Thomas-Brooks-Colquitt County GaArchives Biographies.....Alderman, Ansel 1867 - living in 1913 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher October 20, 2004, 10:37 am Author: William Harden p. 841 ANSEL ALDERMAN. The Alderman family has become very well known in the southwestern part of Georgia, both on account of the industry and excellent character of the present generation, but also on account of the prominent part played by the early representatives of the name in the settling and opening up of the region where their descendants make their homes. The first American representatives of the family was David Alderman, who came to this side of the ocean from England in the latter part of the eighteenth century. His son, Timothy, and his grandson, James, the father of the subject of this sketch, were pioneers in Southwestern Georgia, and suffered the hardships of primitive existence in the very section which is now blessed with the advantages of civilization. Ansel Alderman was born on a farm in the Tallokas district of Brooks county, on the fifth of April, 1867, one of the ten children of James and Jane Roberts Alderman. He passed his early years on the farm of his father, receiving his early education in the rural schools of his community. He was married when only seventeen years of age to Willie Murphy, and the parents of the young bride and groom fitted them out for their start in life, one family supplying them with land and the other with stock. By industry and thrift, indoors and out, the youthful couple soon managed to make a success of their small farm, and in time were able to add to the original tract until they possessed 650 acres, all in the Pavo district of Thomas county. Mr. Alderman continued to farm this land until the year 1902, when he moved to Pavo, where he has lived ever since, letting out his farm to tenants. Willie Murphy Alderman, the wife who shared so many of the happy and prosperous years of his life, was the daughter of William Murphy, a native of one of the Carolinas, who was an early settler of Colquitt county, Georgia, in which locality Mrs. Anselman was born. After a useful, though brief, career as a wife and mother, Mrs. Willie Alderman died in the year 1901, leaving seven children. These were: Jessie, who is now the wife of Mont Eller, and whose children are Clyde and Louis; James, Mattie, Romulus, Corbett, Tommy and Sabie. Ansel Alderman was married the second time to Lilla Pittman, who was born in Thomas county, Georgia, the daughter of Ja-ck and Josephine (Hart) Pittman. Three children have resulted from this marriage, Aline, Willie Lee, and Lilla May. Mr. Alderman lives quietly, seeking no public honor, but he is nevertheless a valued citizen of Pavo and lends his influence toward the good. Mr. and Mrs. Alderman are members of the Missionary Baptist church, and lend their support to the works of that congregation. Additional Comments: From: A HISTORY OF SAVANNAH AND SOUTH GEORGIA BY WILLIAM HARDEN VOLUME II ILLUSTRATED THE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO AND NEW YORK 1913 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb