having been routed and the company in which he served separated, he received no regular discharge…” Additional Comments: [If this file is unreadable, see the same application at ncgenweb, Guilford County military page.] File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb