Thomas County GaArchives Photo document.....Wyche, Elizabeth & Bryan, David? Lewis? Marriage License 1827 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Geneva Cunningham February 26, 2004, 12:07 pm Source: Geneva Cunningham Photo can be seen at: Image file size: 111.3 Kb Georgia } To any Judge Justice of the Inferior Court Thomas County} Justice of the Peace or minister of the Gospel Greeting These are to authorise you to join David? Lewis? Bryan and Elizabeth Wyche in the Holy and sacred estate of matrimony and this will be your sufficient license for so doing given under my hand at office this 4th September 1826 Neill M. Rinnon CCD Entered this } November the } 17th 1826 } Georgia Thomas County } I do certify that the } within named persons } were duly solemnized by } me this 31st January } 1826 7 [the number 7 circled by the 6] } Elias McElvin J. P. Book B This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb