Thomas, GA 1850 Federal Census (INDEX - File 4 of 4)) This Census was transcribed by Christine M. Burton and proofread by Anonymous for the USGenWeb Archives Census Project, Copyright 1999 by Christine M. Burton ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY LAST NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE NAME COLUMN. ============================================================================ PG# LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE BIRTH PLACE FILE NAME ============================================================================ 11a 25 Sanders Anna 4 . pg0001a.txt 11a 21 Sanders Catharine 12 . pg0001a.txt 11a 26 Sanders Elisabeth 1 . pg0001a.txt 11a 22 Sanders James 10 . pg0001a.txt 47b 42 Sanders Jasper 3 . pg0042b.txt 47b 41 Sanders Jefferson 6 . pg0042b.txt 47b 39 Sanders Julia 10 . pg0042b.txt 47b 37 Sanders Mary 20 GA pg0042b.txt 47b 40 Sanders Mary 8 . pg0042b.txt 11a 20 Sanders Nancy 29 . pg0001a.txt 11a 24 Sanders Richard 6 . pg0001a.txt 47b 36 Sanders Thomas 36 NC pg0042b.txt 11a 23 Sanders Wayne 8 . pg0001a.txt 11a 19 Sanders William C. 39 GA pg0001a.txt 47b 38 Sanders Wright 13 . pg0042b.txt 8a 27 Sapp Jacinth 19 . pg0001a.txt 8a 28 Sapp Obidiah 21 . pg0001a.txt 45a 15 Sasser Jane 19 GA pg0042b.txt 45a 14 Sasser Margaret 60 Ireland pg0042b.txt 45a 13 Sasser Thomas 68 . pg0042b.txt 16b 6 Sasser ? Clarissa 13 . pg0015a.txt 16b 11 Sasser ? George 1 . pg0015a.txt 16b 7 Sasser ? Jane 11 . pg0015a.txt 16b 5 Sasser ? Sarah 31 . pg0015a.txt 16b 4 Sasser ? William 36 . pg0015a.txt 16b 9 Sasser? Ann 7 . pg0015a.txt 16b 8 Sasser? Jasper 9 . pg0015a.txt 16b 10 Sasser? William 4 . pg0015a.txt 44b 25 Sauls A Boy 5/12 . pg0042b.txt 44b 29 Sauls A Boy 4/12 FL pg0042b.txt 44b 23 Sauls Daniel 5 GA pg0042b.txt 44b 27 Sauls Elisabeth 21 . pg0042b.txt 44b 26 Sauls Hiram 25 NC pg0042b.txt 44b 22 Sauls Jesse 7 . pg0042b.txt 44b 24 Sauls Leon 2 FL pg0042b.txt 44b 20 Sauls Nathan 31 NC pg0042b.txt 44b 28 Sauls Patience 4 GA pg0042b.txt 44b 21 Sauls Winney 25 . pg0042b.txt 22b 32 Scoggins Berry 24 . pg0015a.txt 22b 28 Scoggins Celia 63 . pg0015a.txt 22b 31 Scoggins Celia 22 . pg0015a.txt 30a 23 Scoggins Elisabeth 4 GA pg0029b.txt 30a 22 Scoggins Martha 22 GA pg0029b.txt 22b 29 Scoggins Matilda 27 . pg0015a.txt 22b 30 Scoggins Rebecca 23 . pg0015a.txt 30a 21 Scoggins Solomon 28 GA pg0029b.txt 30a 24 Scoggins William 4/12 GA pg0029b.txt 18a 38 Scott David 30 NC pg0015a.txt 18a 39 Scott Elisabeth 30 . pg0015a.txt 18a 40 Scott Elisabeth 12 . pg0015a.txt 18b 1 Scott George 3 . pg0015a.txt 18a 41 Scott James 9 . pg0015a.txt 18a 42 Scott John 5 . pg0015a.txt 51a 6 Selph Elisabeth 33 . pg0042b.txt 51a 11 Selph James 6 . pg0042b.txt 51a 5 Selph John 40 . pg0042b.txt 51a 8 Selph John 14 . pg0042b.txt 51a 4 Selph Margaret 24 . pg0042b.txt 51a 2 Selph Mary 63 GA pg0042b.txt 51a 9 Selph Mary 12 . pg0042b.txt 51a 12 Selph Samuel 4 . pg0042b.txt 51a 1 Selph Thomas 70 NC pg0042b.txt 51a 3 Selph Thomas 22 . pg0042b.txt 51a 10 Selph Thomas 8 . pg0042b.txt 51a 13 Selph Warren 1 . pg0042b.txt 51a 7 Selph Washington 15 . pg0042b.txt 30a 20 Sessions Elisabeth 21 GA pg0029b.txt 30a 19 Sessions Samuel ? Lemuel ? 32 GA pg0029b.txt 32b 12 Seward Florence 7 . pg0029b.txt 32b 13 Seward Hansel 6 . pg0029b.txt 32b 10 Seward Hansel R. 37 . pg0029b.txt 32b 11 Seward Harriet 24 . pg0029b.txt 32b 14 Seward James 3 . pg0029b.txt 32b 15 Seward Joseph 1 . pg0029b.txt 53b 12 Shackleford John F. 13 . pg0042b.txt 60a 23 Sharpe Ellen 14 . pg0056b.txt 60a 20 Sharpe H. W. 50 . pg0056b.txt 60a 24 Sharpe James 12 . pg0056b.txt 60a 21 Sharpe Jane 45 . pg0056b.txt 60a 25 Sharpe Jane 9 . pg0056b.txt 60a 22 Sharpe William 17 . pg0056b.txt 6b 15 Shaw Elisa 3 . pg0001a.txt 6b 13 Shaw Hisikeah ? 25 . pg0001a.txt 6b 14 Shaw Mary 21 . pg0001a.txt 6b 16 Shaw William 1 . pg0001a.txt 47a 9 Sheffield Adeline 3 . pg0042b.txt 34a 38 Sheffield Elisa 18 . pg0029b.txt 44a 6 Sheffield Eveline 6 . pg0042b.txt 44a 7 Sheffield Glissin Ganie ? 5 . pg0042b.txt 40b 20 Sheffield Gunn G. 30 GA pg0029b.txt 44a 1 Sheffield Isham 47 GA pg0042b.txt 44a 9 Sheffield Jain 1 . pg0042b.txt 46a 20 Sheffield Jim 15 . pg0042b.txt 34a 41 Sheffield John 3 . pg0029b.txt 44a 3 Sheffield John 15 . pg0042b.txt 46a 16 Sheffield John 78 . pg0042b.txt 46a 18 Sheffield John 41 . pg0042b.txt 46a 19 Sheffield John 13 . pg0042b.txt 44a 8 Sheffield Johnnie ? 4 . pg0042b.txt 34a 39 Sheffield Julia 16 . pg0029b.txt 40b 22 Sheffield Julia 2 . pg0029b.txt 40b 21 Sheffield Margaret 22 . pg0029b.txt 46a 15 Sheffield Martha 10 . pg0042b.txt 46a 17 Sheffield Martha 73 . pg0042b.txt 34a 37 Sheffield Mary 62 GA pg0029b.txt 44a 4 Sheffield Mary 11 . pg0042b.txt 46a 13 Sheffield Mary 32 GA pg0042b.txt 53a 28 Sheffield Mary H. 20 GA pg0042b.txt 44a 2 Sheffield Nancy 31 . pg0042b.txt 34a 36 Sheffield Pliny 62 SC pg0029b.txt 34a 40 Sheffield Pliny 12 . pg0029b.txt 46a 14 Sheffield Thomas 13 . pg0042b.txt 44a 5 Sheffield William 9 . pg0042b.txt 45a 3 Shepperd Eli 6/12 . pg0042b.txt 45a 2 Shepperd Rinthia ? 26 . pg0042b.txt 45a 37 Shuman Alley 1 . pg0042b.txt 45a 36 Shuman Emanuel 6 . pg0042b.txt 45a 33 Shuman Henry 11 . pg0042b.txt 45a 32 Shuman John 12 . pg0042b.txt 45a 35 Shuman Martha 8 . pg0042b.txt 45a 34 Shuman Rebecca 10 . pg0042b.txt 45a 30 Shuman Rutherford 12 . pg0042b.txt 45a 29 Shuman Sarah 45 . pg0042b.txt 45a 28 Shuman William 45 . pg0042b.txt 45a 31 Shuman William 16 . pg0042b.txt 31a 25 Simmons Adeline 29 DC pg0029b.txt 31a 28 Simmons Francis 3 FL pg0029b.txt 54a 39 Simmons Harvey 1 . pg0042b.txt 31a 27 Simmons Isabella 7 GA pg0029b.txt 42a 17 Simmons James 10 . pg0029b.txt 42a 18 Simmons John 6 . pg0029b.txt 54a 38 Simmons John 3 . pg0042b.txt 42a 19 Simmons Lacey 4 . pg0029b.txt 42a 15 Simmons Lacey J. 36 GA pg0029b.txt 54a 36 Simmons Martha 25 . pg0042b.txt 31a 29 Simmons Mary 8 GA pg0029b.txt 42a 20 Simmons Mary 2 . pg0029b.txt 42a 16 Simmons Nancy 25 . pg0029b.txt 54a 35 Simmons Samuel 28 . pg0042b.txt 31a 24 Simmons Thomas 33 SC pg0029b.txt 54a 37 Simmons Thomas 9 . pg0042b.txt 31a 26 Simmons William 7 GA pg0029b.txt 51b 4 Simpson Catharine 1 . pg0042b.txt 51b 1 Simpson John 23 GA pg0042b.txt 51b 2 Simpson Sarah 23 . pg0042b.txt 51b 3 Simpson Welthy 3 . pg0042b.txt 19b 41 Singletary ??? ? . pg0015a.txt 19b 39 Singletary ???? 6 . pg0015a.txt 21a 19 Singletary Ann 13 . pg0015a.txt 17b 28 Singletary Benjamin 9 . pg0015a.txt 20b 25 Singletary Benjamin 24 . pg0015a.txt 21a 33 Singletary Benjamin 2 GA pg0015a.txt 20b 22 Singletary Berry 3 . pg0015a.txt 20a 34 Singletary Brayton 55 . pg0015a.txt 21a 31 Singletary Brayton 24 . pg0015a.txt 20b 23 Singletary Brinson 1 . pg0015a.txt 19a 12 Singletary Charlotte 4 . pg0015a.txt 21a 20 Singletary Council 12 . pg0015a.txt 21a 36 Singletary Crayton 20 FL pg0015a.txt 20b 10 Singletary Cynthia 20 . pg0015a.txt 17b 27 Singletary Dana 11 . pg0015a.txt 21a 29 Singletary David 26 . pg0015a.txt 20a 36 Singletary David ? 24 FL pg0015a.txt 20b 11 Singletary Diana 1 GA pg0015a.txt 20b 3 Singletary Edward 3 . pg0015a.txt 21a 23 Singletary Edward 5 . pg0015a.txt 20b 26 Singletary Frances 18 . pg0015a.txt 20b 14 Singletary Gilmore 9 GA pg0015a.txt 21a 22 Singletary Green ? 7 GA pg0015a.txt 19a 7 Singletary Hanna 23 . pg0015a.txt 19b 34 Singletary Harriet 9 . pg0015a.txt 20a 37 Singletary Harrison 20 . pg0015a.txt 20b 1 Singletary Haynes ? 33 . pg0015a.txt 20b 15 Singletary Hays 7 . pg0015a.txt 20b 2 Singletary Helen 30 . pg0015a.txt 19a 6 Singletary Henry 45 . pg0015a.txt 19b 31 Singletary James 48 NC pg0015a.txt 21a 39 Singletary James 10 . pg0015a.txt 20b 7 Singletary Jane 20 . pg0015a.txt 17b 26 Singletary John 12 GA pg0015a.txt 20a 42 Singletary John 16 . pg0015a.txt 20b 27 Singletary John 7/12 . pg0015a.txt 19a 13 Singletary Joseph 1 . pg0015a.txt 19b 36 Singletary Joseph 30 NC pg0015a.txt 20b 20 Singletary Joseph 8 GA pg0015a.txt 21a 38 Singletary Joseph 14 . pg0015a.txt 20a 39 Singletary Josiah 58 NC pg0015a.txt 21a 30 Singletary Lenora 16 . pg0015a.txt 21a 32 Singletary Mahala 20 . pg0015a.txt 17b 25 Singletary Margaret 17 . pg0015a.txt 21a 35 Singletary Martha 28 . pg0015a.txt 17b 29 Singletary Mary 5 . pg0015a.txt 19a 8 Singletary Mary 11 . pg0015a.txt 19b 38 Singletary Mary 7 GA pg0015a.txt 20a 41 Singletary Mary 45 . pg0015a.txt 20b 17 Singletary Matilda 1 . pg0015a.txt 21a 24 Singletary Milla 4 . pg0015a.txt 19a 11 Singletary Nancy 6 . pg0015a.txt 19b 32 Singletary Nancy 39 . pg0015a.txt 19b 33 Singletary Nancy 4 . pg0015a.txt 19b 37 Singletary Nancy 30 . pg0015a.txt 20a 40 Singletary Nancy 50 . pg0015a.txt 21a 34 Singletary Nathaniel 48 NC pg0015a.txt 21a 40 Singletary Nathaniel 6 . pg0015a.txt 17b 22 Singletary Nelson 45 . pg0015a.txt 20a 35 Singletary Nipsy 41 . pg0015a.txt 17b 23 Singletary Rusa ? 38 . pg0015a.txt 17b 24 Singletary Sarah 19 FL pg0015a.txt 19a 9 Singletary Sarah 9 . pg0015a.txt 20b 6 Singletary Sarah 63 . pg0015a.txt 21a 18 Singletary Sarah 30 . pg0015a.txt 21a 21 Singletary Sarah 10 . pg0015a.txt 20b 9 Singletary Simpson 28 . pg0015a.txt 20b 21 Singletary Snowden ? 6 . pg0015a.txt 20b 19 Singletary Susan 25 . pg0015a.txt 20b 13 Singletary Sydney 39 . pg0015a.txt 19a 10 Singletary Thomas 8 . pg0015a.txt 20b 8 Singletary Travis 16 . pg0015a.txt 20b 16 Singletary Troy 3 . pg0015a.txt 20b 5 Singletary Warren 26 . pg0015a.txt 20b 4 Singletary William 7 . pg0015a.txt 20b 12 Singletary William 35 NC pg0015a.txt 20b 18 Singletary William 31 NC pg0015a.txt 21a 37 Singletary William 18 . pg0015a.txt 19b 40 Singletary Willis 4 . pg0015a.txt 20a 38 Singletary Willis 18 . pg0015a.txt 21a 17 Singletary Willis 37 NC pg0015a.txt 14a 1 Sloan Alford 13 . pg0001a.txt 14a 6 Sloan Catharine 3 . pg0001a.txt 13b 41 Sloan Daniel 38 . pg0001a.txt 7b 40 Sloan Daniel 7 . pg0001a.txt 13b 38 Sloan Dixon 22 NC pg0001a.txt 14a 4 Sloan Elbert 6 . pg0001a.txt 7b 41 Sloan Elisabeth 13 . pg0001a.txt 7b 35 Sloan Isaac 19 . pg0001a.txt 13b 39 Sloan Isobel 26 . pg0001a.txt 7b 38 Sloan Jasper 14 . pg0001a.txt 2b 10 Sloan Jean 23 GA pg0001a.txt 2b 9 Sloan John 34 NC pg0001a.txt 2b 41 Sloan John 65 . pg0001a.txt 7b 36 Sloan John 17 . pg0001a.txt 13b 40 Sloan Louisa 6/12 . pg0001a.txt 7b 37 Sloan Mahala 16 . pg0001a.txt 8a 3 Sloan Mary 2 . pg0001a.txt 13b 42 Sloan Nancy 26 . pg0001a.txt 8a 1 Sloan Nancy 5 . pg0001a.txt 7b 39 Sloan Newton 13 ? . pg0001a.txt 14a 3 Sloan Orval 8 . pg0001a.txt 14a 2 Sloan Owin 10 . pg0001a.txt 14a 5 Sloan Rachel 4 . pg0001a.txt 2b 42 Sloan Rachel 62 . pg0001a.txt 2b 11 Sloan Susan 1 GA pg0001a.txt 14a 7 Sloan Welthy 1 . pg0001a.txt 7b 33 Sloan William 46 NC pg0001a.txt 8a 2 Sloan William 4 . pg0001a.txt 7b 34 Sloan Zilpha 45 GA pg0001a.txt 20b 34 Smith ?ryon 30 . pg0015a.txt 20b 38 Smith Abigail 3 . pg0015a.txt 28a 11 Smith Achellis 9 GA pg0015a.txt 59a 14 Smith Albert ? 19 . pg0056b.txt 40a 25 Smith Alford 16 . pg0029b.txt 8a 19 Smith Andrew 1 . pg0001a.txt 53a 40 Smith Appleton 5 FL pg0042b.txt 8a 18 Smith Assiline 5 . pg0001a.txt 11a 13 Smith Caroline 4 . pg0001a.txt 58b 15 Smith Caroline 7 . pg0056b.txt 8a 17 Smith Catharine 7 . pg0001a.txt 55b 20 Smith Chandler H. 20 RI pg0042b.txt 21a 6 Smith Charles 10 . pg0015a.txt 58b 14 Smith Charlotte 10 . pg0056b.txt 8a 14 Smith Christiana 45 . pg0001a.txt 28a 14 Smith Cora 2 GA pg0015a.txt 58b 16 Smith Cunantha ? 5 . pg0056b.txt 9a 8 Smith Cynthia 22 . pg0001a.txt 53a 38 Smith Delia 15 . pg0042b.txt 59a 12 Smith Delila 63 . pg0056b.txt 20b 35 Smith Elisabeth 29 . pg0015a.txt 21a 2 Smith Elisabeth 37 . pg0015a.txt 58b 11 Smith Elisabeth 37 GA pg0056b.txt 58b 13 Smith Elisabeth 11 . pg0056b.txt 11a 10 Smith Francis 10 . pg0001a.txt 12a 6 Smith George 23 . pg0001a.txt 11a 12 Smith Green 6 . pg0001a.txt 11a 9 Smith Hansford 11 . pg0001a.txt 40a 24 Smith Hardy 18 . pg0029b.txt 8a 13 Smith Hardy 48 NC pg0001a.txt 11a 5 Smith Harriet 22 NC pg0001a.txt 12a 10 Smith Harriet 1 . pg0001a.txt 59a 13 Smith Henry 20 GA pg0056b.txt 11a 6 Smith Jackson 17 GA pg0001a.txt 58b 12 Smith James 17 . pg0056b.txt 9a 11 Smith James 13 . pg0001a.txt 11a 8 Smith Jane 12 . pg0001a.txt 28a 13 Smith Janius 5 GA pg0015a.txt 11a 11 Smith Jasper 8 . pg0001a.txt 13a 13 Smith John 16 . pg0001a.txt 20b 37 Smith John 7 . pg0015a.txt 28a 18 Smith John 24 Ireland pg0015a.txt 59a 11 Smith John 70 SC pg0056b.txt 9a 4 Smith John 57 . pg0001a.txt 9a 14 Smith John 1 . pg0001a.txt 9a 9 Smith Joseph 17 . pg0001a.txt 53a 41 Smith Joshua 2 GA pg0042b.txt 25b 17 Smith Joshua P. 26 . pg0015a.txt 58b 18 Smith Julia 7/12 . pg0056b.txt 21a 9 Smith Leander 7/12 . pg0015a.txt 12a 9 Smith Lorenzo 2 . pg0001a.txt 13a 10 Smith Lorinna 58 GA pg0001a.txt 13a 14 Smith Lorinna 12 . pg0001a.txt 20b 36 Smith Lucy 11 . pg0015a.txt 53a 37 Smith Lucy 39 . pg0042b.txt 40a 27 Smith Lydia 8 . pg0029b.txt 21a 5 Smith Margaret 12 . pg0015a.txt 40a 26 Smith Margaret 14 . pg0029b.txt 58b 17 Smith martha 2 . pg0056b.txt 8a 15 Smith Martha 14 GA pg0001a.txt 12a 3 Smith Martin 23 GA pg0001a.txt 12a 4 Smith Mary 30 . pg0001a.txt 12a 5 Smith Mary 2 . pg0001a.txt 21a 8 Smith Mary 6 . pg0015a.txt 31a 13 Smith Mary 68 RI pg0029b.txt 8b 6 Smith Melvina 7 AL pg0001a.txt 13a 11 Smith Moses 32 . pg0001a.txt 20b 41 Smith Nancy 30 . pg0015a.txt 9a 7 Smith Nancy 27 . pg0001a.txt 20b 40 Smith Nobbs 75 NC pg0015a.txt 34b 32 Smith Perry 7 . pg0029b.txt 53a 36 Smith Peyton P. 38 GA pg0042b.txt 21a 1 Smith Philimon 46 . pg0015a.txt 9a 5 Smith Rachel 48 . pg0001a.txt 11a 14 Smith Randolph 8/12 . pg0001a.txt 28a 12 Smith Redden 7 GA pg0015a.txt 11a 7 Smith Robert 14 . pg0001a.txt 53a 39 Smith Robert 7 . pg0042b.txt 12a 7 Smith Sarah 30 . pg0001a.txt 20b 42 Smith Sarah 23 . pg0015a.txt 9a 6 Smith Sarah 31 . pg0001a.txt 13a 9 Smith Shadrack 72 NC pg0001a.txt 13a 12 Smith Shadrack 17 GA pg0001a.txt 9a 12 Smith Sheba 12 . pg0001a.txt 28a 10 Smith Simeon 12 GA pg0015a.txt 28a 8 Smith Simeon A. 44 RI pg0015a.txt 21a 3 Smith Sophia 20 FL pg0015a.txt 40a 22 Smith Stephen 56 . pg0029b.txt 28a 9 Smith Susan 37 GA pg0015a.txt 21a 4 Smith Susanna 14 . pg0015a.txt 21a 7 Smith Thomas 8 GA pg0015a.txt 8a 16 Smith Unreadable 19 . pg0001a.txt 12a 8 Smith Washington 4 . pg0001a.txt 11a 4 Smith William 39 . pg0001a.txt 20b 39 Smith William 6/12 . pg0015a.txt 9a 13 Smith William 7 . pg0001a.txt 58b 10 Smith William P. 42 NC pg0056b.txt 9a 10 Smith Williard 15 . pg0001a.txt 40a 23 Smith Winney 49 . pg0029b.txt 25b 18 South Sarah 16 . pg0015a.txt 36b 1 Spangler Charlotte 11 . pg0029b.txt 36b 2 Spangler Elisabeth 9 . pg0029b.txt 36a 42 Spangler Nathaniel 13 . pg0029b.txt 36a 41 Spangler Rebecca 47 . pg0029b.txt 18a 5 Spears Allen 37 SC pg0015a.txt 18a 10 Spears David 8 . pg0015a.txt 18a 8 Spears Harrison 11 . pg0015a.txt 18a 11 Spears John 4 . pg0015a.txt 18a 15 Spears June 7/12 . pg0015a.txt 18a 13 Spears Martha 2 . pg0015a.txt 18a 14 Spears Mary 1 . pg0015a.txt 18a 7 Spears Nancy 12 . pg0015a.txt 18a 6 Spears Sarah 39 GA pg0015a.txt 18a 12 Spears Sarah 3 . pg0015a.txt 18a 9 Spears Winford 9 . pg0015a.txt 15a 6 Spence America 3/12 . pg0015a.txt 15a 3 Spence Bluford 13 . pg0015a.txt 15a 20 Spence Elisabeth 1 . pg0015a.txt 15a 19 Spence Georgia 3 . pg0015a.txt 14b 42 Spence Hanna 38 . pg0001a.txt 14b 41 Spence Isaac 65 . pg0001a.txt 15a 1 Spence Jackson 23 . pg0015a.txt 15a 18 Spence John 4 . pg0015a.txt 15a 2 Spence Olive 14 . pg0015a.txt 15a 5 Spence Rebeca 21 . pg0015a.txt 15a 4 Spence Tharpe 23 . pg0015a.txt 15a 17 Spence Winney 26 . pg0015a.txt 15a 16 Spencee Isaac R. 26 . pg0015a.txt 37b 8 Spivey Elisabeth 58 . pg0029b.txt 37b 7 Spivey Solomon C. 71 NC pg0029b.txt 35b 4 Stahr Ann 9 . pg0029b.txt 35b 11 Stahr Augustus 25 . pg0029b.txt 35b 5 Stahr James 7 . pg0029b.txt 35b 6 Stahr Jesse 5 . pg0029b.txt 35b 2 Stahr John 38 GA pg0029b.txt 35b 7 Stahr John 3 . pg0029b.txt 35b 8 Stahr Mary 1 . pg0029b.txt 35b 3 Stahr Virginia 28 . pg0029b.txt 48b 26 Stallings Azariah 22 NC pg0042b.txt 13b 26 Stallings Charles 9 . pg0001a.txt 13b 23 Stallings Josiah 19 . pg0001a.txt 13b 25 Stallings Mary 12 . pg0001a.txt 13b 22 Stallings Susan 49 . pg0001a.txt 13b 27 Stallings Susan 5 . pg0001a.txt 13b 24 Stallings Timothy 14 . pg0001a.txt 13b 21 Stallings Wiley 36 NC pg0001a.txt 55b 36 Stanaland Ann 5 . pg0042b.txt 58a 3 Stanaland Benjamin 19 FL pg0056b.txt 58a 5 Stanaland Daniel 10 . pg0056b.txt 55b 35 Stanaland Dempsey 10 . pg0042b.txt 55b 33 Stanaland George 15 . pg0042b.txt 57b 36 Stanaland James A. 22 FL pg0056b.txt 58a 6 Stanaland Jiptha 8 . pg0056b.txt 55b 32 Stanaland John 16 GA pg0042b.txt 58a 1 Stanaland John O. B, 44 . pg0056b.txt 58a 4 Stanaland Julian 14 GA pg0056b.txt 57b 38 Stanaland Lemuel 8/12 GA pg0056b.txt 57b 37 Stanaland Martha 19 . pg0056b.txt 55b 31 Stanaland Mary 48 NC pg0042b.txt 55b 34 Stanaland Mary 12 . pg0042b.txt 55b 30 Stanaland Richard T. 60 . pg0042b.txt 58a 7 Stanaland Simeon 6 . pg0056b.txt 58a 2 Stanaland Susan 46 . pg0056b.txt 13b 2 Stanaland ? Ann 24 . pg0001a.txt 13b 6 Stanaland ? Ann 30 . pg0001a.txt 13b 3 Stanaland ? Artimachigan ? 2 . pg0001a.txt 13b 4 Stanaland ? Boaz ? 65 . pg0001a.txt 13b 5 Stanaland ? Dorthy 64 . pg0001a.txt 13b 1 Stanaland ? Thomas C. 24 GA pg0001a.txt 24b 39 Stanfell Bettiania 4 . pg0015a.txt 24b 38 Stanfell Elisa 8 FL pg0015a.txt 24b 37 Stanfell Emily 11 . pg0015a.txt 24b 34 Stanfell J. Z. 38 . pg0015a.txt 24b 40 Stanfell John 4/12 GA pg0015a.txt 24b 36 Stanfell Joseph 13 . pg0015a.txt 24b 35 Stanfell Susan 27 . pg0015a.txt 58b 31 Stansel Elisa 5 . pg0056b.txt 53a 3 Stansel Elisabeth 6 . pg0042b.txt 58b 30 Stansel Elisabeth 7 . pg0056b.txt 53a 6 Stansel George 4/12 . pg0042b.txt 58b 29 Stansel Green 9 . pg0056b.txt 53a 5 Stansel James 2 . pg0042b.txt 53a 2 Stansel John 8 . pg0042b.txt 58b 28 Stansel Mary 11 . pg0056b.txt 53a 1 Stansel Nancy 14 . pg0042b.txt 58b 32 Stansel Nancy 3 . pg0056b.txt 53a 4 Stansel Richard 5 . pg0042b.txt 58b 26 Stansel Richard O. 57 . pg0056b.txt 58b 27 Stansel Serina ? 40 . pg0056b.txt 58b 33 Stansel Thomas 13 . pg0056b.txt 52b 42 Stansel William B. 39 . pg0042b.txt 42a 1 Stephens B. G. 46 NC pg0029b.txt 42a 9 Stephens Lenora 1 . pg0029b.txt 42a 8 Stephens Michael 4 . pg0029b.txt 42a 5 Stephens Motes 11 GA pg0029b.txt 42a 2 Stephens Nancy 33 GA pg0029b.txt 42a 7 Stephens Nathan 7 . pg0029b.txt 42a 6 Stephens Pinkney 9 . pg0029b.txt 42a 4 Stephens Simadocia 15 FL pg0029b.txt 42a 3 Stephens Theodore 16 . pg0029b.txt 4b 11 Stephenson Bartley 26 . pg0001a.txt 4b 16 Stephenson David 13 . pg0001a.txt 4b 12 Stephenson Ezekial 21 . pg0001a.txt 4b 21 Stephenson Henry 1 . pg0001a.txt 4b 10 Stephenson Isobel 39 . pg0001a.txt 4b 9 Stephenson Joshua 46 . pg0001a.txt 4b 18 Stephenson Joshua 9 . pg0001a.txt 4b 13 Stephenson Martha 24 . pg0001a.txt 4b 20 Stephenson Stephen 4 . pg0001a.txt 4b 15 Stephenson Susan 15 . pg0001a.txt 4b 17 Stephenson Temperance 11 . pg0001a.txt 4b 14 Stephenson Thomas 16 . pg0001a.txt 4b 19 Stephenson Vashti 7 . pg0001a.txt 12a 2 Stokes ? Mary 63 SC pg0001a.txt 45b 33 Stone ? Adeline 7 . pg0042b.txt 45b 30 Stone ? Chancy ? 33 SC pg0042b.txt 45b 31 Stone ? Charity 29 GA pg0042b.txt 45b 32 Stone ? David 9 . pg0042b.txt 45b 34 Stone ? Jesse ? 4 . pg0042b.txt 45b 35 Stone ? Sarah 3 . pg0042b.txt 45b 36 Stone ? William 8/12 . pg0042b.txt 37b 21 Stow ? Elisabeth 40 NC pg0029b.txt 37b 23 Stow ? Henry 9 . pg0029b.txt 37b 22 Stow ? Margaret 18 GA pg0029b.txt 2a 27 Strickland Abram 39 NC pg0001a.txt 2a 31 Strickland Alford 12 . pg0001a.txt 25b 40 Strickland Alsey 56 NC pg0015a.txt 27b 34 Strickland America 6/12 GA pg0015a.txt 26a 2 Strickland Ananis 17 GA pg0015a.txt 2a 34 Strickland Catharine 6 . pg0001a.txt 25b 41 Strickland Elisabeth 67 . pg0015a.txt 2a 30 Strickland Elvy 14 . pg0001a.txt 25b 42 Strickland Gillion 24 . pg0015a.txt 26a 1 Strickland Gincy 25 . pg0015a.txt 27b 33 Strickland Gincy ? 20 GA pg0015a.txt 27b 32 Strickland John 23 GA pg0015a.txt 2a 29 Strickland Kalestia 16 GA pg0001a.txt 2a 35 Strickland Lavender 4 . pg0001a.txt 2a 36 Strickland Mary 1 . pg0001a.txt 2a 33 Strickland Shadrach 8 . pg0001a.txt 2a 32 Strickland Simpson 10 . pg0001a.txt 2a 28 Strickland Susan 30 . pg0001a.txt 34b 22 Stringer Daniel 62 NC pg0029b.txt 34b 24 Stringer Daniel 23 . pg0029b.txt 34b 26 Stringer Elisabeth 7 . pg0029b.txt 34b 27 Stringer Henry 3 . pg0029b.txt 34b 25 Stringer Joziah 9 . pg0029b.txt 34b 23 Stringer Mary 34 GA pg0029b.txt 34b 28 Stringer William 1 . pg0029b.txt 33b 28 Stripling Bryan 22 . pg0029b.txt 33b 29 Stripling Mary 18 . pg0029b.txt 53b 5 Stroman Mary 15 SC pg0042b.txt 25b 30 Stunfell Bettiannia 63 NC pg0015a.txt 25b 26 Stunfell Ignacius 26 . pg0015a.txt 25b 29 Stunfell James 5/12 . pg0015a.txt 25b 27 Stunfell Martha 23 . pg0015a.txt 25b 28 Stunfell Thomas 2 . pg0015a.txt 58b 2 Sunday or Lundey Amanda 10 . pg0056b.txt 58a 42 Sunday or Lundey Charity 15 . pg0056b.txt 58b 1 Sunday or Lundey Elinina 13 GA pg0056b.txt 58b 3 Sunday or Lundey Elisa 8 . pg0056b.txt 58a 40 Sunday or Lundey John 40 . pg0056b.txt 58a 41 Sunday or Lundey Lucy 40 . pg0056b.txt 24a 25 Sutton Bailey 40 NC pg0015a.txt 24a 27 Sutton Bailey 10 FL pg0015a.txt 24a 28 Sutton Catharine 8 . pg0015a.txt 47a 24 Sutton Chatharine 50 NC pg0042b.txt 24a 29 Sutton Cicerona 6 GA pg0015a.txt 24a 26 Sutton Elisabeth 30 GA pg0015a.txt 24a 31 Sutton Jane 3 FL pg0015a.txt 24a 30 Sutton Narcissa 4 . pg0015a.txt 30a 2 Swain Augustin 71 ? SC pg0029b.txt 51b 34 Swain Eli 5 . pg0042b.txt 51b 30 Swain Elisabeth 30 . pg0042b.txt 51b 31 Swain James 6 . pg0042b.txt 51b 29 Swain John 29 . pg0042b.txt 51b 35 Swain Missouri 2 . pg0042b.txt 51b 32 Swain Nancy 9 . pg0042b.txt 51b 33 Swain Susan 4 . pg0042b.txt 42b 15 Swetman Andrew 14 . pg0042b.txt 42b 16 Swetman Daniel 11 . pg0042b.txt 42b 18 Swetman David 6 . pg0042b.txt 42b 19 Swetman George 4 . pg0042b.txt 42b 20 Swetman Green 6/12 . pg0042b.txt 42b 14 Swetman Sarah 38 . pg0042b.txt 42b 17 Swetman Sarah 9 . pg0042b.txt 31b 6 Switman ? Marion 13 GA pg0029b.txt 31b 5 Switman ? Martha 15 . pg0029b.txt 31b 4 Switman ? Shadrack 17 GA pg0029b.txt 31b 3 Switman? Jesse L. 20 GA pg0029b.txt 6a 39 Tallman Georgiana 6/12 . pg0001a.txt 45a 27 Tanner Alley 1 . pg0042b.txt 45a 25 Tanner Henry 6 . pg0042b.txt 45a 23 Tanner Morgan J. 30 . pg0042b.txt 45a 24 Tanner Nancy 31 . pg0042b.txt 45a 26 Tanner Sarah 3 . pg0042b.txt 15b 5 Taylor Burrel 72 NC pg0015a.txt 15b 6 Taylor Cassander 76 GA pg0015a.txt 31b 27 Taylor George 14 Illinois pg0029b.txt 39b 17 Taylor Hester 10 . pg0029b.txt 39b 15 Taylor Jane 32 . pg0029b.txt 39b 18 Taylor John 5 . pg0029b.txt 39b 19 Taylor Martha 1 GA pg0029b.txt 36b 29 Taylor Mary 20 . pg0029b.txt 39b 16 Taylor Mary 12 FL pg0029b.txt 39b 14 Taylor Wesley B. 42m . pg0029b.txt 27a 42 Terrell ? John 19 GA pg0015a.txt 27a 39 Terrell ? Martha 