Thomas-Grady County GaArchives Military Records.....Miller, Mason Covington November 3 1879 Civilwar - Pension Co. E, 10th Battn. Ga. Inf. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dennis B. Miller September 28, 2004, 9:31 pm Confederate Pension Application State of Georgia Thomas County Personally came James B. Miller, William A. Miller and Joseph H. Miller who being duly sworn, depose and say they are aquainted with Mason C. Miller and know that he lost a leg in the military service during the late war; that said leg was amputated below the knee; that he is a bona fide citizen of this State, and we are well satisfied that the facts stated by him in the above affidavit are true. James B. Miller William A. Miler Joseph H. Miller Sworn to and subscribed before me this the third day of November 1879. Jos. S. Merrill, Ordinary. State of Georgia Thomas County I, Joseph S. Merrill, Ordinary of Thomas County, do certify that I am well aquainted with Mason C. Miller, an applicant for an artificial leg, and am well satisfied that the facts stated by him in the foregoing affidavit are true, and that I am well aquainted with James B. Miller, William A. Miller and Joseph H. Miller the citizens who make their affidavit, that they are respectable citizens of this county, and that the facts stated by them are true. Given under my hand and official seal, this the third day of November 1879. Jos. S. Merrill, Ordinary. State of Georgia Thomas County Personally appeared before me Mason C. Miller of the county of Thomas, State of Georgia, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he was on the 20th day of September, 1879, a bona fide resident of this State; that he enlisted in the militar service of the Confederate States, or of this State, as a Private Soldier in Company E, 10th Battalion of Georgia Volunteers, that while engaged in such military service, to wit: at the battle or engagement of Reams Station in the State of Virginia on the twenty-third day of June in the year 1864, he was wounded in the right foot and that the same was amputated five inches above the ankle joint; that he has not received the payment allowed him for such limb under an Act entitled an Act to carry into effect the last clause of Paragraph 1, Section 1, Article 7 of the Constitution of 1877, approved September 20th, 1879; that he has supplied himself with an artificial leg; he prefers to supply himself with an artificial leg. Mason C. Miller Sworn to and subscribed before me this the third day of November, 1879. Jos. S. Merrill, Ordinary. Additional Comments: Mason Covington Miller had previously served in Capt. Jos. L. Dunham's Company of the Milton Light Artillery of Florida from March 10 through May 14, 1862. He enlisted Aug. 1, 1862, at Macon into Co.E, "Granberry Guards," 10th Ga. Inf. Battn. and fought in engagements at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, North Anna, Cold Harbor, Jerusalem Plank Road and on the Weldon Railroad where he received his wound. He received his pension as a resident of Cairo, Ga., until his death in 1903. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb