Terrell-Warren-Stewart County GaArchives Biographies.....Dozier, Walter S. 1857 - living in 1913 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 October 31, 2004, 11:02 pm Author: William Harden p. 1028-1029 WALTER S. DOZIER. Clerk of the court of Terrell county at Dawson, Mr. Dozier is one of the most popular officials of the county, and has had a long and active career in business and public life in this section of the state. He represents one of the oldest and most prominent families of the south. Walter S. Dozier was born in Warrenton county, Georgia, March 6, 1857. His American ancestry goes back for four or five generations. The family originated in France, among the Huguenots. Leonard Dozier was born in France, was a Huguenot in religious faith, and immigrated to America early in the eighteenth century, locating in Virginia. He was married in that colony in 1733 and died there in 1785. His son was James S. Dozier, who served as sergeant of artillery during the Revolutionary war, and later in life located in Georgia, dying in Warrenton county, January 18, 1808. He married Elizabeth Staples, who was also born in Virginia. Five of their sons were among the settlers and workers who did so much to develop the country in Warren county. James S. Dozier, the founder of the family in Georgia, just mentioned, was born in Lunenburg county, Virginia, in 1769. Leonard Wesley Dozier, the head of the next generation, was a native of Virginia, and married Nancy Staples. He was one of the early settlers of Warren county, where he died. John Dozier, son of Leonard Wesley and grandfather of the Dawson clerk of courts, was born in Warren county, Georgia, about 1796, and married Antoinet Parham, a daughter of Richard Parham, who was a Virginian who served in the Civil war. John Dozier and wife, so far as known, were lifelong residents of Warren county. Nathaniel Wesley Dozier, father of Walter S., was born in Warren county, August 12, 1826, was reared and educated in his native locality, and when a young man moved to Stewart county, where he taught school for some time. He entered the Confederate service in 1864, going with the other Georgia troops to the defense of Atlanta. After the fall of that city, he participated in the battle at Griswold's Station, where he was wounded. He was then granted a furlough and returned home and the war closed before he had recovered from his wound. After the war he located in Webster county, where he taught school at Weston for some time. In 1872 occurred his removal to Dawson, where he became identified with merchandising, and was later in the warehouse business and engaged in the sale of fertilizer, which continued until his death on May 4, 1910. Nathaniel W. Dozier, married Mary M. Fuller, who was born in Warren county, Georgia, January 26, 1832. She was a daughter of Spiney and Sarah (Harden) Fuller, and a granddaughter of Spiney Fuller, Sr. Sarah Harden, her mother, was a native of Warren county, and a daughter of Benjamin Harden, who was married in Warren county in 1796 to Mary Smith, whose mother was the widow of a revolutionary soldier, who had come to Georgia, and located in Warren county in 1789. Mrs. Nathaniel W. Dozier, the mother, is now a resident at Dawson. She reared four children whose names are Walter S., Mary C., George Wesley and Alice. Mr. Walter S. Dozier and wife have six sons and one daughter, namely: James C., Raymond E., Walter C., Owen W., Oliver V., Wilson P., and Susie May. Mr. Dozier is affiliated with P. T. Schley lodge, A. F. & A. M. His wife belongs to the May Brantly Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and an Eastern Star. Mr. and Mrs. Dozier both are members of the Methodist church. Additional Comments: From: A HISTORY OF SAVANNAH AND SOUTH GEORGIA BY WILLIAM HARDEN VOLUME II ILLUSTRATED THE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO AND NEW YORK 1913 File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/terrell/bios/gbs497dozier.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 4.4 Kb