Thomas County GaArchives Wills.....James Watt 1922 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Winnette Stinson June 2, 2003, 11:43 pm Written: 1922 Recorded: June 5 1922 Thomasville Times June 5, 1922 Will of Late James Watt Probated The will of the late James Watt was proboated in solemn form this morning before Ordinary Willliam M. Jones. The will bequeaths a stipulated sum each month to Mrs. Watt, together with the home on Hansell street. Legacies of then thousand dollars each are given to each of the children. The following annual sums are donated to institutions; City Hospital $50, Y. M. C. A. $50; General Benevolent Society $50; Thornwell Orphanage $60; Na- coochee Institue $60; Colored Folks Home $50. The executors are his four sons, Messrs W. A., Hansell, John and Charles H. Watt, and the estate is to be kept in tact as lonas practicable and the interest therefrom, divided among the six children and Mrs. Watt. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.3 Kb