50 GA pg0015a.txt 27a 41 Terrell ? Thomas 16 GA pg0015a.txt 27a 38 Terrell ? Thomas W. 55 GA pg0015a.txt 27a 40 Terrell ? William 21 GA pg0015a.txt 31b 37 Theus John 16 GA pg0029b.txt 37a 40 Thomas Barbry 61 . pg0029b.txt 60a 26 Thomas Betsy 6 . pg0056b.txt 35a 37 Thomas Christopher 3 . pg0029b.txt 6b 37 Thomas Colon 12 . pg0001a.txt 6b 34 Thomas Edward 32 SC pg0001a.txt 6b 41 Thomas Edward 1 . pg0001a.txt 37a 41 Thomas Eveline 31 . pg0029b.txt 49a 22 Thomas George 3 . pg0042b.txt 49a 23 Thomas Jane 6/12 . pg0042b.txt 6b 40 Thomas Jesse 2 . pg0001a.txt 35a 36 Thomas John 6 . pg0029b.txt 35a 34 Thomas Lydia 32 GA pg0029b.txt 6b 39 Thomas Martha 4 . pg0001a.txt 35a 38 Thomas Mary 1 . pg0029b.txt 6b 35 Thomas Mary 30 GA pg0001a.txt 49a 21 Thomas Rachel 5 . pg0042b.txt 35a 33 Thomas Richard 37 SC pg0029b.txt 35a 35 Thomas Samuel 8 . pg0029b.txt 49a 20 Thomas Sarah 28 . pg0042b.txt 6b 38 Thomas Sarah 8 . pg0001a.txt 6b 36 Thomas Soloman 10 . pg0001a.txt 49a 19 Thomas William 32 GA pg0042b.txt 52b 1 Thomasson Richard 22 . pg0042b.txt 30b 11 Thompson Amon ? 20 SC pg0029b.txt 36a 26 Thompson Daniel 55 . pg0029b.txt 32b 7 Thompson Elzy 36 . pg0029b.txt 21b 26 Thompson Green 23 . pg0015a.txt 32b 8 Thompson Martha 18 . pg0029b.txt 36a 25 Thompson Mary 54 . pg0029b.txt 39a 35 Thompson Melchisedek 27 . pg0029b.txt 39a 36 Thompson Millie 35 . pg0029b.txt 30b 10 Thompson Nancy 40 NC pg0029b.txt 39a 37 Thompson William 3 . pg0029b.txt 14b 15 Tilley Clinton 4 FL pg0001a.txt 14b 11 Tilley Cornettia 26 . pg0001a.txt 14b 12 Tilley Elisa 16 . pg0001a.txt 14b 20 Tilley Elisabeth 24 . pg0001a.txt 14b 19 Tilley Jeremiah 24 . pg0001a.txt 14b 21 Tilley Julian 1 . pg0001a.txt 14b 14 Tilley Nancy 11 . pg0001a.txt 14b 13 Tilley Rebecca 13 . pg0001a.txt 14b 16 Tilley Rosey 2 . pg0001a.txt 14b 10 Tilley Samuel 50 . pg0001a.txt 46a 39 Tillman Cassander 13 . pg0042b.txt 46a 37 Tillman Cassander C. 39 . pg0042b.txt 6a 33 Tillman Dicey 16 . pg0001a.txt 6a 31 Tillman Elijah 19 . pg0001a.txt 46a 38 Tillman Elisa 16 . pg0042b.txt 6a 34 Tillman Faroby 15 . pg0001a.txt 6a 30 Tillman Henry 22 GA pg0001a.txt 6a 37 Tillman James 5 . pg0001a.txt 11a 2 Tillman Jeremiah 24 . pg0001a.txt 46a 41 Tillman John 5 . pg0042b.txt 6a 28 Tillman John 50 . pg0001a.txt 6a 35 Tillman John 11 . pg0001a.txt 46a 40 Tillman Joseph 11 . pg0042b.txt 6a 36 Tillman Rachel 6 . pg0001a.txt 6a 29 Tillman Sarah 45 NC pg0001a.txt 6a 32 Tillman Sarah 17 . pg0001a.txt 6a 38 Tillman Susanna 3 . pg0001a.txt 39a 10 Tisus ? Ann 5 GA pg0029b.txt 39a 8 Tisus ? Ephraim 10 . pg0029b.txt 39a 9 Tisus ? Hesikiah 8 . pg0029b.txt 39a 6 Tisus ? Mary 30 GA pg0029b.txt 39a 12 Tisus ? Mary 4/12 . pg0029b.txt 39a 7 Tisus ? Samuel 12 FL pg0029b.txt 39a 5 Tisus ? Simeon 32 SC pg0029b.txt 39a 11 Tisus ? William 3 . pg0029b.txt 32a 15 Took ?? Caroline 18 GA pg0029b.txt 31a 33 Tooke ? N. N. 30 ? GA pg0029b.txt 2b 14 Townsend Antoinette 8 . pg0001a.txt 37a 17 Townsend David 20 . pg0029b.txt 2b 12 Townsend Jacques 14 . pg0001a.txt 2b 13 Townsend Lou ? or Lon? 11 . pg0001a.txt 13b 34 Townsend Pauline 5 . pg0001a.txt 23a 24 Tryon Elisabeth 7 . pg0015a.txt 23a 23 Tryon Harriet 22 GA pg0015a.txt 23a 26 Tryon Hosanna 9/12 . pg0015a.txt 23a 25 Tryon Lonora 5 . pg0015a.txt 2b 28 Tucker Elisa 26 . pg0001a.txt 3a 10 Tucker Elisabeth 2 . pg0001a.txt 2b 27 Tucker George 25 . pg0001a.txt 3a 2 Tucker Henry 45 NC pg0001a.txt 3a 6 Tucker Henry 13 . pg0001a.txt 3a 9 Tucker Jane 3 . pg0001a.txt 2b 30 Tucker John 3 . pg0001a.txt 3a 4 Tucker John 17 . pg0001a.txt 3a 3 Tucker Margaret 28 . pg0001a.txt 3a 8 Tucker Martha 5 . pg0001a.txt 2b 32 Tucker Mary 6/12 . pg0001a.txt 3a 7 Tucker Mary 6 . pg0001a.txt 2b 29 Tucker Nancy 5 . pg0001a.txt 2b 31 Tucker Rebecca 2 . pg0001a.txt 3a 5 Tucker Richard 15 . pg0001a.txt 3a 11 Tucker Susan 6/12 . pg0001a.txt 47a 2 Tuggle Edward 47 GA pg0042b.txt 47a 6 Tuggle Jane 18 . pg0042b.txt 47a 3 Tuggle Nancy 54 . pg0042b.txt 47a 4 Tuggle Robert 33 . pg0042b.txt 47a 5 Tuggle William 23 . pg0042b.txt 21b 24 Turk James 26 . pg0015a.txt 6a 14 Turner Owen 23 . pg0001a.txt 21b 35 Twing ? Alineda ? 36 NY pg0015a.txt 21b 38 Twing ? Alineda? 1 . pg0015a.txt 21b 37 Twing ? John 3 GA pg0015a.txt 21b 34 Twing ? John C. 38 VT pg0015a.txt 21b 36 Twing? Sarah 8 PA pg0015a.txt 10a 26 Tyson John 9 . pg0001a.txt 10a 28 Tyson Linna 6 . pg0001a.txt 10a 29 Tyson Missouri 4 . pg0001a.txt 38b 42 Tyson Penelope 30 AL pg0029b.txt 10a 27 Tyson Rebecca 7 . pg0001a.txt 10a 25 Tyson Susan 32 . pg0001a.txt 10a 30 Tyson Virginia 2 . pg0001a.txt 10a 24 Tyson William 42 . pg0001a.txt 56b 18 Vann A. 38 NC pg0056b.txt 48a 12 Vann Eda 26 . pg0042b.txt 41b 41 Vann Edward K. 26 . pg0029b.txt 41b 42 Vann Elisabeth 26 . pg0029b.txt 48a 11 Vann Elisabeth 30 . pg0042b.txt 36a 39 Vann Enoch 16 . pg0029b.txt 48a 10 Vann Everett P. 28 NC pg0042b.txt 56b 19 Vann Jane 26 GA pg0056b.txt 48a 14 Vann Margaret 17 . pg0042b.txt 48a 18 Vann Mary 60 . pg0042b.txt 56b 21 Vann Mary 10 . pg0056b.txt 56b 22 Vann Moseley 6 FL pg0056b.txt 56b 20 Vann Susan 12 . pg0056b.txt 48a 13 Vann William 23 . pg0042b.txt 53b 32 Vaughan William 24 NC pg0042b.txt 50a 7 Vick Dinberiah ? 19 . pg0042b.txt 50a 5 Vick Elisabeth 40 SC pg0042b.txt 50a 4 Vick Jonathan 50 NC pg0042b.txt 50a 6 Vick Josiah 23 GA pg0042b.txt 50a 8 Vick Martha 16 . pg0042b.txt 2a 42 Vick ? Aaron 1 . pg0001a.txt 2a 41 Vick ? James 5 . pg0001a.txt 2b 1 Vick ? Missouri 1 . pg0001a.txt 2a 39 Vick ? William 33 TN pg0001a.txt 2a 40 Vick? Nancy 22 GA pg0001a.txt 33b 39 Vincy Grover 4 GA pg0029b.txt 33b 37 Vincy James 38 VA pg0029b.txt 33b 38 Vincy Mary 35 SC pg0029b.txt 37b 41 Walding James 5 . pg0029b.txt 37b 38 Walding John 33 KY pg0029b.txt 37b 40 Walding John 6 . pg0029b.txt 37b 39 Walding Mary 23 GA pg0029b.txt 6a 41 Walker Dorinda 23 . pg0001a.txt 40a 33 Walker Elisa 14 . pg0029b.txt 40b 4 Walker Elisabeth 37 . pg0029b.txt 40a 28 Walker Elizabeth 21 . pg0029b.txt 40a 34 Walker Freeman 12 . pg0029b.txt 40a 31 Walker George 20 GA pg0029b.txt 40b 3 Walker Green B. 30 GA pg0029b.txt 40a 29 Walker Henry 54 NC pg0029b.txt 40a 32 Walker Henry 16 . pg0029b.txt 40b 6 Walker Henry 6 . pg0029b.txt 6a 42 Walker Mary 1 . pg0001a.txt 40b 5 Walker Nancy 5 . pg0029b.txt 40a 30 Walker Sarah 45 . pg0029b.txt 40b 7 Walker Sarah 2 . pg0029b.txt 6b 1 Walker Sarah 4/12 . pg0001a.txt 40a 35 Walker Susan 9 . pg0029b.txt 6a 40 Walker ? William . pg0001a.txt 19a 2 Wall James 22 GA pg0015a.txt 19a 3 Wall Susan 16 . pg0015a.txt 41b 8 Wallace Elisabeth 10 . pg0029b.txt 41b 9 Wallace Martha 8 . pg0029b.txt 41b 7 Wallace Rebecca 24 GA pg0029b.txt 41b 11 Wallace Sarah 1 . pg0029b.txt 41b 6 Wallace William 47 VA pg0029b.txt 41b 10 Wallace William 3 . pg0029b.txt 19a 34 Walsingham Charles 2 . pg0015a.txt 38a 9 Walsingham Charles 40 . pg0029b.txt 19a 31 Walsingham Elisabeth 35 . pg0015a.txt 19a 32 Walsingham George 10 GA pg0015a.txt 19a 30 Walsingham John 41 NC pg0015a.txt 19a 33 Walsingham Mary 5 . pg0015a.txt 38a 10 Walsingham Mary 30 . pg0029b.txt 17a 21 Walsinghan Dorcas 8 . pg0015a.txt 17a 20 Walsinghan Elisabeth 11 . pg0015a.txt 17a 19 Walsinghan Elvinisu ? 29 ? . pg0015a.txt 17a 22 Walsinghan Maria 6 . pg0015a.txt 17a 23 Walsinghan Nancy 4 . pg0015a.txt 17a 18 Walsinghan William 40 . pg0015a.txt 17a 24 Walsinghan William 1 . pg0015a.txt 44b 11 Ward Absalom 5/12 . pg0042b.txt 44b 6 Ward Benjamin 11 . pg0042b.txt 42a 13 Ward Burrel 19 . pg0029b.txt 58b 5 Ward Cassa 43 . pg0056b.txt 54b 9 Ward Council 17 . pg0042b.txt 42a 10 Ward Daniel 46 NC pg0029b.txt 42a 14 Ward David 18 . pg0029b.txt 16a 16 Ward Dilila ? 75 NC pg0015a.txt 53a 16 Ward Elijah 28 . pg0042b.txt 54b 13 Ward Evan 9 GA pg0042b.txt 58b 8 Ward Hardy 9 GA pg0056b.txt 44b 9 Ward James 5 GA pg0042b.txt 54b 16 Ward Jarorice? 3 . pg0042b.txt 58b 4 Ward Jesse 43 NC pg0056b.txt 54b 11 Ward John 13 . pg0042b.txt 54b 14 Ward Josiah 6 . pg0042b.txt 42a 11 Ward Joyce 52 . pg0029b.txt 44b 7 Ward Jubul ? 9 . pg0042b.txt 44b 3 Ward Kinchin 50 NC pg0042b.txt 44b 5 Ward Kindred 14 . pg0042b.txt 54b 7 Ward Lewis 44 NC pg0042b.txt 58b 6 Ward Lewis 13 . pg0056b.txt 54b 10 Ward Martha 15 . pg0042b.txt 58b 7 Ward Martha 11 . pg0056b.txt 58b 9 Ward Mary 6 . pg0056b.txt 54b 17 Ward Moses 1 . pg0042b.txt 44b 4 Ward Rebecca 36 . pg0042b.txt 44b 10 Ward Samuel 2 . pg0042b.txt 42a 12 Ward Sarah 25 . pg0029b.txt 54b 8 Ward Susan 41 . pg0042b.txt 54b 15 Ward Susan 5 . pg0042b.txt 54b 12 Ward William 11 . pg0042b.txt 44b 8 Ward Winny 7 . pg0042b.txt 7a 8 Watson David 44 NC pg0001a.txt 5a 14 Watson Elisa 18 . pg0001a.txt 13a 25 Watson Elisabeth 10 . pg0001a.txt 5a 4 Watson Ezekiel 26 NC pg0001a.txt 13a 23 Watson Fanby 32 GA pg0001a.txt 5a 5 Watson Henry 3 GA pg0001a.txt 7a 10 Watson Henry 18 . pg0001a.txt 2b 2 Watson James 34 NC pg0001a.txt 2b 5 Watson James 10 GA pg0001a.txt 13a 24 Watson Joel 12 . pg0001a.txt 5a 1 Watson John 18 GA pg0001a.txt 13a 22 Watson Joseph 45 NC pg0001a.txt 7a 9 Watson Lydia 37 NY pg0001a.txt 7a 12 Watson Maria 13 . pg0001a.txt 13a 28 Watson Martha 1 . pg0001a.txt 2b 7 Watson Martha 4 AL pg0001a.txt 2b 6 Watson Mary 8 AL pg0001a.txt 5a 2 Watson Minerva 14 . pg0001a.txt 13a 27 Watson Missouri 5 . pg0001a.txt 13a 26 Watson Priscilla 7 . pg0001a.txt 5a 3 Watson Rachel 12 . pg0001a.txt 2b 3 Watson Rebecca 28 GA pg0001a.txt 2b 4 Watson Rebecca 11 GA pg0001a.txt 4b 42 Watson Rebecca 60 . pg0001a.txt 4b 41 Watson Reddick 68 NC pg0001a.txt 2b 8 Watson Sarah 1 AL pg0001a.txt 5a 13 Watson Thomas 20 . pg0001a.txt 7a 11 Watson William 16 . pg0001a.txt 59a 23 Way Addison 26 . pg0056b.txt 59a 25 Way John 1/12 . pg0056b.txt 59a 26 Way John 67 NC pg0056b.txt 59a 24 Way Nancy 22 . pg0056b.txt 6b 8 Weaver Isaac 10 . pg0001a.txt 6b 6 Weaver Jeremia 16 . pg0001a.txt 6b 2 Weaver Jethro 60 NC pg0001a.txt 6b 5 Weaver Jethro 24 . pg0001a.txt 6b 3 Weaver Mary 54 VA pg0001a.txt 6b 4 Weaver Mary 21 GA pg0001a.txt 6b 7 Weaver Mourning 13 . pg0001a.txt 25b 16 Welby Carolin 3/12 . pg0015a.txt 25b 15 Welby Zaad ? 4 . pg0015a.txt 25b 13 Welby ? Ellen 30 GA pg0015a.txt 25b 14 Welby ? Seward 6 . pg0015a.txt 25b 12 Welby ? William E. 35 SC pg0015a.txt 17a 39 Welch Abigail 53 . pg0015a.txt 16a 35 Welch Adeline 10 . pg0015a.txt 17a 11 Welch Bryan 21 . pg0015a.txt 16a 33 Welch Catharine 32 NC pg0015a.txt 17a 13 Welch Harriet 1 . pg0015a.txt 16a 32 Welch Isaac 50 GA pg0015a.txt 21b 9 Welch James 28 . pg0015a.txt 16a 39 Welch Janus 8/12 . pg0015a.txt 17a 12 Welch Lydia 17 . pg0015a.txt 21b 12 Welch Margaret 2 . pg0015a.txt 17b 1 Welch Mary 14 NC pg0015a.txt 17b 2 Welch Olive 11 . pg0015a.txt 16a 37 Welch Rebecca 4 . pg0015a.txt 17a 38 Welch Richard 74 . pg0015a.txt 17a 40 Welch Richard 70 . pg0015a.txt 21b 10 Welch Sarah 28 . pg0015a.txt 16a 36 Welch Susan 7 . pg0015a.txt 17a 42 Welch Thomas 17 . pg0015a.txt 16a 38 Welch William 2 . pg0015a.txt 17a 41 Welch William 19 . pg0015a.txt 21b 11 Welch William 4 . pg0015a.txt 18a 28 Wells Nancy 20 GA pg0015a.txt 18a 29 Wells Sarah 6/12 . pg0015a.txt 18a 27 Wells Stephen 23 NC pg0015a.txt 18a 34 West John 26 NC pg0015a.txt 18a 36 West Martha 4/12 GA pg0015a.txt 18a 35 West Mary 22 GA pg0015a.txt 55b 21 Whaley J. H. 41 NC pg0042b.txt 43b 40 Wheeler Amos 36 . pg0042b.txt 43a 40 Wheeler Artimus 18 . pg0042b.txt 40a 2 Wheeler Brinson 7 . pg0029b.txt 12a 12 Wheeler Charlotte 67 . pg0001a.txt 40a 5 Wheeler Edwin 5/12 . pg0029b.txt 43a 42 Wheeler Elisa 20 GA pg0042b.txt 40a 4 Wheeler Emily 3 . pg0029b.txt 40a 6 Wheeler Goodin 10 . pg0029b.txt 43b 39 Wheeler James W. 38 NC pg0042b.txt 12a 11 Wheeler Lott 67 NC pg0001a.txt 43a 41 Wheeler Lott 22 SC pg0042b.txt 43b 42 Wheeler Margaret 59 . pg0042b.txt 43b 1 Wheeler Mary 2 GA pg0042b.txt 43b 41 Wheeler Nahir 23 . pg0042b.txt 40a 1 Wheeler Nancy 24 . pg0029b.txt 39b 42 Wheeler Pinkney 28 . pg0029b.txt 40a 3 Wheeler Sarah 5 . pg0029b.txt 8b 24 Whidden Charles 19 . pg0001a.txt 8b 27 Whidden David 5 . pg0001a.txt 12a 33 Whidden Grace 3 . pg0001a.txt 8b 22 Whidden Hampton 44 . pg0001a.txt 12a 28 Whidden Jared 34 . pg0001a.txt 8b 26 Whidden John 12 . pg0001a.txt 8b 23 Whidden Lenna 32 . pg0001a.txt 8b 30 Whidden Lenna 2/12 . pg0001a.txt 12a 29 Whidden Mary 28 . pg0001a.txt 8b 25 Whidden Newton 16 . pg0001a.txt 12a 32 Whidden Rhoda 6 . pg0001a.txt 8b 28 Whidden Rolly 4 . pg0001a.txt 12a 30 Whidden Sophronia 10 . pg0001a.txt 8b 29 Whidden Sylvanus 2 . pg0001a.txt 12a 31 Whidden William 8 . pg0001a.txt 7b 19 Whidon Warren 19 NY pg0001a.txt 1b 36 White Caleb 35 SC pg0001a.txt 1b 42 White Caroline 1 . pg0001a.txt 20b 28 White Edward 45 . pg0015a.txt 20b 31 White Elisabeth 6 . pg0015a.txt 2a 16 White Elisabeth 21 GA pg0001a.txt 8b 16 White Elisabeth 30 . pg0001a.txt 46b 33 White Emma ? 13 . pg0042b.txt 20b 29 White Eva 20 GA pg0015a.txt 2a 14 White Frances 1 . pg0001a.txt 1b 41 White Harriet 3 . pg0001a.txt 2a 1 White Henry 30 . pg0001a.txt 20b 30 White James 8 . pg0015a.txt 8b 15 White James 34 NC pg0001a.txt 1b 38 White John 6 . pg0001a.txt 2a 17 White John 7/12 . pg0001a.txt 2a 15 White Joseph 23 SC pg0001a.txt 8b 19 White Joseph 6 . pg0001a.txt 8b 21 White Lenora 2 . pg0001a.txt 1b 40 White Martha 4 . pg0001a.txt 2a 11 White Martha 37 . pg0001a.txt 1b 39 White Mary 5 . pg0001a.txt 2a 12 White Matthew 5 . pg0001a.txt 8b 20 White Missouri 4 . pg0001a.txt 1b 37 White Rhoda 23 GA pg0001a.txt 8b 17 White Sarah 10 GA pg0001a.txt 8b 18 White Sophia 8 . pg0001a.txt 2a 13 White Susan 3 . pg0001a.txt 2a 10 White Thomas 65 SC pg0001a.txt 46b 32 White Thomas 35 . pg0042b.txt 20b 33 White Wesley 2/12 . pg0015a.txt 20b 32 White William 3 . pg0015a.txt 54a 15 Whitfield Andrew 19 . pg0042b.txt 52b 41 Whitfield James 6/12 . pg0042b.txt 54a 13 Whitfield James 59 . pg0042b.txt 56a 2 Whitfield James ? A. 26 . pg0042b.txt 54a 16 Whitfield John 14 . pg0042b.txt 54a 14 Whitfield Sarah 59 . pg0042b.txt 52b 39 Whitfield Thomas 23 . pg0042b.txt 52b 40 Whitfield Virginia 17 . pg0042b.txt 1b 34 Whittle Winney 85 VA pg0001a.txt 51b 42 Wilford Abram 37 . pg0042b.txt 52a 4 Wilford Abram 4 . pg0042b.txt 52a 5 Wilford Jasper 3 . pg0042b.txt 59a 18 Wilford John T. 29 . pg0056b.txt 52a 3 Wilford Julian 5 . pg0042b.txt 59a 20 Wilford Marion 7 . pg0056b.txt 59a 19 Wilford Martha 27 . pg0056b.txt 52a 1 Wilford Mary 30 . pg0042b.txt 59a 22 Wilford Mary 2 . pg0056b.txt 59a 21 Wilford Sophia 5 . pg0056b.txt 52a 2 Wilford William 14 . pg0042b.txt 53a 15 Wilkes Samuel 17 . pg0042b.txt 52a 12 Williams Allen 9 . pg0042b.txt 52a 11 Williams Arilla 10 . pg0042b.txt 52a 13 Williams Daniel 7 . pg0042b.txt 52a 7 Williams Dennis 44 . pg0042b.txt 52a 10 Williams Dennis 12 . pg0042b.txt 49a 18 Williams Hanna 75 SC pg0042b.txt 29a 15 Williams Jemima 13 GA pg0015a.txt 29a 19 Williams John 5 GA pg0015a.txt 29a 18 Williams Martha 7 GA pg0015a.txt 29a 20 Williams Mary 2 GA pg0015a.txt 52a 9 Williams Matthew 14 . pg0042b.txt 52a 14 Williams Moses 5 . pg0042b.txt 29a 16 Williams Rebecca 11 GA pg0015a.txt 52a 8 Williams Sarah 33 . pg0042b.txt 29a 13 Williams Sophia 36 GA pg0015a.txt 30b 5 Williams Sophia 21 GA pg0029b.txt 52a 15 Williams Sophia 1 . pg0042b.txt 29a 17 Williams Sydney ? 9 GA pg0015a.txt 29a 12 Williams Thomas 33 GA pg0015a.txt 29a 21 Williams Washington 3/12 GA pg0015a.txt 29a 14 Williams William 14 GA pg0015a.txt 26a 25 Willis Alford 14 . pg0015a.txt 24b 2 Willis Edward 30 FL pg0015a.txt 25b 24 Willis Edwin 14 . pg0015a.txt 26a 24 Willis Elisabeth 46 . pg0015a.txt 1a 6 Willis Ephraim 14 . pg0001a.txt 1a 4 Willis Harmon 43 GA pg0001a.txt 1a 9 Willis Harmon 2 . pg0001a.txt 26a 23 Willis Jackson 16 . pg0015a.txt 1a 7 Willis Reuben 12 . pg0001a.txt 1a 5 Willis Sarah 35 . pg0001a.txt 1a 8 Willis Seaborn 7 . pg0001a.txt 26a 26 Willis Washington 12 . pg0015a.txt 26a 42 Willis William E. 18 SC pg0015a.txt 4a 13 Willougby Lunnil ?? 34 NC pg0001a.txt 4a 14 Willougby Nancy 54 . pg0001a.txt 43a 37 Wilson Adam 6 . pg0042b.txt 14a 23 Wilson Adiline 18 . pg0001a.txt 3b 5 Wilson Alderman 28 . pg0001a.txt 8a 22 Wilson Alderman 14 GA pg0001a.txt 3a 31 Wilson Alexander 4 . pg0001a.txt 3a 32 Wilson Alfird 2 . pg0001a.txt 11b 2 Wilson Allen 37 . pg0001a.txt 11b 8 Wilson Allen 1 . pg0001a.txt 27b 18 Wilson Ann 40 NC pg0015a.txt 8a 21 Wilson Catharine 39 . pg0001a.txt 8a 23 Wilson Catharine 9 . pg0001a.txt 44b 12 Wilson Charity 65 SC pg0042b.txt 8a 24 Wilson Daniel 8 . pg0001a.txt 43a 36 Wilson Elisa 8 . pg0042b.txt 12b 30 Wilson Elisabeth 23 GA pg0001a.txt 27b 19 Wilson Elisabeth 11 AL pg0015a.txt 14a 24 Wilson Frances 10/12 . pg0001a.txt 11b 5 Wilson Francis 16 . pg0001a.txt 11b 7 Wilson Gabriel 26 . pg0001a.txt 3b 9 Wilson Henry 2 . pg0001a.txt 3b 6 Wilson Irma ? 32 . pg0001a.txt 43a 34 Wilson Isaac 10 . pg0042b.txt 3a 30 Wilson Isaiah 6 . pg0001a.txt 14a 22 Wilson James 27 . pg0001a.txt 27b 21 Wilson James 2 GA pg0015a.txt 3a 27 Wilson James 14 . pg0001a.txt 43a 30 Wilson James 45 SC pg0042b.txt 27b 17 Wilson James C. 55 GA pg0015a.txt 3a 28 Wilson Janet? 13 . pg0001a.txt 43a 35 Wilson Janus 8 . pg0042b.txt 11b 4 Wilson John 20 . pg0001a.txt 12b 29 Wilson John 30 L pg0001a.txt 43a 33 Wilson John 12 GA pg0042b.txt 11b 3 Wilson Margaret 21 . pg0001a.txt 43a 38 Wilson Martha 3 . pg0042b.txt 3a 26 Wilson Mary 39 GA pg0001a.txt 43a 32 Wilson Mary 13 . pg0042b.txt 43a 31 Wilson Micella 35 . pg0042b.txt 43a 39 Wilson Pinkney 7/12 . pg0042b.txt 12b 32 Wilson Redden 4 . pg0001a.txt 3b 8 Wilson Reuben 4 . pg0001a.txt 8a 20 Wilson Reuben 39 NC pg0001a.txt 12b 31 Wilson Rose 7 . pg0001a.txt 12b 33 Wilson Sarah 2 . pg0001a.txt 11b 6 Wilson Susan 18 . pg0001a.txt 3a 29 Wilson Tericy 10 . pg0001a.txt 27b 20 Wilson Thomas 5 FL pg0015a.txt 3b 7 Wilson Thomas 6 . pg0001a.txt 3a 25 Wilson William 33 NC pg0001a.txt 31b 19 Wind Cornelia 1 GA pg0029b.txt 31b 17 Wind John 31 England pg0029b.txt 31b 18 Wind Sylvanie 19 GA pg0029b.txt 23a 14 Winn Elisabeth 36 GA pg0015a.txt 23a 18 Winn Frances 4 . pg0015a.txt 23a 16 Winn Harriet 9 . pg0015a.txt 23a 15 Winn James 10 . pg0015a.txt 23a 19 Winn Mary 3 . pg0015a.txt 23a 17 Winn Richard 8 . pg0015a.txt 23a 13 Winn Thomas B. 38 SC pg0015a.txt 46a 4 Wolf Adeline ? 36 SC pg0042b.txt 46a 3 Wolf David 42 . pg0042b.txt 46a 10 Wolf Franklin 4 . pg0042b.txt 46a 12 Wolf Harriet 1 . pg0042b.txt 46a 8 Wolf Howell 5 . pg0042b.txt 46a 6 Wolf Maximilla 12 . pg0042b.txt 46a 11 Wolf Milledge 2 . pg0042b.txt 46a 9 Wolf Patience ? 8 . pg0042b.txt 46a 5 Wolf Ratina ? 13 FL pg0042b.txt 46a 7 Wolf Stephen 10 . pg0042b.txt 21a 27 Wood Alexander 14 . pg0015a.txt 21a 26 Wood Amelia 56 . pg0015a.txt 1b 35 Wood Calvin 16 GA pg0001a.txt 21a 25 Wood Joseph 58 NC pg0015a.txt 33b 26 Wood Julia 17 CT pg0029b.txt 21a 28 Wood Singletary 12 . pg0015a.txt 45a 39 Woods Alley 47 . pg0042b.txt 45a 38 Woods William 45 SC pg0042b.txt 20a 31 Woodward Joshua 65 . pg0015a.txt 36a 16 Woody Margaret 15 . pg0029b.txt 25a 23 Woolfolk ? Adaline 2 GA pg0015a.txt 25a 22 Woolfolk ? Bettiania 23 NC pg0015a.txt 25a 21 Woolfolk ? Jordan 42 KY pg0015a.txt 46b 36 Wooten Dorcas 28 . pg0042b.txt 27b 31 Wooten James 1 GA pg0015a.txt 46b 35 Wooten James J. 28 . pg0042b.txt 46b 38 Wooten Jane 1 . pg0042b.txt 27b 30 Wooten Joel 3 GA pg0015a.txt 27b 24 Wooten Joel B. 33 GA pg0015a.txt 27b 26 Wooten John 8 GA pg0015a.txt 46b 37 Wooten John 3 . pg0042b.txt 27b 27 Wooten Martha 7 GA pg0015a.txt 27b 25 Wooten Mary 26 GA pg0015a.txt 27b 28 Wooten Mary 6 . pg0015a.txt 50a 28 Wooten Redden 21 . pg0042b.txt 27b 29 Wooten Reddin 4 GA pg0015a.txt 30b 34 Worthington Benjamin 21 GA pg0029b.txt 30b 33 Worthington Catharine 43 SC pg0029b.txt 36a 36 Wyche Alice 9 . pg0029b.txt 33b 20 Wyche Ann 7 . pg0029b.txt 36a 35 Wyche Caroline 14 . pg0029b.txt 36a 33 Wyche Catharine 41 . pg0029b.txt 33b 17 Wyche Elisabeth 45 . pg0029b.txt 36a 34 Wyche Elisabeth 18 . pg0029b.txt 33b 18 Wyche Emily 14 . pg0029b.txt 33b 16 Wyche Henry 38 . pg0029b.txt 33b 22 Wyche Littleton 24 . pg0029b.txt 36a 40 Wyche Lusanna 69 . pg0029b.txt 33b 23 Wyche Mary 20 . pg0029b.txt 33b 21 Wyche Thomas 3 . pg0029b.txt 36a 32 Wyche Thomas C. 49 . pg0029b.txt 33b 19 Wyche William 11 . pg0029b.txt 31a 32 Wyms John S. 23 SC pg0029b.txt 15b 20 Wynn Bartley 57 GA pg0015a.txt 15b 22 Wynn Corinva ? 25 FL pg0015a.txt 15b 21 Wynn Gatsy 17 . pg0015a.txt 15b 23 Wynn George 19 . pg0015a.txt 15b 27 Wynn Georgia 4 . pg0015a.txt 15b 26 Wynn Louisa 9 . pg0015a.txt 15b 24 Wynn Mary 15 . pg0015a.txt 15b 25 Wynn Priscilla 12 . pg0015a.txt 50b 4 Yates Arnold 17 . pg0042b.txt 50b 3 Yates Cynthia 42 . pg0042b.txt 48b 7 Yates Elisabeth 53 . pg0042b.txt 48b 16 Yates Elisabeth 5 . pg0042b.txt 50b 9 Yates Harriet 20 . pg0042b.txt 48b 14 Yates James 10 . pg0042b.txt 50b 6 Yates James 13 . pg0042b.txt 50b 8 Yates Jonah 24 . pg0042b.txt 50b 2 Yates Joseph 45 . pg0042b.txt 50b 10 Yates Martha 6/12 . pg0042b.txt 48b 12 Yates Mary 14 . pg0042b.txt 48b 11 Yates Morgan 15 . pg0042b.txt 48b 9 Yates Owen ? 19 . pg0042b.txt 48b 10 Yates Serina ? Levina ? 17 . pg0042b.txt 48b 15 Yates Stephen 8 . pg0042b.txt 50b 7 Yates Tabitha 11 . pg0042b.txt 50b 5 Yates Wiley 15 . pg0042b.txt 48b 6 Yates William 52 . pg0042b.txt 48b 13 Yates William 12 . pg0042b.txt 48b 8 Yates Willis 24 . pg0042b.txt 1a 19 Youmans Ashford 16 . pg0001a.txt 1a 18 Youmans Elisabeth 18 . pg0001a.txt 1a 17 Youmans Hansford 20 GA pg0001a.txt 1a 15 Youmans Harris 40 GA pg0001a.txt 1a 21 Youmans James 12 . pg0001a.txt 1a 22 Youmans John 9 . pg0001a.txt 1a 25 Youmans Lucy 11 . pg0001a.txt 1a 26 Youmans Martha 1 . pg0001a.txt 1a 16 Youmans Mary 40 GA pg0001a.txt 1a 24 Youmans Mary 4 . pg0001a.txt 1a 20 Youmans Redden 13 GA pg0001a.txt 1a 23 Youmans William 5 . pg0001a.txt 28a 27 Young Chesley 31 Ga pg0015a.txt 28a 30 Young David 8/12 GA pg0015a.txt 28a 28 Young Dorcas 25 GA pg0015a.txt 28a 34 Young E. M. 26 GA pg0015a.txt 53a 18 Young Elijah 50 GA pg0042b.txt 23b 15 Young Emanuel J. 34 . pg0015a.txt 28a 36 Young Frances 4 GA pg0015a.txt 23a 3 Young Henry 6/12 . pg0015a.txt 32a 11 Young James 11/12 GA pg0029b.txt 32a 8 Young James E. 29 GA pg0029b.txt 22b 36 Young Janie 19 . pg0015a.txt 22b 38 Young John 16 . pg0015a.txt 32a 9 Young Lavinia ? 25 GA pg0029b.txt 22b 42 Young Mary 22 . pg0015a.txt 23b 16 Young Mary 30 . pg0015a.txt 22b 34 Young Michael 53 . pg0015a.txt 22b 40 Young Michael 11 . pg0015a.txt 28a 29 Young Owen 3 Ga pg0015a.txt 22b 41 Young Remur 24 . pg0015a.txt 22b 35 Young Sarah 50 . pg0015a.txt 22b 39 Young Sarah 13 . pg0015a.txt 32a 10 Young Sarah 6 GA pg0029b.txt 23a 2 Young Susan 1 . pg0015a.txt 28a 35 Young Tabitha 28 GA pg0015a.txt 22b 37 Young Thomas 17 . pg0015a.txt 23a 1 Young Thomas 3 . pg0015a.txt 7a 28 Zay Anthony 18 . pg0001a.txt 7a 27 Zay Catharine 38 . pg0001a.txt 7a 29 Zay Fronica 13 . pg0001a.txt 7a 26 Zay Joseph 50 Switzerland pg0001a.txt 7a 30 Zay Louisa 9 . pg0001a.txt